Rising universities and growing faculties 84 schools -F -rank escape / information system / tourism / international ~ Cospa good university 2022

◆ Corona evil and anxiety swirling 2022 entrance examination

The university enrollment common test ended on January 15 and 16.We will start the full -fledged university entrance examination season.

Builds (Bills), which provides the online individual teaching service "Study Coach", announced on the 12th of this month the results of an online survey for 330 third -year high school students.

According to the company, it was 39 who felt that the corona was "bad influence"..2 %.

In addition, the second common test is 75.2 % answered "I'm worried."

There are various opinions on the Internet, such as "I thought mathematics was a problem of contemporary sentences" and "I don't know what you are in Japanese and contemporary sentences".

Such a common test is over, and both national and private universities will enter individual entrance examinations.

The students and their families must choose the school they want in a short time.

In that case, I wrote and published in 2020 that I wrote and published in 2020, "Cospa's good university -40-50 deviation value of 40-50 universities and faculties, and 59 secrets forecasts."As a result, although it did not enter the Yapti, it was read for a long time.

Therefore, in this article, we will provide the latest information entitled "Cospa University 2022".

Specifically, three points are about "universities that have escaped from the verge of F -rank, F -rank", "Information and Data Science Faculty of Popularity", and "Tourism, International, and Faculty of Foreign Languages, which have fallen popularity due to corona."Here are 84 schools.

◆ Escape from a good cospa, 1 ~ F rank, F -Rank, F Escape

Currently, if parents in their 40s and 50s are college graduates, they were college students from the 1990s to the 2000s.

During this time, the employment ice age has been prolonged, while the university entrance rate has increased, and the number of universities has increased.Due to the reaction, the number of private universities, which has a capacity, has increased.In 2003, Ritai University in Hiroshima Prefecture was suspended, and there were about 10 private universities that have been suspended and closed.

As a result, a private university that does not have a deviation value is a border -free, and the term "F -rank university" is established.

Because of these impacts, the parents of the current examinees and the commentator who appeared on news programs, etc. tend to say from their own experience and knowledge that "XX university?is.

Furthermore, students tend to be sensitive to the F -Rank University, which is established on the Internet.

In fact, F -rank universities are significantly reduced, mainly in urban areas.

This is due to the stricter capacity (since 2016), the new construction in the 23 wards of Tokyo (10 years from 2019), and the common tests (2021).The entrance examination has been a fierce battle since the late 2010s.

Tokyo is the harshest, and its impact is also available in private universities in the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Kansai area.

Although the number of private university applicants has decreased due to the corona evil, the fact that private universities in urban areas have not changed much.

In this item, we will introduce 24 schools that were considered to be F -rank universities in the 2000s, which had a significant increase in volunteers and deviation values.

"It was regarded as F -rank university" specifically, "the deviation value was BF (border -free) before 2010 or before", but the deviation value was 35..0 to 37.5 "Either" Application magnification is 2 times or less "?In addition, it is a university whose deviation value rose to 40 in 2019 by multiple faculties or entrance examination methods.

* Below, the values of the volunteer magnification are the numbers according to the "Fluoru Snow Snow Academic Examination Guide" (Obunsha).

* The deviation value is Kawaijuku deviation value / BF is "border -free" and there is no deviation value.

* The deviation value is the value of Kyorin University only in the two faculties of the humanities.

* The value of the Waseda University Faculty of International Liberal Arts in 2021 is not a deviation value, but the score rate of the common test

* For some faculties, the figures of the predecessor and departments are described.

* " -" is unpublished, before its establishment, etc.

* The magnification is numerical values throughout the university

Looking at these 24 schools, it corresponds to any of "good location", "undergraduate growth" or "university reform".

◆ Escape from F ・ Part 1 ~ Good location

First, about "good location".

For examinees, if you are a university that is easy to go to school, you will be aspiring.

Before the 1990s, in the university industry, in addition to student exercise measures, the rising rate of enrollment was shown and the arrogance of "students would gather even if the location was bad" was hidden.

However, since the 2000s, the relocation from the suburbs to the city center has progressed.In the mid -2010s, university entrance examinations in the Tokyo and Tokyo metropolitan area became a fierce battle, and universities that were originally well -located became popular.

The universities influenced by this location are Tokyo Fuji University and Kyorin University.

Tokyo Fuji University is a 3 -minute walk from Takadanobaba Station on the Yamanote Line.

