Do you want to stop Facebook?I summarized the services by function that can be used instead

Photos, communication, news.You can do it without Facebook.

Have you ever decided to stop Facebook?He gives priority to security over security, increases advertisements, squeezes rival companies, is stiff on the inner circle, and does not stop the data, but now goes to the world in metabers.I want to stop such Facebook!I think there are many people who thinkThere are services that I want to stop, but I use various FBs in photos and messes, and that can be used instead.It certainly takes time to quit, but even if you stop, the function itself will not be troubled!

Photo: Google Photos

There is a mountain service that saves users' images.Apple iCloud, Dropbox, Microsoft ONEDRIVE, etc.Until a while ago, Google Photos, which can save unlimited photos for free, was God, but even if the god specification is gone, the advantage of Google Photos is great.

First, it supports Android/iOS mobile platforms.It is more convenient on Windows terminals and webs than iCloud Photos Library.If you are completely hardened by Apple's terminal/OS with Apple, iCloud may be better, but as a Facebook alternative, Google Photos can reach a wider layer.

The biggest reason why I uploaded a lot of photos and videos on Facebook was the ease of sharing.But Google Photos can be easy to understand and easy to share.Easy to find specific images and albums.It will recognize the person in the user's address book and tag it, and to encourage share (this is safe because it can be turned off).

Google Photo (Android / iOS)

Message: Signal

For those who use FB Messenger a lot, finding other message services is quite difficult.As expected, there are many people who are doing it because it is a huge giant SNS.Being able to get in touch with a friend list of this platform is the biggest advantage of Facebook.Apple's iMessage is limited to iOS terminal users.Google's messe app has a strong impression that it is still messed up during the migration period.WhatsApp is under the FB umbrella.If you can get in touch, share photos and videos, encrypt the message, and have a group talk ...

Recommended are SINGNAL and Telegram.In both cases, you can make messages and calls, send media and group chat.However, Signal has higher encryption safety.

After all, the problem is that you can not exchange unless you use the same messe platform, so everyone who often contacts must do it.If you are a Japanese user, there is also LINE.After all, the biggest drawback for those who want to quit FB is contacting people.Especially those who do not contact much.

Facebookやめちゃう? 代わりに使える機能別サービスまとめてみた

Signal (Android / iOS)

News: Twitter

Although the number of users loses to the FB, I think that Twitter will be dominant in terms of news feed.It is good not only to see the feed, but also to separate what you want to see.The interface is much simpler than FB.

First, follow the national news, local news, and world news accounts.Creating a news list separately from your social system will make it better.It's even better if you use TweetDeck.My profile is OK even if it's blank, so it's easy to use it only for ROM.

However, Twitter has a strong sense of unattended among SNS, so be careful about fake news and rants.Still, if you just follow what's going on, is there more positive elements than negative?

Twitter (Android / iOS)

Stories: Snapchat

Snapchat has a problem with Snapchat, but the snachia community is still growing.There are many functions that have spread to other services from Snapchat, which means that Snapchat quickly senses the modern required functions.

A culture that can be posted quickly even if it is not edited perfectly or even if it is a little blurred.Messages and images do not remain forever.Group share and personal share are possible.And the story function that disappears after 24 hours.

Snapchat Stories also has stickers and filters.You can also tag your friends.It disappears in 24 hours, but if you save it in your profile, you can see it after 24 hours.No problem!The only problem is that if you start a new Snapchat, you have to pass the process of having your friends follow.

Snapchat (Android / iOS)

Event schedule: Google Calendar

Event invitations are often used in FB.Some people may not be able to stop FB because of this.But Google Calendar has not lost.The big advantage of the FB is that many people have a Google account.It is easy to register even if you do not have it.

Google Calendar invitations can be not only time, place, but also notes and files.If you are invited to open, it is easy to share with your email address.If you are a partner who share the calendar, it is easy to check the schedule.It is easy to manage the invited guest list, and it is easy to send an email to everyone.

If you are already using Google -based services, it may be more convenient than Facebook event invitations.

Google Calendar (Android / iOS)

Group: Groupme

As with the event, one of the reasons why groups can't stop Facebook.Many people are in various groups, such as schools, work, hobbies, and sports teams.

There is also a new barrier to start a new one, but if you really want to quit FB, I wonder if Groupme is close to the FB group.Groupme is under Skype/Microsoft.The basic functions such as in -group chat, image / video share, and link sharing are covered, so it can be used on the web without having an app.You can also invite events.Group chat is also possible with the Signal mentioned above.

Groupme (Android / iOS)

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