How did Putin explain the reasons for "Ukraine invasion" to the people? [1] 1 hour speech translation

Putin broadcasted a speech on television for about an hour on the night of February 21 to the Russians.It was not a live broadcast, but a video speech.

The self -proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" and "Lugansk People's Republic" were performed in the state.

This can be considered as "explanation of Ukrainian invasion for the Russian people."

I think it's a very important speech in history, so I put a whole translation here.It is very interesting to understand Putin's view of history, values, and the way of mind.

After all, Russia is a neighboring country in Japan.It is important to know what a dictator of a neighboring country, who is one of the most powerful, and has almost no expression in the world, is thinking and what he thinks.

The original sentence is a transcript of English published by the Kremlin official website.For a while, the text on the site was "to be content", and the transcript of the full text was not completed.I didn't know if it really would continue or for political reasons.

The full text was successfully posted, so I would like to translate it in several times here.Anyway long.There are about 46,400 words in English.

In Japan, the national leaders may not be able to speak because they do not have the opportunity to speak television to the people, but in general, I would like to tell you that one hour is long.

By the way, the "speech" of Japanese political broadcasting is 9 minutes once in the lower house election, and the Upper House and Governor are 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Regarding Putin's speech, France Public Broadcasting describes "three -quarters of the speech", and the Buddha's "Le Monde" paper describes "Le Monde".I think that the first Putin version of the history commentary is "???", even if you have studied a lot or history, so I think that you can read or skip that part.

(When I was watching a video of the simultaneous translator of French, I confess that I was going to sleep in the middle of the "Lecture of History").

Since it is the official English translation of the Russian government, if you can understand Russian, there may be places where the nuance is different from the actual Russian speech, deletion or change.If you are an expert, please contact us.

As an aside, I'm sorry, but I was in Japan in Japan, and in the Russian and Eastern European exchange circle at Waseda University, interacting with Russian students in Japan and as a student exchange team in Russian.I've been to it.There is Visotsky in his favorite singer.

The introduction has become longer, but please see.

[Postscript on February 25]

The translation has been released until "2" now, but there are voices saying "long" and "too complicated".After all translations are over, I'm thinking of writing a "digest version summary" that can be read in one time.I think it will be next week.

However, the feelings of the Russian people who heard this and how ...


Russian citizens and friends.

My story is about the event in Ukraine.And we will talk about why this is important for Russia.Of course, my message is to talk to our brothers in Ukraine.

This problem is very serious and needs to be discussed deeply.

Donbus has reached a crisis and serious stage.Today, I will talk to you directly to tell you not only to explain the status quo, but also about the determined matters and future steps.

I want to emphasize that Ukraine is not just a neighboring country for us.It is part of our own history, culture, and mental space, inseparable (INALIENABLE).These are ours and the most important people.Not only colleagues and friends, those who once worked together, but also those who were connected by relatives, blood relationships, and family bonds.

Since ancient times, people living in the southwestern part of the Russian area have been called Russians and have been called Christians of the Orthodox Church.This was the case before and after a part of the area returned to the Russian state in the 17th century.

Generally speaking, this fact seems to be known.These are common sense.Nevertheless, in order to understand what is going on today and explain the motivation behind Russia's actions and the purpose we want to achieve, we will mention at least some words about the history of this needed.

First of all, I will explain from the fact that modern Ukraine was all created by Russia, more accurately Bolchevik and Communist Russia.This process, in effect, began shortly after the 1917 revolution, and in a extremely harsh way for Russia, in which Lenin and his friends historically separate and disconnect Russian land.I did it.Nobody asked the millions of people living there what they thought.

Later, before and after the Great World War (World War II), Stalin was transferred to the Soviet Union, but some of the land used to belong to Poland, Romania and Hungary into Ukraine.did.In the process, Stalin gave Poland as a compensation, traditionally gave a part of German land, and in 1954, Freshov took Crimea from Russia for some reason and gave it to Ukraine.In fact, the territory of modern Ukraine was formed.

After the October 1917 revolution and following the civil war, Bolsheviki should remind you of the establishment of a new nation.In this regard, there was a fairly serious dissatisfaction between them.

