When I became silent during a chat ... If it's a topic of Mister Donut, the theory that it can be lively regardless of age (BuzzFeed Japan) --Yahoo! News


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Jiji Press

Suddenly, do you all know Mister Donut, commonly known as "Missed"? It is a donut chain store that has been loved all over the world for a long time since the first Minoh shop (Osaka) opened in 1971. History aside, I love Mister Donut so much that it's a tongue twister. From the time when the 100-yen sale and the point system were introduced to the present, when it comes to Mister Donut, the throbbing of the chest does not stop and it is exciting. The other day, when I was about to be silent in a chat with my colleagues, I talked about Mister Donut and it was a big excitement. We talked about their love for their favorite products and were able to reaffirm the charm of Mister Donut. So, let me introduce the products that the members working at BuzzFeed praise! [BuzzFeed Japan / Reina Hisamatsu]

First of all, Pon de Ring, which represents Mister Donut.

Reona Hisamatsu / BuzzFeed

"Pon de Ring is the best if you chin it in the microwave for 10 seconds." You can tear it off one by one, bite it in the shape of a donut, or warm it up and enjoy a different texture. It's good! No matter what the flavor, such as brown sugar flavor, strawberry flavor, and limited-time series, there are few people who dislike men and women of all ages, and it is an image like a representative player of Mister Donut.

雑談中、無言になったとき……ミスドの話題なら、年代問わず盛り上がれる説(BuzzFeed Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース

When talking about Mister Donut, one person absolutely loves Honey Churo.

Reona Hisamatsu / BuzzFeed

"The key points are the crunchy texture inside the outside and the sweetness of the glaze, which is not found in other donuts." "I love the sweetness of the seams." It's irreplaceable, and it's packed with umami ... I also like the places that are easy to hold and eat.

Honey dip with a fluffy texture of Repezen Missed.

Reona Hisamatsu / BuzzFeed

"The best thing is that it's fluffy and not too sweet." The fluffy texture and well-balanced glaze are irresistible. When I was little, I used to eat honey dips that my grandparents bought. It's a taste of memories.

There should be many fans in the crunchy part. Golden chocolate.

Reona Hisamatsu / BuzzFeed

"The balance between the moist feeling of the dough and the crispness of the yellow crush is godly. It's lovely even where it falls apart, and it's best to eat it with your finger after you finish eating." I like this golden most. It's chocolate, but I especially like the crunch part. Every time I eat, "The person who developed it, is it a genius !?" According to the website, the true identity of the yellow mash is "sugar, flour, egg yolk, etc. kneaded into granules and dried." I want to make my own one day.

The next page is: The donuts are irresistible. Coconut chocolate.

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Last updated: BuzzFeed Japan

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