Speaking of Takadanobaba Station, Waseda University is famous.In fact, if you talk to the media officials from Waseda about Tokyo Fuji University, you will get a reaction such as "Speaking of which, I have seen a sign at the station."

Until the 2000s, it was a university that suffered a low magnification.

However, the location was reviewed since the 2010s, and it became popular.32 in 2004.The deviation value that was 5 was 42 in 2019.5-45.Raise to 0.It is one of the few universities (about 60 schools) that increased the volunteer magnification in the corona, and the deviation value is 47..It is 5.

"Business for class" was a catchphrase, and in 2019, we opened a store on the university on the university with the ice cream project (Kaoru Matsumoto, a London Olympics and gold medalist, participated in product development).

Kyorin University is famous for medical schools, and the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health has been gathering students since the opening of the school.The problem is the Faculty of Liberal Affairs, the Faculty of Policy and the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

There was a campus 30 minutes by bus from Hachioji Station, and it was quite a loss in terms of poor location.Naturally, this was one of my schools who suffered a low magnification.

What changed a lot was the transfer in the Inokashira campus in 2016.

Moved to a good location about 15 minutes by bus from Yoshijoji Station on the Chuo Line.The new campus also has a positive effect on the psychology of the students who want to learn on a new campus.

As a result, the darker atmosphere of the Hachioji era disappeared, and the quality of the students has improved (Kyorin University Teacher).

In 2021, the Faculty of Policy was involved in the Senkyo Discount Project, one of the voting promotion actions, and the situation was featured in each media such as "NEWS ZERO".

This is not just a good location, just relocation.Details have been given to the commentary, but it also includes circumstances such as the opening of the new route.

◆ Escape from F ・ Part 2 ~ Faculty grows

The second point is the growth of the undergraduate.

This includes the faculty attention, or the entire undergraduate category has been extended and affected.

Specifically, there are Tokyo Information University, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Osaka Gakuin University, and Osaka Electric News Academy, which have the next explanation.

◆ Escape from F ・ Part 3 ~ University reform

The third point is whether the university reform has been done properly.

Specifically, there are Kyorinai Gakuen Maebashi International University, Chiba Commerce University, Kyoto Advanced Science University, Shitennoji University, etc.

Kyoi Gakuen Maebashi International University opened in 1999.However, in addition to the length of the university name, it is difficult to understand the undergraduate name, so the capacity will be broken as early as 2000.At that time, high school teachers in Gunma Prefecture were highly evaluated as "I do not want to go to students."

From here on, co -love was amazing, and university reforms were implemented one after another, including the introduction of the course system and the free tuition for practical Eiken Level 2.

As a result, the deviation value is the top at private liberal arts universities in Gunma Prefecture.In addition, according to the "University Ranking 2022" (Asahi Shimbun Publishing), the "President Evaluation Ranking" is ranked 4th nationwide in terms of education and 11th in general.

The free tuition for practical Eiken Level 2 has been free for one year since 2012.

Currently, Eiken CSE score 2100 and Nissho Bookkeeping Level 2 are targeted.

This is probably because the collection of examinees is going well.

See the article published on September 11, 2017 for details on how the university has proceeded with the university reform.

The reason why the university on the verge of the F -rank has grown to the 5th place in Japan ~ Interview with Kyojo Gakuen Maebashi International University, President

Chiba Commerce University has been promoting new undergraduate and educational reforms, and has introduced scoring of surveys in some entrance examinations since 2018.From 2021, it was introduced in all faculties.

The survey is 40 points for the comprehensive selection, school recommendation type selection (formerly AO, recommended entrance examination), and general entrance examinations.In general entrance examinations, about 10 % of the scores are popular, and this is popular as "good measures to evaluate studying in high school and extracurricular activities in high school."

Shitennoji Kokusai University is a Buddhist university based on Shitennoji, which was built by Prince Shotoku.In 1967, it became a four -year university (Shitennoji Women's University), and in 1981, it was renamed Shitennoji International University, along with co -education.

This long university name was shunned by the students, and the 2000s were sluggish.

It was renamed Shitennoji University, the current school name in 2008.

Due to the reorganization of the undergraduate school and the establishment of the Nursing Department, it is now established as a middle -class private university in Kansai.

Kyoto Advanced Science University opened in 1969 as Kyoto Gakuen University.Initially, the campus was located on the Kameoka Campus, which took about 40 minutes by changing JR and bus from Kyoto Station.

The bad location was a disaster, and it was sluggish until the 2010s.

