Which is better for mobile phones, corporate contracts or individual contracts? | Explanation of switching | Think with Magazine

Many companies use mobile phones in their work, but there are many cases where employees use their personal mobile phones in their work. In order to overcome this situation, many business owners and persons in charge may be considering switching to mobile phones with corporate contracts.

In this article, we will explain about corporate contracts for mobile phones and switching contracts. Please use it as a reference when introducing a mobile phone with a corporate contract.

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About corporate contracts for mobile phones

To switch your mobile phone to a corporate contract, you need to know the outline of the corporate contract and recognize the difference from the individual contract.

A corporate contract for a mobile phone is a contract for a mobile phone in the name of a corporation by a joint-stock company, a limited company, or various organizations. A corporation is an organization that is given a "legal personality" and refers to a social entity that is different from a person.

Depending on the mobile carrier, corporate contracts have many benefits. However, if you are a sole proprietor or a freelancer, you are not a corporation. You may not be able to make a corporate contract, so please check in advance.

The difference between a mobile phone individual contract and a corporate contract is not the mobile phone itself, but the contract type and rate plan. Since multiple lines are contracted in a corporate contract, a special plan for corporations is prepared, and there is a high possibility that the cost can be reduced compared to an individual contract with basic charges and call charges.

Fees for corporate contracts vary depending on the size of the corporation. With thousands of line contracts and dozens of line contracts, the charge per line is lower for thousands of line contracts.

In the case of a corporate contract, it is also a feature that you can receive the SMS service and MMS service dedicated to the corporation, and you can set the email address dedicated to the business in the domain of the company.

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Benefits of mobile phone corporate contract

I mentioned earlier that corporate contracts for mobile phones have many advantages. Here, I will explain the specific benefits.

The big advantage of contracting a mobile phone as a corporation is the cost reduction of call charges. Some companies use their personal mobile phones for business purposes and provide allowances according to the amount used. However, if you switch multiple mobile lines to a corporate contract, you can significantly reduce call charges.

Depending on the carrier, there are various corporate contract plans available, and you can choose the one that suits your company. Discount rates and discount rates may differ depending on the number of contracted lines and contract period, so compare them before making a contract. There is also a plan that allows free calls between lines under the same corporate name.

If you are using an employee's personal mobile phone, only the employee can change the plan etc., but by making a corporate contract with the mobile phone, you will be able to centrally manage plans and options within the company. ..

Depending on the carrier, if you have a corporate contract, you can change the plan and options according to the usage of employees on the corporate contract screen on the Web page. It is also possible to grasp communication charges for each department or individual.

If you make a corporate contract with your mobile phone, your accounting work will be smoother. When an employee's personal mobile phone is also used for business, it was necessary to separate work calls and private calls in the call details, etc., in order to calculate the call charges for business use and pay the allowance.

If each employee has a different career, the task can be complicated and cumbersome. If it is a corporate contract, it will be managed by one corporate name, so accounting will be smooth and the man-hours of the person in charge will be reduced.

By making a corporate contract with a mobile phone and lending it to employees, you can prevent information leakage. Confidential company information such as customer information and customer information is recorded on mobile phones. The same applies when an employee's personal mobile phone is also used for business.

If an employee leaves the company or loses his or her mobile phone, important information within the company may be leaked. If you lend a mobile phone with a corporate contract to an employee, you can lock the remote terminal or delete data if you lose it. Confidential information such as customer information can also be managed so that it can be used by accessing the internal intranet or cloud environment with restricted access from the terminal, and information security can be further protected.

Among mobile phones, smartphones can later incorporate tools that are useful in business. By installing an application that is useful for business, it functions like a PC, and you can work with one smartphone even when you are away from home or at home. Specifically, by linking with the system, you can settle expenses on your smartphone even from a remote location without going to work, or create and submit a daily report. In addition, various tools such as schedule management function, text chat, and web conferencing will contribute to productivity improvement.

The information database utilizes the cloud, and if you use the information sharing app, you can collect and check in-house information and customer information anytime, anywhere. It can be used not only as a means of communication but also as a tool for facilitating business, so it is also an effective means for improving work efficiency and promoting communication between employees.

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If you make a corporate contract with a mobile phone and lend it to an employee, it will lead to improved treatment and satisfaction of the employee. If the employee's personal mobile phone is no longer used in business, the mobile usage fee for the employee's work will be zero. Also, by not using your personal cell phone for business, you will be relieved of the tension of being always aware of your work even on holidays, as if you could get a work call on your private cell phone.

By installing an application that can be used for the business mentioned above, it will lead to activation and speeding up of communication throughout the company.

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Disadvantages of mobile phone corporate contract

Corporate contracts for mobile phones have both advantages and disadvantages. Here, I will explain two disadvantages.

