You can work and play with a cheap laptop for only 30,000 yen! Use the third-wave motivation work "VF-AD4"

3万円のノートパソコン「THIRDWAVE VF-AD4」(税別29,980円)でどんなことができるのか、いろいろ試してみた

 The more money you spend, the higher your computer.But nobody can spend money like hot water.Generally, considering how to use it and the minimum necessary performance, it will pursue "as cheap and as high as possible".In short, I want to choose "high cost performance".

 In that sense, a laptop called "ThirdWave VF-AD4", whose third wave, known for Dospara and Galleria, is a brand, is a bit interesting.

 The low price of less than 30,000 yen, less than 29,980 yen excluding tax, may have been a product of the level that was handled as "web browsing only".However, the contents of VF-AD4 are apparently different.If you use it carefully, it will make you think, "It's not just a cheap laptop."

 What is the original VF-AD4 "not just cheap"?I would like to see everyone the cost performance of the threat that can be seen in various ways.For the time being, I would be grateful if you could read while preparing to press the purchase button at any time while holding about 30,000 yen, if possible.

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