Here is Shigenobu Nagamori, the founder of Nidec.He will be the chairman of the same university in 2018, and in 2019, the name of the school corporation will be renamed Eimori Gakuen and the university name will be the current Kyoto Advanced Science University.At the same time, the campus was relocated to the Kyoto Uzumasa campus about 16 minutes from Kyoto Station, and I decided to learn on a well -location campus except for some faculties (the College of Bio and Medical College of Health and Medical Care).

In the university industry, such as the establishment of a new Faculty of Engineering in 2020, it is attracting much attention.

It can be evaluated that the campus relocation is the university reform, and Mr. Nagamori, whose promotion is attracting attention in the business community, is the chairman, and that he has escaped from the slump at one time.

However, President Nagamori seems to be not satisfied with this, and in 2030 he expressed in the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (then), who came to visit the new medical school.

Teikyo University of Science: Opened in 1990.Initially, only campuses in Uenohara City, Yamanashi Prefecture (currently Tokyo West Campus).The Senju campus was opened in 2010, and the number of faculties that could be learned in Tokyo increased.The Animal Science Department was opened in 2002, and it also deviated into animal nursing fields.

Digital Hollywood University: Opened in 2005.The only university that develops regular courses while established as a standing university Co., Ltd.The campus focuses on information creators in Akihabara.Sony, Hakuhodo Products, and employment results are also well.

Tokyo Future University: Opened in 2007.Initially, the Faculty of Motivation Department was opened in 2012 at a college of children only in the Children's Faculty of Psychology.The former is a fusion of childcare workers and teachers, psychology, and the latter is psychology and business administration and education.

Toyo Gakuen University: Opened in 1992.At first it was a campus in Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture.Some faculties relocated to Hongo campus in 2014, and in 2016 all faculties relocated Hongo campus.It has a reputation for educational enthusiasm in the three undergraduate composition of international, humanities, and management.

Yamazaki Animal Nursing University: Opened in 2010.As the name suggests, a university mainly for animal nursing.Opened the Department of Animal Human Relations in 2021.

Wako University: Opened in 1966.A 15 -minute walk from Tsurukawa Station on the Odakyu Line.Famous for liberal school style.Three faculties, the Faculty of Modern Human, Faculty of Expression, and Faculty of Economics.

Surugadai University: Opened in 1987.Operated by a school corporation that operates Sundai Preparatory School.Initially, it was a single college only in the Faculty of Law.After that, we are now in five faculties due to new construction and reorganization.Each faculty has a small seminar of about 15 people.In 2022, the first appearance in Hakone Ekiden is attracting attention.Campuses are often used in dramas and movies.

Edogawa University: Opened in 1990.Initially, it was a single college that was only in the Faculty of Sociology.With the opening of Tsukuba Express, access has improved significantly and the number of applicants has increased.

Josai International University: Opened in 1992.The same school corporation operates Josai University.Initially, two faculties, the Faculty of Business Information and Humanities, were later established and reorganized, and now they have the largest faculty in Chiba Prefecture.In 2005, the Tokyo Kioicho Campus was opened, and the Faculty of Management Information Course and the Faculty of Media were learned here.In 2022, the Awa campus was closed, and the Faculty of Tourism was relocated to the Togane campus.

Chiba Keizai University: Opened in 1988.A 13 -minute walk from Nishi -Chiba Station, on foot from Chiba Station, a good location within 20 minutes.There are two departments, but in the first year, they learned about liberal arts subjects and selected the department in the second year.There are seven courses by carrier, which can be selected in the first year and can be changed halfway.

Meikai University: Opened in 1970 as Josai Dental University.It is a separate corporation from Josai University.In 1988, it was reorganized into the current school name in the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Faculty of Economics.The campus is 8 minutes on foot from JR Shin -Urayasu Station.The real estate department opened in 1992 is the only in the country.

Yokohama University of Commerce: Opened in 1968.A single college only in the Faculty of Commerce.Taking advantage of the local strengths, we cooperate with Shonan Shinkin Bank, Raw Mugi Shopping Street, Oguchi Shopping Street, Yokohama Friesports Club, etc.

Osaka International University: Opened in 1988.The predecessor is Imperial Women's University, which opened in 1965.From 1988 to 2002, Osaka International University and Osaka International Women's University are parallel, and some of the campuses were inconvenient because Nagao was in Nagao.In 2014, it was integrated into the current Moriguchi campus, and the number of applicants was increased by reorganization.

Otemae University: Opened 2000.The predecessor is Otemae Women's University, which opened in 1966.The two faculties and two campuses at the beginning of the school are currently in five faculties as a result of reorganization, new construction and relocation.The campus varies depending on the faculty at the Sakura Shukugawa Campus and the Osaka Otemae Campus.

