Why now?"Crypto Technology" Translation that has been revised for the first time in 50 years (Toyo Keizai Online) --Yahoo! News



The encryption technology used in bank ATMs, etc. is likely to change significantly (photo: ekaki / pixta)

 Cryptography that supports our convenient daily life, such as online shopping, cashless payments, and bank ATMs, is about to change significantly.The United States National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST) is expected to announce a new cryptographic method to replace the current international standard "RSA" early this year.At the same time, we will start working to standardize 2024.This new system will be virtually "next generation of encryption", with international standardization organizations on the Internet quickly announced their support.In Japan, companies in various industries, including financial institutions and IT -related companies, will be forced to respond early and evening.

なぜ今?「暗号技術」50年ぶり改訂のなるほどな訳(東洋経済オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース

 The current RSA cipher was invented in 1973.About 50 years later, the reason for the "historic revision" is "the appearance of a quantum computer."■ The RSA cipher currently used will eventually be broken RSA Crypto that uses a time -consuming rectangular decomposition of the large number of natural numbers.For example, the answer between the prime number 101 and 211 is 21311, but it is not easy to decompose 21311 and determine 101 and 211 because the amount of calculation is enormous.It uses the characteristics that the more digits, the more difficult it is to determine.

 The currently used RSA cipher is expected to take more than 100 million years for third parties, such as hackers, even if they use the top -class supercomputers (spa tactors).In other words, it is a cryptographic code that cannot be broken by an existing computer.However, in 1994, a mathematical theory called "Shore's Algorithm" was proved in 1994 that a full -fledged quantum computer could easily break the RSA cipher.A quantum computer is a dream super high -speed calculator that applies "quantum mechanics" to the computational theory, which explains the micro world such as atoms and electrons (see "Japan is another dust?。It is said that quantum computers can solve super difficult questions that can take tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of years in the current supercomputer.

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