The first disadvantage is the high cost of corporate contracts for mobile phones. Initial costs include corporate contract fees and mobile phone / smartphone purchase costs.

There are also running costs such as basic charges, call charges, and communication charges. In order to keep costs down, it is important to select the optimal corporate plan. It is also important to manage the schedule and whether or not the mobile phone lent by the employee is used privately. However, these are the minimum necessary costs to avoid the risk that confidential company information may be leaked from personal mobile phones and cause great damage to the company.

The second disadvantage is that lending a mobile phone can increase employee stress. Some employees may feel stressed because the mobile phone they brought back may ring on holidays or receive emails that make it impossible to switch on and off.

When lending a mobile phone to an employee, make an internal rule in advance about the handling of business mobile phones on holidays and long vacations, and enlighten them to comply with it. As a specific rule, if there is a call from a customer on a holiday, the answering machine will announce that they are on vacation. As for e-mail, it is possible to notify you that you are on vacation by automatic reply and inform you of another contact information.

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About switching mobile phones

Regarding switching mobile phones, we will explain what you need to do when switching from a corporation to an individual and when switching from an individual to a corporation.

Mobile phones can be switched from individual contracts to corporate contracts. Even if you have a mobile phone in the name of an individual employee, consider switching to a corporate contract if you are mainly using it for business.

As a precaution when switching from an individual name to a corporate name, it is important to understand that the new holder will inherit the debts and credits of the current holder. In addition, the following documents are generally required to switch the name from an individual to a corporation.

・ Personal confirmation documents to be handed over

・ Confirmation documents regarding corporations

・ Identity verification documents for visitors

・ Documents that show the relationship with the corporation

Check the required documents at the carrier's call center so that you do not have to bother with it again.

Mobile phones can also be switched from a corporation to an individual name. However, it is necessary to take security measures such as confirming the deletion of confidential information stored in the company on the mobile phone and changing the access password to the database.

Depending on the carrier, administrative fees will be required. The required documents vary depending on the carrier, but generally the following documents are required.

・ Personal confirmation documents to be transferred

・ Confirmation documents regarding corporations

・ Identity verification documents for visitors

・ Documents that show the relationship with the corporation

Basically, it is not recommended to switch the corporate contract to the individual name. If you really need to switch, pay close attention to security.

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Case study of mobile phone corporate contract

If you know the case study of corporate contract of mobile phone, it will be helpful when you introduce it to your company. Here, we will introduce two case studies.

From around 2018, OHBA Co., Ltd. has promoted the introduction of IT in business as a means to realize work style reform. As a pioneer, we have started to rent smartphones with corporate contracts to all employees, break away from fixed-line phones, and reform the voice call environment.

The important point was whether or not we could handle the exchange of multiple lines and the fusion of landline and mobile phones at once. By entrusting it to the "KDDI Collective Office," we are currently building an environment that facilitates communication between employees even during telework.

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GRAND CITY Co., Ltd. promoted in-house IT and revamped the business environment with advanced technology. The first thing we considered was to make our business paperless. We introduced IT technology where all information transmission was done on paper, and lent smartphones and tablets to employees.

Since the introduction of paperless offices was introduced immediately, the burden on employees was greatly reduced, contributing to increased sales. Smartphones and tablets also help facilitate in-house communication.

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Corporate contract is recommended for mobile phones used at work

A corporate contract is recommended for mobile phones used for business. Here are three reasons for this.

By lending a terminal such as a mobile phone with a corporate contract to an employee, all the terminals of the employee can be centrally managed, which enhances security. Since the usage status of each employee can be grasped, it is easy to manage and the increase / decrease management of terminals does not become complicated.

Some carriers offer discounts on mobile phone contracts and the latest handsets. It is also possible to significantly reduce costs by putting together services that are useful in business, such as server cloud computing and information sharing applications.

Even if you change the phone number you are concerned about when changing the terminal to the latest model, you can use the current number regardless of the terminal you change. It does not interfere with communication between employees or customers. The latest models have high performance, and you can easily introduce tools that are useful for your business, so you can improve your work efficiency.

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Many companies use mobile phones used for business together with mobile phones in the name of individual employees. From the perspective of public and private affairs, productivity improvement, and security, it is desirable to lend a mobile phone with a corporate contract to employees.

If you are considering a corporate contract for a mobile phone, leave KDDI to the office as a whole. We can make optimal proposals that meet your company's issues and needs, such as mobile phones, communication environments, security environments, and cloud services that are useful for business. Also, please refer to "Utilization of smart devices". Why not start by switching your mobile phone to a corporate contract?

First of all, please consult with the office at once for KDDI.

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