◆ Cospa good university ・ Part 2 ~ Newly established information / Data science department

A good cospa university, Part 2 is the Faculty of Information and Data Science.

Until now, a newly established faculty boom has occurred in the university industry according to changes in social needs.

The newly established information and data science department was from the 2010s, and it became a hot topic in 2017, the national Shiga University and Yokohama City University in 2018, each of which established the Data Science Department.

Data science is "a study that brings out value from data full of society" (from Shiga University Data Science Site).

It can be considered a kind of information system.This information and data science department has been newly established in the 2010s.

Therefore, it is divided into pros and cons, whether it ends with excess or establishment, like a newly undergraduate boom in the past.

◆ IT industry with 70 % of the annual income increases even when changing jobs under the age of 24

I believe that it will be established in the same way as the Faculty of Medical Series (early 2000s to present) and the International Faculty of the International Department (late 2000s to the mid -2010s), and will continue to be high.

The reasons for this include the high demand for human resources before the Corona Shock, and the acceleration of IT by Corona Shock.


First, the first human resources demand.

This is clear from the employment statistics survey provided by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

The survey also provides such data to which industry or what age you change jobs and how much your annual income has increased.

According to the 2010 survey, for IT -related, under the age of 24, "more than 30 % increased by job change" 14..It was 5 %.

That was 32 in 2019.It has increased to 7 %.

"10 % or more to 30 % less than 30 %" is 2010, 15.8 % → 2019 /21.8 %.

"Increased less than 10 %" is 2010, 7.9 % → 2019 ・ 22.It was 8 %.

In other words, the annual income increased due to job change in 2010..The one that was 2 % was 77 in 2019.It has doubled to 3 %.

In addition, the total "increase in annual income" at the age of 25 to 34 is 2010, 38..3 % → 2019 58.It was 3 %.

When I showed this data to the recruiter of a specialized trading company, it was a phrase.

"Speaking of those under the age of 24, there is no skill. It is common sense that if you change jobs, it is common sense that your annual income will decrease. It is only surprising that 70 % is increasing your annual income. We also use IT specialized human resources.I thought it would be, but as far as I can see this data, it doesn't seem to be so easy ... "

◆ In the era when IT is accelerated and human resources with Corona shock

The reason why the new faculty of information and data science is not over -ended, the second point is acceleration of IT by Corona Shock.

Until then, it was natural to meet meetings, meetings, classes and recruitment selections.In job hunting, company briefings and seminars are also face -to -face, and there are many job hunters at local universities often go back and forth between companies in Tokyo and Osaka many times just for briefing and selection.is.

However, such a sight changes completely with the corona shock.

As long as there is a risk of infection, we have to do meetings online.

This is the same for exchanges not only in Japan but also with overseas.

No matter how you fall, you have to proceed with IT.

The problem was that the Corona shock was found to be two laps, not just one lap than overseas.Insufficient online class environment, Cocoa development is delayed / does not spread, and still sticks to stamps and paper documents.This article is based on university entrance examinations, so we will avoid detailed explanations, but the delay in IT is delayed everywhere.

On the other hand, it has been decided that the national public servant and general position will be established in 2022 by promoting IT.

In addition, information will be introduced in a common test from 2025, and the National University will impose information in December 2021 by the National University Association.

To do so, it is urgently needed to increase the number of teachers in each high school.

In this way, not only private companies, but also civil servants and teachers are short of IT -related human resources, and they are competing.

This is not a transient thing, and demand is even higher after the Corona shock.

"Approximately 60 % of companies that are planning to hire human resources who can analyze data have not been able to secure their target number of people."" / Comment is the Data Scientist Association)

For these two reasons, I anticipate that the Faculty of Information and Data Science will not keep up with demand, even if new is established.

For examinees, it can be said that cospa is a good choice for information and data science departments.

◆ The deviation value is 5 to 15, and the employment place is also drastically changed.

As with the previous section "F Escape", the Faculty of Information and Data Science is also summarized in a table of changes in the deviation value and volunteer magnification in 2010, 2019, and 2021.

East Japan and West Japan, which had been established in 2010 (including departments), had a deviation value of 5 to 15 points as of 2021.

As of 2010, the deviation value is 35.Of the 12 schools that were 0 or BF, 10 schools rose more than 5 points.Furthermore, the four faculties of Tokai University Faculty of Information and Communications, Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, and Datong University have risen by 10 points.

