Jobs of young days who repeated failures -Steve Jobs's growth story -setback edition (1)

Ten years have passed since Steve Jobs died.When, where, how did he grow into the strongest manager in history?His public and private growth eventually changed not only in the music industry and the entertainment industry but also in human life.From today, I will explore the secrets in intensive serialization from today from today.

■ Jobs of young days after repeated failures

 Jobs in school was strongly attracted to the liberation, awakening or enlightenment of the spirit.So, when I started a business, he left Apple and Fukui Prefecture was seriously wondering if he would become a monk of Eiheiji Temple.

"I didn't want to be a businessman," he recalls."I just thought I didn't want to be like that." [1]

 In the end, Jobs told Hirofumi Chino, who loved him, but his teacher told me in English with a Japanese accent.Everything is training, business and zazen are the same training.At this time, his path was decided.

 Travel is rewarding.Uniquely dedicated.Like an American, Zen became his work philosophy.Then, as the Zen monk sits down, he struggles to realize the computer revolution.

 Six years later ------.

 Young Jobs, who expanded his single magazine at a vast home, on the outskirts of Paltalt, was a good face.A separate volume "Latest Jobs Book".In the middle of his twenties, he became an entrepreneur who was handled so far in prestigious time magazines.But by the end of reading, his body was trembling and blushing.

 Wozniac, who created Apple I and Apple II, is a true genius, and Jobs is just a businessman who uses his friend's standpoint and made goods.That was the evaluation of the time magazine.

"Steve doesn't do the circuit creation, design, or coding at all. He can't say he's really involved in a computer." [2]

 Wozniac's words, who answered the interview, pierced his heart.

 The ugliness was also accompanied.Jobs suffered from being abandoned by his real parents.Nevertheless, he does not even recognize his daughter born with a girlfriend from high school, Crisan.Everyone in the company is worried ...

 Kotoki, a best friend from school days, misunderstood it as a well -known fact, and told reporters the secret of Jobs.

 Other Apple employees were also harsh."I don't know much about technology."

 In the media read by one hundred millions, he first learned about his self -portrait.It was a frivolous businessman itself that I thought, I thought I didn't want to be like that.

 He spent a long time on the West Coast of the United States in the 70's, longing for Dylan and the Beatles' creative activities, and when he founded Apple, he often played guitars and singed on the back of the garage.

 Jibun's destiny is not music.Instead, he was fortunate to be present at the time of the development of computers, the largest invention of mankind.I want to create something comparable to music in this world.I have been struggling with that desire.

 For him, there was no insult that pierced the core than a caricature, "Salesman with a good mouth."He even shed tears.

 You have no choice but to complete your own work and prove it.The Macintosh, which is currently working, is finished his best work and exceeds Wozniac AppleⅡ.I swore so.

 The fighting spirit may have distorted him.

 In high school, he became a big fan of Bob Dylan due to the influence of Wosniac, a college student.They hacked the telephone company AT & T, created and sold a tool to make a mischievous call to key figures around the world, and lived with her, Christian, while high school.He started a business with Wozniac.

 But now, he has no choice but to fierce his buddy Wozniac.

 When he dropped out of college, Jobs rolled into Kotoke's house with Crisan.He read dozens of books in the spiritual world with dozens of books, and set up zazen in the attic.He went to India together and both were enthusiastic about the Autobiography of a certain yogi.But she never spoke with him again.

 Two years later ----.

 There has never been a general meeting of shareholders that began with poetry reading, and it will not be in the future.On January 24, 1984, the young Jobs, who describes Dylan's "The Age Change" at the beginning of the opening, the serious securities analysts turned their eyes black and white, and the reporters who got used to him.I sent a sneak laugh.

"The current loser changes to the winner"?Since the listing, Apple has been losing.They thought so.Seeing the great success of the co -founder Wozniac's masterpiece Apple II, IBM quickly entered the PC business and overtook Apple's sales in just two years.

 It was as quick as a giant.

 IBM, who avoided innovation dilemma, completed the IBM PC with a small team, and the software uses outsourcing.With the adoption of MS-DOS from Microsoft, which was a small venture, it has been pursued in just a few months.

 The pioneers Apple repeatedly lost their own points.

 The successor of the big hit Apple II, Apple II, should have been successful.However, since the management decided the specifications led by marketing, everything became chiggle and almost lost compatibility with Apple II.The software developer's apple has begun.

 Moreover, Jobs's compact and beautiful design and fanless silence were too much, and the overheated substrate in the cramped housing caused a problem. [6]Immediately after borrowing the Disneyland of Los Angeles and unveiling it grandly, it exposes the ugliness of returning all stores due to poor soldering.

 Lisa Lisa, which was launched, should have been a revolutionary product with the first GUI in personal computer history.

 However, Jobs's dictatorship was fond of the development team and expelled him.In recoil, the engineer decides the specifications by democracy.When all the ideals of engineers were packed, the price was $ 10,000, and the Japanese yen at the time was more than 200,000 yen.

 They tried to sell expensive LISAs in the business market, but they were out of order.The company was happy to buy a cheap IBM PC.The blunder also implied that Apple had had a major corporate disease as early as possible.A revolutionary personal computer, named Lisa, born with Chris An, was a major failure.It's as if the punishment that did not stubbornly recognize the baby Lisa has fallen ...

