Young Kerler, Itoman City is more than twice as much as one in seven people

ヤングケアラー、糸満市は7人に1人 全国の2倍超

Itoman City Hall

 [Itoman] Itoman City Board of Education and Professor Kenji Meijo of Okinawa University conducted a survey of the first unique Young Kerler in the prefecture for children and students.As a result of investigating fifth and sixth graders in the city and junior high school students, there were 14.3 % of children and students who answered that "there are people who take care of them in the family" in a simple tally, and 1 in seven.It turned out by the 17th that it would be equivalent to a person.According to last year's survey of the country, 5.7 % of junior high school students (1 in 17) and 4.1 % of high school students (1 in 24) are much higher than this.At the general question of the city council regular meeting on the 16th and 17th, the City Board of Education answered Tetsuro Tamaki and Yasuhiko Aragaki.Professor Meijo said in an interview with the newspaper, "It was within the scope of (more than in the whole country)."On the other hand, 57.9 % of the respondents said they were taking care of siblings, pointing out that some children could help at home as Young Kerlers."I don't know if it applies to Young Kerlers," said 17.3 %.In the future, we will analyze it with other questions, such as the time per day and who you are taking care of, and summarize the final results within the year.The city receives the final result and discusses with the department in charge.The survey was conducted using a tablet at 16 All Elementary and Junior High Schools in the city.Using the illustration, the teachers explained the Young Keller and answered.The subject is 3497, and the response rate is 90.4 %.The most common family (multiple answers) that children and students took care of was 57.9 % of siblings.Next, his mother was 34.3 %, grandparents 25.5 %, and 23.0 % of his father.The prefecture conducted a similar survey for teachers from each municipality.Yaase -cho confirmed six elementary school students and one junior high school student, which are considered to be Young Kerler.(Riko Higa, Tetsu Teruya)

Ryukyu Shinposha


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