To 4.5%of Softbank G and German Telecom."Roman and abacus" seen in the Arm Nvidia Strategy

This is KNN Paul Kanda.

The "Arm Nvidia Strategy", which will become a major shareholder of the acquisition, is coming up again.

Softbank G's strange thing was the "Arm Nbidia Strategy".

Not only the tax alchemy scheme, but also the sale of the arm as a business sale, it has been held up to Nvidia's initiative.






There is a shareholder dividend of 2.3 trillion yen from the arm bought for 3.1 trillion yen, sold for 4.2 trillion yen, and its value is 4.5 trillion yen.

Even with simple calculation ...

2.3 trillion yen + 4.5 trillion yen -3.1 trillion yen = 3.7 trillion yen

The arithmetic calculation is established.

Moreover, Nbidia and arms are in their hands, and 3.7 trillion yen of fluid assets are in their hands.

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