


"I don't try to make a friend too much"

Director Rotina led Shimizu until Section 34.What did you talk about in your home country Spanish media?(C) Soccer Digest

 Director Rotina, who left four games last month on the 4th and released a contract with Shimizu S -Pulse with both agreements, talked about Japan in an interview with his home -country Spanish media, DEIA. [Video] "Kick accuracy Tamaran" Nishizawa's high -shaped control shot, which led Shimizu to residue, was appointed as J2's Tokyo Verdi director in 2017, and two seasons in Tokyo V and 2 seasons in Cerezo Osaka. Conduct. He was led by C Osaka to fourth place last season, leading Shimizu this season, but was unable to take root in his beliefs and was forced to fight for residuals. Cyprus, Qatar, and Rotina, who spent a total of eight years in Japan, said, "Especially Japan has changed me significantly." "It is very difficult to be accepted in Japan. Japan is a very closed country, because it is traditional, and there are few foreigners. There are only a few tourists, so unemployment. The 64 -year -old commander says, "The mentality as a director is very different from Spain, so it is quite difficult for European clubs to sign with Japanese directors." "First of all, there is a language problem. And I don't try to make a friend very much and my family is different. I don't hug or express my affection," and was surprised. "I also mention. "Safety is incredible. Even if you forget your mobile phone on the table, you will be able to find it in the same place the next day." For Rotina, an experienced Rotina, the distant island culture that has spent five years is different. It seems to have been. Configuration ● Soccer digest Web editorial department


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