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"Galaxy Z Fold3 5G" on sale from DoCoMo and au is a "horizontal fold" style.

Writer Yuriko Ota explains a digital gadget that is easy for women to use and a little fun and convenient every day!Here are some recommendations from a wealth of knowledge and self -buying experience.★★★ Smartphones have gradually become large screens as a new product comes out, but recently the size of 7 inches is approaching, and the size to carry around is almost the limit.As a means of balance between large screens that are easy to see and easy -to -carry size, Fol Double = folding style is likely to spread in the future.Overseas, smartphone makers such as OPPO and Xiaomi have already announced folding smartphones.This time, I would like to think about the usability and charm of folding smartphones, with "Galaxy Z Flip3 5G" released by DOCOMO and au and "Motorola Razr 5g", which also sells SIM -free models as well as SIM -free models.。

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How to fold is "horizontal fold" or "vertical fold"

"Galaxy Z FLIP3 5G" (right) released by DOCOMO and au (right), "Motorola Razr 5g" (left), which is on sale as well as SoftBank.Both have a "vertical fold" style.

The folding smartphones that are now available or announced have two main styles, "horizontal folds" and "vertical folds"."Side fold" is a so -called book type.In the smartphone that is now on sale, "Galaxy Z Fold3 5G", which is on sale from DoCoMo and au, corresponds to this.Although it is not foldable, "Surface Duo2", which was just released by Microsoft on January 11, is a book -shaped Android smartphone with two screens.The advantage is that you can carry a large display that is as large as a tablet when opened.On the other hand, "vertical folding" is a folded vertical display of a smartphone in half with the pattern.The "Galaxy Z Flip3 5G" and "Motorola Razr 5g" will be a "vertical fold" smartphone."Galaxy Z Flip3 5g" is 6.7 inches, "Motorola Razr 5g" is 6.It is a 2 -inch smartphone, but it can be folded in the palm and pocket when folded.Since the display is folded inside, there is little worry about scratching the screen in the bag, and it is also an advantage that it is easy to carry around.


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