In 1922, Stalin was also the chairman of the Russian Communist Party (Bolchebiki) and the Chairman of the People's Committee of the Ebility.He proposed to build a country based on the principle of autonomy.In other words, when participating in a unified nation, giving a wide range of authority to each Republic, which is the entity of future administration and territory.

Lenin criticized the plan and proposed concessions to a nationalist who had called "independents" at the time.

The idea of Lenin is essentially a federal agreement, at the maximum division, and a slogan on the national right to decide on their own country.Instead, they were located on the foundation of Soviet independent countries.

It was confirmed in the 1922 Soviet Union Declaration, and later, after Lenin's death, was engraved in the 1924 Soviet Constitution.

This immediately asks many questions.The first question is really main.Why did you need to soothe a nationalist (nationalist)?Did it need to satisfy the ambitions of ethnicists who are constantly growing in the surrounding area of the former empire?What was the meaning of transferring a vast territory that had nothing to do with them to the new and frequently formed administrative units, the Soviet Republic (The Union Republics)?Uh?

Again, these territories have been transferred to people who were historically Russia.

Moreover, these administrative units were effectively given the independent status and form of the National State.This raises another question.Why did you need to give a gift beyond the dream of the most enthusiastic ethnists?Above all, was it necessary to give the Republic the right to leave the unified nation unconditionally?

At first glance, it looks like you can't understand it at all.It looks even crazy.But at first glance.There is an explanation.After the revolution, Bolchebiki's main goal was to maintain power at all sacrifice, absolutely all sacrifice.They did everything for this purpose.Accepted the humiliated Brest Litofsk Treaty.The military and economic situation of the Imperial Germany and allies were dramatic, and the results of World War I was inevitable.He also satisfied the demands and hopes of domestic ethnists.


In terms of the historical fate of Russia and its people, the principle of developing Lenin's country was not just a mistake.As the proverb said, it was worse than a mistake.This was revealed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Of course, we can't change past events, but at least we have no doubt or political work, and we must openly recognize them.Personally, what political factors may be used or use as an independent country, no matter how impressive or useful at that time.There is no one.

I am not trying to take responsibility for anyone.At that time, the situation in this country before and after the civil war was extremely complicated.It was a crisis.All I want to say is that this was the case.That is a historic fact.

In fact, as I have already said, Soviet Ukraine is the result of Bolshevik's policy, and can be called "Ukrainin in Vladimir Lenin".He was the creator and architect (Creator and Architect).

This is fully and comprehensively by the document of the record storage station.It contains a rigorous instruction of Lenin about Donbus that was actually pushed into Ukraine.

And today, "GRATEFUL PROGENY" has defeated Ukraine's Lenin monument.They call it out of community.

Do you want non -communal?This is right, this is for us.But why stop on the way?We are ready to show what true non -communal means Ukraine.

To return to history, I would like to repeat the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922 after the former Russian Empire.However, it was immediately shown by the practice that it was impossible to maintain such a vast and complex territory in the principle (Amorphous Principles) that has a certain form of federal.。They were far from reality and historic traditions.

Red terrorism and Stalin's dictatorship (SLIDE), the rule of communist ideology, monopoly of the Communist Party's power, state -owned, and the monopoly of the planned economy, all of which were officially declared, but have no effect.It is logical to turn the government's principle into a mere declaration.

In fact, the Soviet Republic did not have the right to sovereignty, no at all.The substantial result was to create an absolute single country that was carefully centralized.

In fact, Stalin did it completely, not Lenin, but his own rule.However, he did not formally revise the principles of Lenin, the basis of the Soviet Union, without adding basic documents or constitutional corrections.Looking at it, it didn't seem necessary.This is because everything seems to be functioning well under the totalitarian system, and it looks great, attractive, and super democratic.

However, it is very unfortunate that the basic and official legal foundation of our country was not purified immediately from ugly (ODIOUS) utopia fantasy.It was inspired by the revolution, absolutely destructive for ordinary countries.As we used to be in our country before, no one thought about the future.

The Communist Party's leaders seemed to be convinced that they had created a solid rule and their policies had solved ethnic issues forever.However, it pays a high price for distortion, misunderstanding, and pollution in public opinion.The virus of the ethnicist (nationalist) is still with us.The mine placed in the early stages to destroy national immunity to nationalism diseases was ticking.As I have already said, land mines were the right to withdraw from the Soviet Union.