Changes are reflected not only on the deviation value but also in employment.

About 2012 (2010 deviation value 35).0)

NT Tee Mui, Sagawa Express, Fujitsu Fusas, Japan System, Takasa, Japan Datecom, Keiyo Information System, Tokai Railway, World Store Partners, Cainz

2021 Autumn (the same year's deviation value 42).5-47.5)

Knox Data, Comssis Steako, Osaki Computer Enzhinering, Japan Telecommunications Service, Sanso Systems, Crosscat, JFE Com Service

About 2012 (2010 deviation value 35).0)

Software Service, Brain Associates, Otsu Computers, E -and M, Alpha Technology, Gold Flag, AB Sea Mart, Success, Gosho Group, Shishigi City Hall

2021 Autumn (the same year's deviation value 42).5-47.5)

Kyoei Sangyo, Geo Holdings, Fuji Soft, Edion, Kandenko, Hankyu Oasis, Prosedo, Service & Security, Cisco, Fujikin

About 2012 (2010 deviation value 35).0)

* Unknown by faculty

2021 Autumn (the same year's deviation value 45).0-47.5)

Software Service, Nippon Dentsu, Milite Technologies, Mitsubishi Electric System Service, Kansai Electric Power, NTT Field Techno

* Source is the Kawaijuku Deviation from the 2013 edition / 2022 edition / deviation value for the "Fluoru Snowy Academy of Editorial University"

Obunsha has been published every year since 2011 since 2011.The description of the employment list of employment by undergraduate is the current version from the 2013 edition, so it was used for comparison.

Although the individual names of each company are not listed, major companies are noticeable in the list of employment in 2021 compared to 2012.

◆ Is the Faculty of Information Series Humanities?Science?

Is the Faculty of Information and Data Science in the humanities or science?

There are not many educators who can answer this question well.In fact, this is the same for me, the author.

Roughly speaking, statistics, management and media studies are closer to humanities.If you are closer to science, mathematics, mathematical science, management engineering, information engineering, system engineering, electronics, etc.

One of these or multiple is the information and data science department.

Therefore, whether it is close to the humanities, the science, or the literature, it varies greatly depending on the university and faculty.

The guide is the university's degree and the entrance examination form.

For example, the Kinki University Faculty of Information (Opened in 2022) indicates that the degree is "engineering" and is closer to science.For this reason, three subjects, English, mathematics, and science, are also based on entrance examinations.

On the other hand, the degree of Toyo University's Faculty of Information Cooperation is "Information Cooperation".I don't know this alone, but when you look at the entrance exam type, there are both literary and science types.

In this way, if you look at your degree and entrance exam style, you will know whether it is close to the liberal arts, a science, or a hybrid.

However, even if you say that you are closer to the humanities, it is unlikely that you will not use mathematics due to the personality of the undergraduate school.Examples who are not good at mathematics need to work hard in mathematics after enrollment.

In this article, the department of information engineering has been omitted.If you put this out, the amount of characters will overflow even more.

If you are a candidate for the school of information and data science as a candidate for the science selection of science, it is a good idea to use information engineering, faculties and departments with electronic engineering and system engineering.

Bunkyo University Faculty of Information: Opened in 1980.From the beginning to the present, study at Kanagawa / Shonan Campus (Chigasaki City) instead of Saitama and Koshigaya campus.The poor location is a disaster and the sluggishness is now strong.Three departments of information system, information society, and media expression.

Chiba Institute of Technology Faculty of Information Sciences: Opened in 2001.Two departments: the Department of Information Engineering and the Department of Information Network.The university is also a Department of Institute of Information and Communications, the Department of Institute of Engineering, the Department of Design Science, Faculty of Creation, and the Faculty of Social Systems Sciences, Financial and Management Risk Science.

Tokyo Information University Faculty of Information Studies: Opened in 1988.Initially, the Faculty of Business Information Department was renamed the Faculty of Informatics, which is the current faculty name in 2001.Operated by the same school corporation as Tokyo University of Agriculture.In the 2000s, it was sluggish, but in the 2010s, the number of applicants and the deviation value increased.

Faculty of Information Science, Engineering University: Opened in 2006.Four departments: information and communication workers, computer science, information design, and system mathematics.The campus is somewhat inconvenient at the Hachioji campus in the first and second years.In the third and fourth years, learn in the center of the city center, within a 5 -minute walk from Shinjuku Station on the Shinjuku campus.

