Why is "counting sheep" counterproductive?Six sleep methods that you want to try immediately when you can't sleep (hint -pot) --Yahoo! News



Ayako Nishitani, a talent with a qualification as a sleep improvement instructor

 When you can't sleep at night, you may be impatient.Sleeping requires relaxing, but you may become more and more sleepy.Is there an effective way to fall asleep at such a time?This series by Ayako Nishitani, a talent and sleep improvement instructor (Japan Sleep Improvement Council), is the 16th theme "How to try it out when you can't sleep."[Video] I can't sleep because I think about this and that ...Ayako Nishitani's detailed explanation ◇ ◇ ◇

「羊を数える」はなぜ逆効果なのか? 眠れない時すぐに試したい入眠法6選(Hint-Pot) - Yahoo!ニュース

Is "counting sheep" and "diary" effective?

[This worries] "I want to sleep immediately tonight! Is there a way to sleep immediately when I thought so?" There is something like that. But this is actually the opposite effect. Also, there are voices that writing a diary when you can't sleep makes it clean, but this is not recommended. Because both are "thinking before sleeping". This is because the longer the time in which it is happening, the brain awakens and tends to induce negative ideas. Therefore, if you write a diary at night, we recommend that you do not spell out "emotions" but only the floating ideas and facts in short words. Basically, our brain remembers everything you have experienced. However, since the capacity will be over quickly, the information for one day will be organized during sleep. Except for the necessary memories, it is erased, and the remaining memory when it happens is that the brain is "important". I myself think, "Let's leave memories to sleep!" If you think that sleep will organize your memory, you will feel more secure and you will be able to fall asleep.

Cool / warm ... Six ways to smoothly fall asleep

 So what kind of method can you expect to have a sleep effect? Here are the six sleep methods you want to try. 1. The brain that cools the cerebrum is the same as the internal organs, and when the temperature rises, it tends to be difficult to fall asleep. The temperature of the brain rises when looking at a screen such as a smartphone or TV. As the deep body temperature rises as the rise rises, you will not be able to sleep deeply. In such a case, it is effective to "physically cool". Try to cool the top from your ears using an ice pillow. Try it if you are working on a personal computer just before you sleep or does not stop your thoughts. 2. Warm the ankle to warm up a deep sleep by warming the ankle. I think that there are many people who only take a shower, but the feet are hard to warm up, so try to warm your ankle after the bath. Furthermore, if you keep warm with leg warmer, etc., it will support the heat dissipation from the soles of the foot, so you can expect a high effect. It is also effective to use cold water after bathing to strengthen the function of the autonomic nervous system. Let's put hot water and cold water about three times in the calf, alternating left and right. If you can lead to good sleep, it seems better to end with hot water. 3. "Hyakue" is a "sleeping point" that massages the points of the hundred associations. When you put your thumb on the temple and wrap your head with your hands, the middle finger of both hands is just at the top. By massaging here, you can expect the effect of adjusting the autonomic nervous system. It is recommended not only because it supports fatigue recovery, relaxation, and good sleep, but also because the morning awakening is improved. It is also called a "miracle key point" that can solve frustration. 4. Choose lavender, sweet marjorum, rose geranium, bergamot, chromoji, cypress, cedar, etc. that are effective for sedation, relaxation, and balance adjustment using aroma oil. Choose a calm scent according to your condition. However, it may be necessary to be careful when using it during pregnancy, people who are sick, or children. First, consult your doctor and keep your safety. 5. Sleeping while touching a comfortable material, such as his towel touching a comfortable thing, has a relaxing effect, making it easier to create a sense of sleep. In my case, it is a cushion. Luggage increases, but we always bring pillows and cushions when traveling or hospitalized. 6. 10 -second breathing Let's make parasympathetic nerve dominant with "10 seconds breathing". First, correct your posture and inhale from your nose while counting "1, 2, 3", and stop it with "4". Then, just exhale slowly while counting "5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10". One hour before sleeping after the bath, close your eyes and do 3 sets. You can expect a relaxing effect and good sleep.

Yuko Sekiguchi


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