DNA inherited from "Cyber Coil", "Child x Near Future" drawn again in "Outside Boys and Girls"




What kind of person is Mitsuo Iso, the director of "Outside Boys and Girls" and "Cyber Coil"?

Netflixで全世界同時delivery中、全6話のシリーズを前後編で分けた『地球外少年少女 後編』(公開中)が2週間限定で劇場上映中のオリジナルアニメ「地球外少年少女」。本作は特に“ある世代”に爆発的な話題性を持っている。2007年にNHK教育テレビにて放送された不朽の名作「電脳コイル」にハマっていた世代だ。それもそのはず、「地球外少年少女」と「電脳コイル」はいずれも磯光雄監督が手掛けており、テーマも“子ども×近未来”と共通性がある。両作品から、「地球外少年少女」の魅力や見どころに迫っていく。【写真を見る】主人公となるのは、月で生まれた最後の子ども(「地球外少年少女」)■アニメーター、監督、脚本、演出…マルチに才能を発揮する磯光雄まずは磯光雄監督がどのような作品を作ってきたのか知っておきたい。実は磯が監督した作品は「電脳コイル」と「地球外少年少女」の2作のみ。磯はフリーアニメーターであり、監督よりもアニメーターとして参加して、原画などを手掛けていることのほうが多い。携わった代表作は1986年の「機動戦士ガンダムZZ」、1988年の「機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア」、1995年の「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」のほか、2003年の実写映画『キル・ビル Vol.1] Participates in the anime part as an original picture. He is of course top -notch as an animator, and has been very highly evaluated by industry people. But that's not the case. Not to mention "Cyber ​​Coil" and "Outside Boys and Girls", he is in charge of scriptwriting in "Neon Genesis Evangelion" (Episode 13) and science fiction animation "Razefon" (Episode 15). In addition, it is showing a versatile activity that can not fit in the frame of an animator, such as directing and digital effects. ■ As mentioned above, the original TV anime "Den Brain Coil" was the coiled debut of such a rocky coil, which was fascinated by children and adults with a detailed story configuration. It was broadcast in 26 episodes in 2007 and became a huge hit. In addition to the first director, he is in charge of many tasks, such as the original, scriptwriter, and character design draft, and fully demonstrates his multi -talented talent. This work, which depicted "AR" 15 years ago, which was hardly known in AR (extended reality) and VR (virtual reality), attracted not only children but also adults. As a result, he has achieved awards such as the 29th Japan SF Grand Prize and other awards. The stage of this work is a world of the near future where cyber technology has become widespread, including glasses -type devices that are called "cyber glasses". The children who were watching at the time were excited about the images that can be seen by passing through the lens and the worldview playing with the cyber pets. Originally, the children who were wearing glasses were the leaders of the "cyber coil pretend". In addition, the existence of the automaton "Satchy" that eliminates illegal cybers in the cyber space, and various rumors about the cyber space are also excellent in the story of the story and visuals. Episode 9, which talks about urban legends about "Michiko", and episode 19, which is attacked by a black person's computer virus (Irigal) called "Null", is still handed down as "trauma times". There are many attractions of "cyber coils", such as settings beyond such children's frames and nostalgic scenery that make you feel nostalgic while setting in the near future, but what I want to pay attention to is the growth and friendship of boys and girls. Is an excellent drama that draws, and that's why the popularity does not decline. This year, 15 years after the big hit of such a cyber coil, such as the "outside the Earth Boys and Girl", which is newer and even more expanded. The second director of the shore was created by "outside the Earth Boys and Girls". In contrast to "Cyber ​​Coil" depicting "AR Life", the theme of this work is "living in space with AI". The stage is in the near future of 2045. A large -scale accident occurs at a Japanese -made commercial station in outer space, and children are left behind. The trapped children aim to survive and escape while confronting various problems, such as cutting online, air leakage, and runaway micromachines. In the fourth to 6th episode, the second part, a story that goes into AI is developed, and the theme of this work is deeply digged. Full of tension development that starts with accidents in outer space, and setting with reality related to drones and AI. There are many points that will surely stab if you like "cyber coils", such as conversations that can be sandwiched between key points, small stories, and loose designs of mascot characters. Kenichi Yoshida, who designed the character of "Symphony Psalm Eureka Seven" and "Gundam G Recongista", was in charge of the character design. The main animator participated in the original drawing in "GHOST IN THE SHELL/Ghost in the Shell", "Witch's Delivery Service", etc., and appointed a super animator, Toshiyuki Inoue, who served as a supervision director in "Den's Coil". But realizes overwhelming quality. It's a nice point for those who tend to shy away from "SFF is stiff." ■ As I wrote at the beginning of the theme of “Child x Near Future” common to Mitsuo Iso, “Cyber ​​Coil” and “Outside Boys and Girls” directed by Iso are a big theme of “children x the future”. Is common. The protagonist is a unique boys and girls. Both works make you feel the infinite future, imagination, and the power of pure thoughts of children adapted in that era. If a child sees, he longs for the protagonists of the same generation, and if an adult sees it, he will think of his childhood. That is why it was a widely loved work from children to adults. And they spend their lives, such as "cyber glasses", which are very close in the near future, and AI with various functions that can communicate, as well as communication. This setting is so attractive that it excites the audience, saying, "Such an era may come soon." In the present age when the generations who were watching "cyber coils" were growing up, VR and AR became a daily reality. What kind of future is waiting when the children who have seen "outside the Earth Boys and Girls" grow up? It may be a long and strongly loved Iso director to experience the moment when the viewer's child grows into an adult and the future drawn in anime becomes a reality. Sentence/Riworks (Yuto Kato) * Chinatsu Akasaki's Saki Hatsusaki is officially written


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