Senshu University Network Information College: Opened in 2001.In the first year, everyone learned the basics of intelligence, and selected one of the 2 courses and 6 plugs from the second year.Of these, the S Course Data Science Program is a de facto department of data science.

Department of Business Data Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University: Opened in 2021.The predecessor is the Department of Management System Engineering.As of 2022, only Chuo University has set up the Department of Data Science in MARCH class or higher (including courses and systems, the Department of Information Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, also applies.)

Tokai University Faculty of Information Science and Engineering: Opened in 2001.Three departments: information science, computer applied science and engineering, and information media.Learn at Shonan Campus for 4 years.Learn information -related science and technology.The Department of Information Media opened in 2022, mainly in media communication fields such as games.

Tokai University Faculty of Information and Communications: Opened in 2008.Until 2021, it was reorganized into information and telecommunications departments in 4 departments: information media, built -in software work, management system work, and communication network work.Formerly embedded Software Engineering Department was an unusual department that specializes in embedded software used for electrical products and cars.The campus is Shonan Campus for 1 or 2 years, and the 3rd and 4th year is a 12 -minute walk from Takanawa Gateway station at the Tokyo Campus Takanawa School Building.

Tokyo City University Faculty of Information Engineering: Opened in 2007.Initially, the Faculty of Knowledge and Engineering was a little confusing undergraduate name, but was renamed in 2020.2 departments: information science and intelligence information.Learn for 4 years at Setagaya Campus.The Department of Intelligence and Information Engineering is one of the focus of data analysis professional training.

Tokyo City University Faculty of Media Information: Opened in 2013.The predecessor was separated in 2013 at the Faculty of Environmental Information, which was opened in 1997.Two departments of social media and information systems.Like the separated Faculty of Environment, learn on the Yokohama campus.The nearest station is Nakagawa Station, a municipal subway, not Yokohama Station.

Tokyo Denki University Future Science: Opened in 2007.Three departments: architecture, information media, robot and mechatronics.The department of the information system itself is the Department of Information Media, and the Department of Robot Mechanics is a fusion of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and control engineering.The architecture department is a mysterious configuration of architecture as the name suggests.The location is good at the Tokyo Senju campus (1 minute walk from Kitasenju Station).

Toyo University Faculty of Information Studies: Opened in 2009.The campus is the same Saitama Kawagoe campus as the Faculty of Engineering.If anything, it's a bit closer to the liberal arts.Due to poor location, the temporarily slump has been strong since the 2010s.

Toyo University Information Faculty of Information Cooperation: Opened in 2017.Learn at Akabanidai campus (8 minutes walk from Akabane Station) in Tokyo.Initially, it was only in the Faculty of Information Cooperation, but now the Faculty of Life Design is lived.Ken Sakamura is famous as a computer scientist.In a broad sense, it can be said to be a department of data science.

Hosei University Faculty of Information Sciences: Opened in 2000.Two departments of computer science and digital media.The campus is the same Koganei campus as the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Faculty of Life Sciences.Hosei University is also an information system in the Department of Applied Information and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology.

Meiji University Faculty of Mathematics: Opened in 2013.Three departments of phenomena, advanced media science, and network design.It was initially treated as Kiwamono in the Faculty of Information System, mainly in mathematical science, but is now not placed below the IT industry.The campus is the same Nakano campus as the Faculty of International Japan.

Meisei University Faculty of Information: Opened in 1992.Selected from six course models (cloud engineers, software development, multimedia and perception design, embedded system, mathematical science and data utilization and education).

Musashino University Faculty of Data Science: Opened in 2019.The Faculty of Data Science has been attracting attention because it is opened following Shiga and Yokohama City.Learn for 4 years at Ariake campus near Tokyo Big Sight.

Rissho University Data Science Faculty: Opened in 2021.The campus was a low -magnification that overturned the prediction in advance, probably because of the poor location on the Saitama Kumagaya campus.If it was Osaki Campus, it would have continued after Musashino University.If you can swallow even the bad location, the cospa is good.

Kanagawa Institute of Technology Faculty of Information College: Established in 2003.Three departments: information workers, information network communication, and information media.The Department of Information Media develops education that combines art and IT.

Kanazawa Institute of Technology Information Frontier: Opened in 2012.The predecessor is the Faculty of Information Studies, which was opened in 2004.Three departments: media information, management information, and psychology.There are other departments and departments of information and departments.Project design education, which performs the creation of questions and solutions, the processing of prototypes, and verification, is expanded in all universities and is highly evaluated by educators.

