Why does the Internet slow down? | | explain the reasons for the slow speed and how to deal with it [Network basic] | Salay.jp | the official website of the magazine "Salai" of the primary school library.

One day, when you suddenly feel that the Internet is very slow, call the provider support center. "something is going wrong. If you say "just a moment, please", there is nothing you can do about it, but "it works normally." Is it because of the client? "if you answer, it will be very difficult for me to deal with. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce the reasons why the Internet suddenly slows down and how to deal with it.

What is the reason for the slow speed of the directory Internet? What is the reason why smartphones are slowing down? What is the standard of speed? Summary (summary)

What is the reason why the Internet is slowing down?

Internet browsers rewrite the screens of their computers and smartphones by visiting distant servers.

When you feel slow

1. There is a problem with the Ethernet cable and Wi-Fi connected to the NAT router (address translation device) in use. 2. The NAT router and ONU (connection translation device) connected to the provider are strange. 3. The connection from the provider to the upper level is abnormal. 4. The path to the server is thin, and the data sequence is waiting.

This is a situation. Let's be specific separately.

If you connect to the NAT router via an Ethernet cable, the pin of the connector may be damaged or, even if plugged in, it may not be connected. Is the LINK indicator on? Tuck it in and have a look.

The Wi-Fi is about 10 meters away and may not be able to communicate if there are obstacles such as walls. Are three full or two connection markers displayed? Repeaters have also become easier to use in the latest Wi-Fi 6, so consider buying repeaters when the radio intensity is weak. Note, however, that Wi-Fi 6 repeaters cannot be used outdoors.

Access slows down when more than a dozen computers or smartphones are connected to older NAT routers. There are many firms where smartphone communication slows down in places such as employee canteens. This is due to the processing capacity of the NAT router. Let's change it. As a communications standard, the latest Wi-Fi 6 greatly improves the access capabilities of many personal computers and smartphones.

If you are still unable to connect, the DHCP server service is suspected. To connect to the Internet, a separate IP address is required. The provider is the business entity that manages the IP number. Each contract provides an individual IP address, so a lot of fixed IP addresses are required. Therefore, DHCP (dynamic Host configuration Protocol) is a mechanism that provides IP addresses "only when connecting to networks that need new IP addresses" to save unused IP addresses.

If this DHCP server service cannot communicate and obtain an IP address, it cannot connect to the Internet. Let's confirm the IP address of the computer and mobile phone we are using. If you cannot confirm the IP address, shut down and restart.

The next suspect is the NAT router. Reset the NAT router that is in use. Press the reset button or unplug the power supply, wait about 10 seconds, and then plug in the power plug again. If not, reset the ONU, and then reset the NAT router again.

Although less recently, but depending on the type of NAT router, due to internal memory leaks, there are products that need to be reset regularly for half a year to one year.

If access to any site is slow, we recommend that you visit the support Web of your contracted provider to determine if the communication path is down. If the computer is slow, access the provider Web through your smartphone or other means. The problem can be solved after waiting for dozens of minutes.

Try to connect to Yahookeeper Japan to determine if it is a user problem. "Wi-Fi Japan" is a large-scale server website, and if you can access it properly, you can confirm that it is normal to go from Wi-Fi and Ethernet cable to NAT router, ONU and server. "Yahoohua Japan" sends a huge message on the home page, which can also be used to judge whether the Internet is slow or slow if it is accessed at ordinary times.

If your screen and sound are interrupted on streaming sites such as Netflix, please check them on line speed measurement sites such as Fast.com. 4K video playback requires more than 22 Mbps.

The DNS server may be lost. IP addresses are hard to remember, so a server that translates to a name that is easy to remember is called a DNS server. "serai.jp" in "serai.jp" and "yahoo.co.jp" in "Yahoohua Japan" are domain names. Because you use the provider's DNS server to reach the desired server, the DNS server will not be able to connect to the Internet. The DNS server is an important server, so the recovery will take place quickly, so wait. In some cases, when you change the DNS setting of a NAT router from automatically to "", you can access the Internet through a different route from the provider.

In order to communicate with the server, access is made through various paths, and if the path (the width of the road on which luggage is transported) is very small, the data of the package (package) will wait sequentially. Even within the server, if you wait in the Web front desk (window) and database (warehouse), the user's response will become "slow".

The symptoms of "picture freezing" and "picture whitening" of Japanese computers and smartphones sold on ticketing websites are very similar to traffic jams on narrow roads, because it is the superior event of the provider, so they have to wait for users.

What is the reason why smartphones are slowing down?

Smartphones can connect directly to 3G, 4GLTE and the nearest 5G lines without Wi-Fi, and can surf the Internet. If you turn off Wi-Fi and leave the mobile line base station, the speed of the smartphone will slow down. If you enter the ground, the intensity of the radio wave becomes weaker and there are many cases in which you are unable to communicate. In places where more smartphones are installed than antennas, the processing capacity of base stations in 4LTE and 5G areas and event venues may be exceeded.

What is the standard of speed?

If you want to use the Internet comfortably, the line speed should not be too slow. However, the connection to the server and the path through can vary greatly in access speed.

Hundreds of kbps can be used if it's just an email, but it takes more than Mbps to visit a website that contains photos using a Web browser, and more than 22 Mbps to watch 4K videos through streaming. If the contract with the provider limits the speed of the same connection group, it may slow down at night, and if you can't stand the minimum speed in times of congestion, please negotiate with the provider and go to the advanced plan.

The number of games played through the Internet has also increased. Watching or listening to videos and concerts on a smartphone exceeds the contracted capacity, thus limiting access speed. If the provider's router does not have enough processing power, it will result in a significant decrease in the speed of communication, thus limiting the amount of traffic (the amount of packets carried). This is why providers and mobile phone companies offer services that vary in usage and speed.

Usually, as long as the line speed is measured, it will say, "slow!" "when you feel that it is the supplier's responsibility, you can judge whether it is the supplier's responsibility or not. Please consult the provider support center to find out how much cost to add to make it faster.

Summary (summary)

Once you get used to the Internet, you will start to use a variety of services, and the requirements will continue to increase. If you feel that the usual speed of use is "slow", please consider how much the provider contract (mobile phone line contract) has to pay to speed up.

Sugita Internet handle is an Apple follower from sugipooh Amateur Radio, TK-80BS,PC-8001,APPLEII,MacintoshPlus. From large storage, RAID and NAS development to Web server development, the data center security standard ISO27001 (ISMS) was first acquired in Japan. Research and development of energy-efficient data centers for cloud computing and energy-saving data center construction consultants are currently under way.

Configure / Edit / Kyoto Media Line (https://kyotomedialine.com)

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