Why is Toyota "Land Cruiser" easy to be stolen? What is the future of the stolen car? What to do in case of damage Why is Toyota "Land Cruiser" easily stolen? What is the future of the stolen car?What to do if you are injured

Livedoor News Door Fumi

The most common place for vehicle theft was "monthly parking lot" at 36.3%, "house (home garage)" at 18.9%, "other parking lot" at 13.1%, and "coin parking" at 5.7%. ..

Even more serious was the 3903 cases of theft with the key removed out of 5210 cases.

Since many cars these days have smart keys, it can be seen that even if they are locked in the garage at home, they are often stolen by "relay attacks" that intercept the radio waves of the smart keys.

Toyota "Prius" is the worst car model that is vulnerable to vehicle theft, and Toyota "Land Cruiser (Land Cruiser)", Lexus "LX", Lexus "LS", Toyota "Crown", etc. Luxury cars tend to be targeted.

Toyota Lexus cars occupy the worst ranks, but even with the risk of theft, it can be said that it is a popular car model for thieves.

The repair shop staff explains the circumstances under which the theft occurs and the actual cases of the theft.

"In one case, a man from Fukushima Prefecture who owned Land Cruiser, but when he was towing his hobby bus boat and parked in the parking lot of a business hotel, the entire bus boat was stolen. ..

He said he had insurance because he had car insurance, but he still doesn't know what happened to the vehicle that filed the theft. "

Land Cruiser seems to be easily stolen even when the bus boat is towed. What's more, if you are stolen at the designated parking lot of your hotel, you can only say that you are unlucky.

In addition, although it is not ranked high in the ranking, it seems that Toyota "Hiace" has been stolen frequently.

"A customer who lives in Ibaraki Prefecture has stolen the 100 series Hiace, but the 200 series Hiace that he purchased after that was also stolen.

Both were parking lots in my apartment. It would be pretty shocking to be stolen right next to where you live. "(Repair shop staff)

In addition, there was a user who had the Nissan "180SX" restored about 5 years ago stolen, and there is a tendency to target cars with strong tastes and cars that are popular in overseas markets, regardless of whether they are new or old cars. Seems to be expensive.

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Voluntary insurance includes not only insurance that covers the usual "personal objectives" but also "vehicle insurance" that covers damage to your car, but vehicle theft is covered by this vehicle insurance. It becomes a target.

There are several types of vehicle insurance, such as the wide type, which has a wide range of coverage, and the limited cover type, which limits the coverage and reduces insurance premiums.

In both cases, vehicle theft is included in the coverage, so if you subscribe, the theft will be covered by insurance.

By the way, according to the "Survey on the actual situation of car theft accidents and on-board accidents" released in 2020 by the General Insurance Association of Japan, which is centered on non-life insurance companies, the average amount of insurance money paid per vehicle theft is It is quite expensive at 4,014,000 yen. It can be said that luxury cars are being targeted that much.

Parts are traded at a high price overseas !? Stolen cars are disassembled and exported

It seems that there are very few cases where a stolen car is found, but the staff at the repair shop mentioned above told us the fate of the stolen car.

"Since the vehicle number etc. are managed properly, it seems that there are almost no cases where the stolen car is resold as it is or exported overseas. It is said that most of them are dismantled and exported as parts."

Japanese cars overseas are high-end cars and are in high demand, but there is a chronic shortage of repair parts. Land Cruiser is especially popular for its high running performance and durability, and parts are also sold at a high price. Therefore, "Land Cruiser" is always at the top of the ranking of stolen cars.

なぜトヨタ「ランクル」は盗難されやすい? 盗難車の行く末は? 被害に遭ったときの対処法 なぜトヨタ「ランクル」は盗難されやすい? 盗難車の行く末は? 被害に遭ったときの対処法

"Exporting as parts greatly simplifies the procedure compared to exporting the car itself, and makes customs checks easier. Also, because Land Cruiser is a long-selling product, the basic design has not changed much, and the versatility of parts is high. It is also the reason why it is targeted.

Recently, sports cars from the 1990s to the 2000s are often targeted.

This is because cars of this age are becoming more popular overseas due to the so-called "25-year rule" in the United States, and there is a high demand for repair parts. "(Repair factory staff)

Speaking of sports cars from the 1990s to the 2000s, there were many attractive models at the time when high-power competition intensified.

Moreover, many of the anti-theft devices are vulnerable compared to modern cars, so it may be easier for thieves to aim for.

The National Police Agency and others have introduced security measures for vehicle theft (and on-board aim) on their websites. This doesn't completely prevent it, but it seems to be worth remembering.

First of all, do not park on the street. Currently, street parking itself is subject to strict crackdowns, but depending on the location, it can be said that the streets at midnight are vulnerable to theft.

Choosing a parking lot is also important as a security measure. Parking lots with fences and gates that only users can enter, parking lots with night lights, resident managers, security cameras, etc. I want to choose.

As a countermeasure that you can do yourself, if you leave the car even for a short time, close the window completely and lock the door lock with the engine stopped. Furthermore, it is effective not to leave valuables in the car and to remove the ETC card.

If you are still the victim of theft, what should you do?

The priority is to contact the police and proceed with the damage report procedure. Only after receiving this damage report will the insurance company proceed with the procedures.

When submitting a damage report, you will need the model, body color, number, location, approximate time, and situation of the stolen car. It is convenient to make a copy or take a picture with a smartphone etc. for car verification.

When the police receive the damage report, a receipt number will be issued. This will be necessary for the subsequent suspension of tax matters.

If you have vehicle insurance, the next thing to contact is your insurance company. Information such as the number, insurance policy number, and situation will be required, so it is a good idea to take a picture of the insurance policy as well.

By the way, in vehicle insurance, it seems that the goods loaded in the car may also be covered, so it is important to be able to convey as accurate information as possible to the insurance company.

Also, if you leave your ETC card or other credit card in the car, don't forget to contact the card company and stop it. Credit cards can be suspended on the same day.

Once you have been issued a receipt number that proves that you have received the damage report, the next person to contact is the prefectural tax office where you live (or where your car is located).

By filing a car theft claim here, the car tax will be exempted on a monthly basis from the month following the theft damage until the car is found and returned or scrapped.

In addition to this, I would like to register the deletion of the car at the transportation bureau in my jurisdiction. Even if a car is found, it is not always in its original condition, but the automobile tax will continue to be levied.

There are "temporary deletion registration" and "permanent deletion registration" in this deletion registration. The former temporarily deletes the registration so that the public road cannot run, and the latter deletes the car itself such as dismantling in principle. I sometimes apply.

In the case of a stolen car, there is a slight possibility that it will come back, so it is possible to first check the situation with temporary deletion registration, and then move on to the permanent deletion registration procedure if the car is not found.

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As with a traffic accident, vehicle theft does not know when, where, or who will be damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures as much as possible by yourself.

Of course, it's best not to be stolen, but if you do, don't panic and proceed.

In addition, all types of vehicle insurance are covered for theft, so you may consider purchasing it in the sense that you can buy peace of mind with money.

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