In the mid -1980s, the increase in social economic issues and the clear crisis of the planned economy worsened ethnic issues.This was not essentially based on the hopes of the Soviety and untouched dreams, but mainly based on the high desire of local elites.

However, the Communist Party Insurance Department analyzes the situation, takes appropriate measures, first considers the political system and the government in the economy, and gradually changes in a balanced way, but in his country.The only thing was the right to decide the right to decide on their own, the revival of the principle of Lenin was just openly waving their tongue.

Furthermore, in the process of power struggle within the Communist Party, each of the opposite factions unite, manipulate them, and manipulate them without thinking about ethnic emotions in order to expand the support base.For some supporters, they promised what they wanted.

Anyone in the background of the superficial and popular (populist) rhetoric, but in a wide range of deficiencies in the backdrop of the bright future based on the democracy, the market economy, and the planned economy.For the country, he was not thinking about an inevitable tragic ending.

Next, they fully embarked on the lines that were beaten during the Soviet Union, and greeted the ethnic elite's ambitions grown in the party's rank.

However, thank you for the fact that the Soviet Communist Party no longer has the means of retaining power and the country itself, the means of state terrorism or Stalin -like dictatorship, and the guidance of the infamous party.I forgot that the role role was disappearing in front of them without traces like a morning mist.

At the plenary session of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee in September 1989, a truly deadly document, so -called ethnic policy of the party in the so -called modern situation, and the Soviet Communist Party platform were approved.That included multiple clauses:"Each Republic of the Soviet Union shall have all rights worthy of the status of socialism sovereignty."

The next point is that the Soviet Union's highest power representative agencies can disagree and suspend the Soviet government resolutions and commands in their territory. "

Finally, "Each Republic of the Soviet Union shall have its own citizenship applied to all residents."

I guess it was clear what these formulas and decisions would lead to.

It is not time or place to work on national laws and constitution -related issues or define the concept of citizenship.But you may be wondering.Why did you need to upset the country in a complicated situation?The fact does not change.

Two years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fate was actually decided.Now, express and ethnicists, mainly, have become independent, mainly, but have become independent.As you can see, this is absolutely wrong.

The collapse of our unified nation has been caused by the historical and strategic mistakes, national construction and economic and ethnic policies on the leaders of Bolshevik's leaders and the Soviet Communist historic Russian collapse, known as the Soviet Union, is in their conscience.

Despite all of these fraud, lies, and completely looting from Russia, it was our people who accepted new geopolitical reality, which had been shaped after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and recognized a new group of independent countries.

Russia not only approved these countries, but also supported CIS (independent nation) partners, despite their countries facing a very miserable situation.Some of them included Ukraine friends who have been seeking financial support many times since the declaration of independence.Our country provided this support, respecting Ukraine's dignity and sovereignty.

According to experts, Ukraine's budget is simply calculated from 1991 to 2013, which simply calculates the subsidies and energy prices provided by Russia to Ukraine in accordance with economic and trade wishes.It was confirmed that the total profit was $ 250 billion (approximately 28,750 billion yen).

But that was not all.By the end of 1991, the Soviet Union had borrowed about $ 100 billion in other countries and international funds.Initially, all the former Soviet Republic of Soviet Union had the idea of repaying these loans together in proportion to the economic potential of each Republic.However, Russia promised to repay all the debt of all the Soviet Union and promised by completing the process in 2017.

In exchange, the newly independent countries had to pass some of the Soviet external assets to Russia.Ukraine has been agreed in December 1994.However, Kyiv failed to ratify these agreements, and later demanded the distribution of the former Soviet Union's property and overseas assets, as well as the Diamond treasure, gold reserves, but also refused to fulfill the agreement.

◎ Where I was worried

I have been talking about "the right to decide on my own country" many times.

This is a phrase in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter, which is an important idea in considering the Ukrainian problem.

I was interested in the interpretation of Putin style.

Reference article: The harshness of Ukraine facing "the right to decide on its own."The Yang of the United States and the shadow of Russia

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