I can't write the letters well ... The identity of "hand homogeneous", which has nothing to do with my will [Explanation by a specialist]



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"Because I'm old," "Because mental is weak." ... Even though the symptoms of the hand are appearing, there are many people who are patient without going to the hospital.Says.In this article, I will explain the identity and treatment of such a "hand of hand".


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Hands can only be handed out when the operation! The identity of the symptoms is ...

There are two main causes of the skepticism from Parkinson's disease, "Honzasi Shinsensen). One is a physiological phenomenon from tension. Many people may have experienced a sign when to announce something in front of a large number of people. Another is the trowel caused by some illness (disease). In this case, representative is Parkinson's disease and a proximity of the essence. Parkinson's disease has nothing to do, but you can see the symptoms of the sowing (resting during rest), but only when you write a character, hold a cup or chopsticks, or operate a smartphone. Hands shake, and there's no other way but to live. If you are in trouble with such symptoms, you may have a disease called "nature tremor". This disease is a long time without going to the hospital because of the misunderstanding that "because I'm old" or "because mental is weak", and even if you take medicine prescribed at the hospital, it is weak. It is characterized by many people who are suffering from the symptoms of the sifting as they are. "Negative" means "unknown cause". The disease is a disease that does not know the cause as a disease, but a trend occurs. If you apply one, be careful! Do you have any problems with the checklist of "Negative Transfer"? If you apply one, please consult a specialist teacher first. When signing, it is difficult to shake your hand and write your name. I can't touch my smartphone (mobile phone) and touch it well. When you have a coffee cup, your hands shake and you will spill. Even if I try to take something, I feel it is difficult to reach. If you have chopsticks to eat, you will shake it.


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