What is the compatible model of the "Mina Point App"? Explains how to register if it is not supported

There are ways to register as a minor point, or go from a smartphone and a PC or go to a support terminal.However, when registering from a smartphone, there are cases where the minor point app does not support depending on the performance of the OS or model.

Therefore, in this article, I will introduce the compatible models of the smartphone minor point app.

There are two types of minor point apps, iOS and Android version

A minor point app is a smartphone app that can be reserved and applied for minor points.There are two types of minor point apps, iOS and Android, so let's take a look at each.

iOS compatible app

IOS -compatible minor point apps are iOS 13.Compatible with 0 or more iPhone or iPod touch.It does not support macOS or iPados.

Check the iOS version by the following procedure.

Setting application → "General" → "Information" → "System version"

The number next to the "System Version" is 13.If it is a terminal with a reading function above 0, you can use the minor point app without any problems.

Android compatible app

The Android version of the minor point app is Android6.It corresponds to 0 or more.Since it is a specification that can be installed only on models that can read My Number Card, it cannot be used for models that do not have a reader function.

Compatible models for minor point apps

If you don't know if your smartphone is compatible with the minor point app, decide on the model.Here, we will introduce the compatible models of the minor point app for each OS.

iOS compatible model

The following model is a smartphone equipped with iOS and supports minor point apps.

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A relatively new model supports the minor point app.

Android compatible model

As of June 2021, the smartphone equipped with Android, which supports the minor point app, will be more than 280 models as of June 2021.In addition to the three major carriers docomo, au, and SoftBank, there are other compatible models, and can be used for many models.

I will omit all model names, but the version of Android is 6.If it is a model with a leader function of 0 or more, it is likely that it can be used.

How to register from the minor point app to the minor point

The purpose of the minor point app is to register cashless payments to minor points.Here, we will introduce how to register to the minor point from the minor point app.

First, prepare what you need

Before registering for Mina Points, prepare what you need.

Prepare is the PIN of My Number Card and My Number Card, the payment service ID or security code.

For iPhone

After downloading the minor point app to the device, start up.After that, we will perform the operation by the following procedure.

・ Tap “Reservation for Minor Point (Publing Mikey ID)” ・ Tap “Go to the next” ・ Put the iPhone on the My Number Card, enter the “Start Reading” and enter the PIN to “OK”.Tap and read the My Number Card ・ Tap “Publish” to complete the Mikey ID ・ Tap “To apply” ・ Search for payment service, select, and check the contents.If there is no problem, check the "Check box", enter "Go to the application", enter the information on the tap and cashless payment, tap and check "Confirm", tap "Application", and confirm.After confirming the screen, tap "OK", tap "Start Reading", enter the password, read "OK", read the tap My Number card, and confirm the application information.

Operation is not so difficult because you can enter while following the instructions on the screen.

For Android

For Android apps, the operation procedure is the same as the iPhone.As mentioned above, first issue a microphone ID, then register as a minor point.

How to respond when you can't read it well

If your smartphone cannot be input or read by My Number Card, the reader function may not work well.Please adjust the procedure below.

iPhoneTouch IDまたはFace IDを有効にする

Especially in the case of Android, the operation method varies depending on the model, so please search on the setting screen.

How to register for Mina Point if it is not a model compatible model

If your smartphone is not a minor point compatible model, register it from a PC or support terminal.There are ways to use a web browser and a support terminal.

In the case of a PC, check the operating environment

When registering from a PC to a minor point, check the operating environment.

WindowsMicrosoft Windows 7Microsoft Windows 8.1Microsoft Windows 10Internet Explorer11Microsoft Edge(Ver.79以上)Google Chrome(Ver.79以上)
MacmacOS High Sierra(macOS v10.13以上)macOS Mojave(macOS v10.14以上)macOS Catalina(macOS v10.15以上)Safari(Ver.13以上)Google Chrome(Ver.79以上)

In addition to the above, an IC card reader writer is required, so if it is not installed on the model, prepare an external product.

Mina point registration procedure from a PC

First, if you access the minor point reservation / application site, follow the procedure below.

・ Click “Reservation for Minor Point (Publing Mikey ID)” ・ Set the My Number Card on the IC card Reader Rita, read the “Login with My Number Card”. Click the Password and click “OK”.Click "Publish" to complete the publication of Mikey ID ・ Click “To Apply”. Register to Mina Point. Search and select the payment service, click “Select”, and click “Go to the next” ・ Terms of use.If there is no problem, check "Check box", click "Go to Application". Enter the necessary information on the selected payment service, click "Confirm", and check the information.Click, check the contents of the confirmation screen and click "OK". Set the My Number Card on the IC card Reader Rita. Enter the My Number Card password and click "OK" to check the application information.Completion

In the case of support terminals, go and go

If you do not have a PC or tablet where you can register a minor point at home, or if you are worried about the operation, go to the support terminal to complete the procedure.There are about 90,000 terminals nationwide, and you can proceed in the following places.


It is possible not only at the municipal office but also at shops that are expanding nationwide.The municipal window may be supported by the procedure, so if you are worried about the operation, please consult.

Let's check the model compatible model


Registering to minor points is the easiest way to do it from your smartphone.If you are considering registration in the future, the corresponding OS and models at that time are listed on the download site of the Mina Point app, so check if your model is compatible and complete the procedure.Please start.

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