What is the reason why Australia is strong this season?Next -generation Aiming Surfer aiming for CT | THE SURF NEWS "Surf News"

In recent years, Brazilian's top ranks have often occupied the majority of Brazilian, but this season has changed to a challenger series (CS), which is competed by players selected from seven QS Regionals. It has changed.

Before the final round of the CS "HALEIWA CHALLENGER", there are only two Brazilian people in the top 12 (excluding CT players), which is the condition of Men's CT Quolifi.On the other hand, there are five Australian players.

Currently, the Australian players are currently ranked higher than the Kuolifi Cut Line, including Connor Oreal, Liam Oblien, Calam Robson, Jackson Baker, and Jordan Roller.Depending on the result of the final round, there is a chance in Duran Moffat.

On the other hand, the top 6, which is the condition of Women's CT Kuolifi, has two people in the United States.India Robinson, who ranked second in France, is currently fourth and is the only Australian player.

However, Molly Pickram, Macy Character Hann, and Dimiti Still are in the 15th place with more than 10,000 points, and when the chance in the final race is expanded, the strength of Australia is also noticeable.

The reason why Australia is strong is "unity"

It is said that the strong Australian group is the reason why the unity seen at the Tokyo Olympics has a major reason this season.

Jackson Baker, who has earned 8,000 points in the second place in Portugal, and now Jackson Baker, has commented:

"The big difference this year is that everyone has promised to support all Australians who are participating in the Challenger Series. Seeing the Brazilian that has been united on the tour, the mentality as an Australian group in recent years.I felt it was missing. "

"I personally come to the beach and support each other in any situation. That is an implicit understanding, but eventually the results are all, and in all events, who is always someone.Is step -up. We all want to participate in CT. If many of this member can fight on the big stage next year, we will do it better for us.world!"

今季オーストラリア勢が強い理由とは?CT入り狙う次世代豪サーファー | THE SURF NEWS「サーフニュース」

Australia/Oceaniary Joint players are 10 men and 6 women.

The CS journey, which has been visited by California, Portugal, and France, is often an environment where you often act together due to the corona evil, and you can easily gush your consciousness.When Connor won in France, the rejoicing ceremony surrounding him was like the Tokyo Olympics team Australia.

By the way, Jackson will be able to have a long -awaited quorifi even in the current 13th place position because the double kousifi in Igarashi Kanoa is certain.

▲ The corners "Aussie, Aussie" and "Camone!"

▲ The same circle in Owen, who won the bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics.The unity was outstanding compared to other countries

Another reason for the Australia is an age structure

It is said that another reason for the Australia this season is the ideal age structure.

Liam Oblien, Calam Robson, Molly Pickgram, and Macy Character Han are still teenagers and 20 years old.Experienced players such as Connor Oriy, Wade Carmykel, and Dimit Stills are supported.

Among them, Connor, who goes back and forth between CT and QS and knows sour and sweet, says, "I think the biggest factor is we enjoy. We have decided to help each other, but at the same time we have time to travel.I also care about enjoying it. I don't think this experience is for granted. Currently, many Australians are restricted. "

In the European expedition, which was followed by Portugal and France, the appearance of Australia was conspicuous.They enjoyed football on the beach, cheered their friends during the tournament, and if there were players who had great results, everyone was drinking beer and sharing positive energy.

Haleiwa, whose power surfing is a weapon, is also a stage where Australia can easily achieve results.How many players decide the quorifi?And I want to pay attention to the unity during the event.


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