Aichi Institute of Technology Faculty of Information Sciences: Established in 2009.Two of computer systems and media information.In addition to the information system, there is also a major in business management information system.

Daido University Faculty of Information: Opened in 2002.Three departments: information system, information design, and comprehensive information.The Department of Comprehensive Informatics has set up management information courses and sports information courses.It is unusual for sports information courses to integrate sports and IT.

Nanzan University Faculty of Science and Engineering Data Science: Opened in 2021.The top private university in the Chukyo area has set up the Department of Data Science and has become a topic locally.

Kyoto Sangyo University Faculty of Information Science and Engineering: Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (2008) in 2018.You can choose from 10 courses, including information systems and brain science, but you can choose multiple courses and learn widely, or you can deepen your expertise with only one course.When the commentary was issued to "Cospa University 2020", I received a hurry from the stakeholders that "small -group education of six students for one teacher" should be unusual.

Doshisha University Faculty of Cultural Information: Opened in 2005.A literary fusion faculty that regards all human activities as "culture", collects, analyzes, and elucidates data.In a broad sense, it is the Faculty of Data Science, and there is also a group selection group, which is actually a data science subject.

Osaka Gakuin University Faculty of Information: Established in 2000.In the first year, he studied widely in the core cluster, and selected major and secondary major from five development clusters from the first half of the second year.The university advocates a literary fusion type, and the deployment cluster is also a mix of humanities and science.

Osaka Economics University Faculty of Information and Sociology: Established in 2012.A three -course system: modern society, information communication, management and economy.If anything, it's close to the liberal arts.

Osaka Electric Communications University Faculty of Information and Communications Engineering: Opened in 2005.2 departments: information engineering and communication work.Learn at the Neyagawa campus as the Faculty of Engineering.The Department of Communications has developed education from both hardware and software in three fields: broadband, Internet, and multimedia.

Faculty of Internal Information Science, Osaka Electric Communications University: Opened in 1995, renamed the current faculty name in 2000.Learn at the same Shijonawate campus as the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.Three departments of digital games, games & media, and information.The Department of Information is a two -course system of computer science and digital media.

Kansai University Faculty of Information Studies: Opened in 1994.Learn at Takatsuki campus (about 20 minutes by bus from Takatsuki Station), which is only at the Faculty of General Information.The curriculum consists of a media information system, a social information system, and a computing system.

Kinki University Faculty of Information: New established in 2022.Independent from the Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering.2021 was a surprisingly low magnification, but in 2022 was expected to be difficult.Three courses of intelligence systems, cyber security, and real world computing.Preste's creator, Ken Kogi, also attracts attention in that he is the Director.

Dokkyo University Faculty of Foreign Languages: German, English, French, and AC culture.Employment in the aviation industry, such as flight attendants, was as strong as Kansai University of Foreign Studies.The slump in the aviation industry affected.The Department of Exchange Culture aims to learn another language in addition to his native language and English.

Chiba Commerce University Faculty of International Liberal Arts: Opened in 2015.It was opened in the International Liberal Arts Faculty of Liberal Arts, but before the Corona shock, the volunteer ratio was increasing due to the growth of the university.

Aoyama Gakuin University Faculty of International Political Economy: International politics, international economy, and international communication.Learn for 4 years at Aoyama Campus.In 2021, in addition to the Corona shock, there were also comprehensive issues (descriptive) questions, and were shunned by examinees who dislike the increase in subjects.

Faculty of International Relations of Asia University: Opened in 1990.Two departments: international relations and multicultural communication.The Department of International Relations had to study in the United States for five months (now canceled due to Corona's evil).

Komazawa University Global Media Studies Faculty: Opened in 2006.Global media one subject system.Japan is the longest in Japan.Educational books and on -campus stakeholders are omitted as "global" and "GMS".

Seizumi Women's University Faculty of Letters: Global Citizens Department is a substantial international department.The Spanish Spanish Culture Department has a reputation for acquiring Spanish, and prior to Corona's evil, the number of employees at manufacturers and trading companies was increasing.It is no wonder that it is more popular from a good location, a 10 -minute walk from Gotanda Station.

Tamagawa University Faculty of Tourism: Opened in 2013.Since 2022, it has been a two -course system of global elite and regional leader.We aim to learn not only sightseeing but also high English proficiency.

Chuo University Faculty of International Management: Opened in 2019.Separated from the Faculty of Economics.More than 70 % of the installation subjects are developed in foreign languages (mainly English).Originally, it is a management department rather than an international department.

