Just holding a phone will be killed-for refugees and migrants, the actual situation in the lawless country of Libya | event News | M é decins Sans Fronti è res


Located in Libya across the Mediterranean Sea. Many people who tried to cross the dangerous sea and leave the European Union from here were captured by the Coast Guard and sent to reception facilities accused of abuse. It is often said that Libya is not a safe country. Is the actual situation known? Bianca Benvenuti, senior administrator of doctors without Borders (MSF), reported on the current situation of refugees and migrants.

携帯電話を持っているだけで殺されることも──難民・移民にとって無法国家リビアの実態とは | 活動ニュース | 国境なき医師団

At Christmas last December, doctors without Borders (MSF) received a call. Doctors at a university hospital in the capital Tripoli refused to treat a woman. Because women don't have a residence permit. The MSF medical team took her to the clinic and immediately took her to the intensive care unit. The condition is so serious that dialysis is needed, but MSF has no equipment and can not find treatment in other hospitals. A few days later, she died. I don't know where the name came from. I contacted my family and failed to deliver the obituary. Many refugees and migrants in Libya have no rights. You can't want a normal life. Even if he is targeted by a criminal, he may be arrested and cannot turn to the police for help. Even if the employer does not pay the wages, there is nothing he can do about it. He was arrested on his way home from work because he was so tired that he might be taken to a detention facility.

Refugees and immigrants targeted by criminals

In order to send money to his family, 17-year-old Hassan moved to Libya. His restless eyes, as if hidden, fell to his feet. "I've been moving around Africa, but I've never seen blacks treated in the same way as whites. We ate on the floor, slept there, and the toilet was in the same room. It's too much. Hassan said that even if he does cruel manual work, he is often not paid. The place where you live should not be taken lightly. Robbers will come at night, so put on your clothes and go to bed. For people like him, Libya is a lawless zone.

I have heard similar stories many times in areas with more refugees and migrants in Tripoli. Criminal organizations and militias are systematically targeting these areas. Even if there is nothing stolen, as long as you hold the phone, you are often killed. "everyone is scared," said Mr. Osman, a boy with a great smile. He escaped Somalia under the civil war and aimed at a safer Europe. But on the night of trying to board the unreliable boat, the police rushed into the base of the smuggled merchants. The chased Mr. Osman fell from the second floor of the building. From then on, he could not walk. He was locked up in a small dark room, like a cave, in a deserted house. "as soon as the robber came, everyone ran away. But I can only put on a blanket so that they can't find it. "many people, like them, are determined to travel from Libya to Europe across the Mediterranean. But more than 10, 5000 people were captured by the Libyan Coast Guard and forcibly repatriated between 2020 and 2021. These people were later detained in detention centres.

"I want my mother to know that I'm alive."

We visited the reception center in Tripoli. The only light coming in here is from the high windows near the ceiling. The window is almost broken, not to mention proper ventilation, it only helps the air conditioner and rain to blow in. The MSF medical team distributes high-calorie peanut butter to malnourished children. They are distributed to adults because it is obvious that they do not eat enough food. With regard to severe malnutrition in these facilities, cases of MSF have been reported before. In the reception center, people squatted down in a long line. To live for about 150 people, that small space must be very narrow. As he looked at them curled down on his back, he remembered that a man had said, "it is an influential act to watch and get in touch with immigrants closely." Because it restores humanity. At this time, I felt the correctness of that sentence. Many people who heard the story lost all hope. There is no solution, there is no choice, it feels like a blockage in all directions. Cannot return home, continue to be unbearably treated in reception centres, and cannot stay in Libya. Even if you try to leave the European Union, you will be caught. It's a day to see the survivors of the shipwreck. The man who lost his brother in the accident asked me to do this. "Please convince the doorman to let me call my mother. Mom will think I'm dead, too, so I want to let you know I'm still alive. "

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