 Jobs was expelled by the Lisa Team, but took over the Macintosh team led by Jeff Ruskin.With Wosniac hospitalized in an airplane accident, he forcibly robbed his talented engineer from his Apple II division.

"Become a pirate more than entering the Navy"

 He distributed the T -shirts that wrote so, and led a hundred teams that collected only A classes from the headquarters building.Later, Professor Christensen of Innovation's Dirmma is the range.

 That is the only thing that can cure the major corporate disease with Apple, otherwise the company will eventually collapse.Jobs thought so.

失敗を繰り返した若き日のジョブズ 〜スティーブ・ジョブズの成長物語〜挫折篇(1)

 It was actually so.If the MAC fails due to the failure of Apple II, nothing will remain in the company.I was about to come there.The scheduled release date for two years, and the development costs were expanding 25 times as much as the estimate.

 Jobs in his mid -twenties is not just good at the talent to gain talent.He burned them, which was extremely good and unreasonable, with the most exciting vision.With a passionate persuasion, I gave a sense of mission in the trivial role of each and every one of them.

 As someone overcome the difficulties, Jobs immediately cut the check and handed the special bonus and shake hands.When the team reached Mile Stone, he opened champagne and celebrated it.Once every three months, he brought the entire team to the Hawaiian training camp and raised morale.

 The office had game consoles, ping -pong platforms, freshly squeezed orange juice and carrot juice, and the finest audio.At that time, the CD was just born, but Sony created the world's first CD player and a hundred CD albums released as the first team.

 I want you to have the best job in your life.

 To do so, we will provide the best workplace.Young Jobs thought so and did it.A playful office full of playfulness.It is said that this workplace style of Silicon Valley, which later followed Google, was a tradition that Jobs started.

 Jobs showed an unrivaled kindness to the sick, but at this time he paid all from a small cold medicine to the cost of surgery and hospitalization.

 Contrary to his fun exterior, it was a black workplace that competed for long working hours.The young captain continued to inspire the exhausted pirates.

 The fun and suffering will be over.But there is happiness that never disappears.It is a pride that can only be tasted by those who hit all of the soul and achieved something.He believed and led his subordinates and reached the promised land. [8]

 Jobs on the stage was absolutely confident in the work he will be showing.

 After reading Dylan's poem, he talked about the history of the computer industry.He was created by IBM during the huge main frame computer era, which fills his research facilities.However, when a refrigerator -sized mini computer appeared, IBM neglected it, and DEC took the throne.

 With the appearance of Apple I, the size of the computer can be placed on the desk, and it has become a computer era to a computer.At that time, IBM laughed with his nose, saying, "I only use these toys and enthusiasts."However, with the success of AppleⅡ, he changed his eyes and pursued it.

 It is always the world that imitators continue after the pioneer.

 Their strategy is decided.He pretends to be a little new in imitation, brings into price competition and deprives the pioneering interests.As a result, imitation products are overflowing in the world, and the spirit of mankind will retreat.

 This is because the imitation has a bad spirit.

 That was Jobs's feeling, for him, that was the IBM PC, and for him later, Windows and Android.When the imitator catches up, there is only one thing that the pioneer should do.

 Every time you look at the essential creation again, you ask the world.

 Jobs on the stage said on a screen with a shocking CM, a shocking CM that would cause a shock to the United States on the screen.The products we are showing from now on is a breakthrough that removes the boundaries between computers and individuals.

"Let's show you directly."

 I put out the integrated mackintosh with one hand from the carry case and put it on the desk so that the rabbit was removed from the silk hat.The era of all humanity has a computer.It is a production that expresses the determination.

 When the floppy is thrown into the MAC mouth, Vangelis's "Flame Runner" flows to the venue.When the letters "Macintosh" slowly crossed the screen on the music, all the cynical critics who fill the venue turned into enthusiastic followers.

 The world's first beautiful font display.It was the moment when technology and art intersected.In the front row of the standing ovination that has been going on for a long time, there were a hundreds of development staff who were so impressed.

Jobs, who encouraged him to say, "Let's work for 90 hours a week!"I survived countless difficulties with ingenuity and ingenuity.And Apple changed the world again.

 Jobs, looking at the staff in the front row from the stage, was crying in his eyes.(Continue)

■ This article is an article in which the sequel to Yahoo! News is edited for the sequel to the "music brought in the future (published by DU BOOKS)".

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[1] Michael Mauritz's "The Kingdom of Steve Jobs" (2010) President Chapter 10 P.207

[2] Jeffel Young's "Man who created Steve Jobs Personal Computers (lower)" (1989) JICC Chapter 14.75

[3] SoftPedia News, by Filip Truta "Wozniak Breaks The Silence, Says Jobs Movie Was" Largery a Lie About Me "" JAN 21, 2014

https: //

[4] Jeffrey S.Young (1987) Steve Jobs: The Journey Is the Reward, Scott Foresman, Chap.16

[5] Steve Wozniac "Monster that created Apple" (2008) Diamond Chapter 15.324

[6] "Steve Jobs Idola Resurrection" by Jeffele Young (2005) Toyo Keizai Chapter 2 P.90

[7] Jay Elliot, William NO.Simon (2011) The Steve Jobs Way, Vanguard Pres, Chap.2 p.51

[8] Adam Lashinsky "Inside" Apple: How America's Most-And Secretive-- Company Realy Works "(2012), Business Plus, Chap.2 p.47

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