Tokai University Faculty of Tourism: Opened in 2010.Since 2022, the curriculum has been reformed so that hospitality tourism and related subjects related to regional development can be learned.

Toyo University Faculty of International Tourism: Opened in 2017.The predecessor is the Faculty of International Region, and the headwaters are 1963 Junior College Tourism Department.At one time in the Faculty of International Region, it was the Itakura campus in Gunma Prefecture.Currently studying at Hakusan Campus for 4 years.

Bunkyo Gakuin University Faculty of Foreign Languages: Opened in 2001.Learn for four years at Hongo campus near the Hongo Hongo campus.Two major: international business communication and international education communication.Furthermore, four courses: international business, international cooperation, international culture, and English education.

Hosei University Faculty of International Culture: Opened in 1999.There is a characteristic curriculum with a four -course system of information culture, representation culture, language culture, and international community.At the same university, there are other global liberal arts departments as the Faculty of International Series, and the number of people is smaller than the Faculty of International Culture.

Musashino University Global Faculty: Opened in 2016.Three departments: global communication, Japanese communication, and global business.Learn for four years at Ariake campus, right next to Tokyo Big Sight.

Meiji Gakuin University Faculty of International Studies: Opened in 1986.Two departments, international and international career.International Departments are education that focuses on pelvic research, environmental issues, multicultural society, comparative culture, international and comparison economy, and comparative Hosei.For four years, study at Yokohama Campus (12 minutes by bus from Totsuka Station).

Rikkyo University Different Cultural Communication Faculty: Opened in 2008.Language education is one of the characteristics.In addition to English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean are compulsory languages, and have developed small -group education since the first year.

Waseda University Faculty of International Liberal Arts: Opened in 2004.Seven subjects (clusters) are prepared as a model modeled on Liberal Arts education in Europe and the United States.The common language of education is English, and about 30 % of students are international students.In 2021, the entrance examination system was changed, and it became popular because of the increase in subject burden.

Nanzan University Faculty of International Liberal Arts: Opened in 2017.In the university with many female students, the Faculty of International Liberal Arts is the lowest in 8 faculties (18 % of men).Expanded education with two pillars, Global Studies and Sustainability Studies.

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Languages: Opened in 1959.Nine departments: English and American, Spanish, French, German, Brazil Portugal, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and Russian.The Japanese language department trains Japanese teachers.

Kyoto Sangyo University Faculty of International Relations: Opened in 2019.The predecessor is the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Foreign Languages, which was opened in 2008.In the second year, we chose one of the three courses: international, politics, international relations, economy, international relations, and symbiosis.Developing education to master English as a tool.

Ryukoku University Faculty of International Department: Opened in 1996, it became the current undergraduate name in 2015.International culture, Global Study's two departments.In the Department of International Culture, about 40 % of teachers are from overseas and develop 11 language education.In the Global Studies Department, TOEIC's graduation requirements are 730 points, the goal is 830 or more, and the slogan is the "study of the most in Japan".

Open Gakuin University Faculty of International Studies: Opened in 2007 as the Faculty of International Liberal Arts.In 2022 to the Faculty of International Department.Global Study's two major, international culture.A 10 -minute walk from Soji -ji Temple Station, Aeon Town learned for 4 years at the Ibaraki Soji Temple Campus.

Kansai University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Languages: Opened in 1966.Two departments, English and American and Spanish.In the 2000s, employment in the aviation industry became stronger, and the number of employment employees in the East Dokkyo University in the East was competed for the number of employment employees.It is also highly evaluated from other global companies and industries.

Kinki University Faculty of International Studies: Opened in 2016.Two major in Global and East Asia.The global major has been selected global, communication and Asian Studies from the third year.

Momoyama Gakuin University Faculty of International Liberal Arts: Opened in 1989 as the Department of International Culture, Faculty of Letters.Reorganized in 2008 and became the current undergraduate name.English has introduced classes by proficiency, and all TOEICs aim for more than 640 points, and some classes are 850 points.Selected in the second year with two courses of English communication and international culture.

Kobe Gakuin University Global Communication Faculty: Opened in 2015.Learn for 4 years at Port Island Campus.There are two courses in English and Chinese (other Japanese courses for international students), which are divided into each course from the first year.A three -course joint subject is also installed.

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Faculty of Asia -Pacific: Opened in 2000.There are four studies of environmental, development, tourism, international relations, culture, society, and media, and systematically learn important themes.In 2018, Mr. Osamu Deguchi, the founder of Life Net Life, became the President and became a hot topic.

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