What is it?!? Giant "Nuclear ship" The purpose is to be prominent during the planning with a design that fluctuates the degree of "nuclear ship" |

A ship with a design that overturns common sense is under construction, with a huge spherical object on a hull like a ski jumping platform.Moreover, the power is nuclear power.A ship with this unusual design may be a symbol of the car caloral era.

300m long!A huge ship as an floating laboratory

 A huge sphere that gives a strong streak and a strong presence at the rear of the hull -raising funds for a project to build a “world's largest research ship” that uses a novel design far from the image of the conventional ship.It is.

It is expected that this ship, which is called "Earth 300", will be an active next -generation platform that will study and solve issues on the earth, such as climate change and deterioration of the marine environment, using cutting -edge science and technology.。

 The size is 300m long and 46m in width, almost the same as the 200,000 heavy ton -type cape size valker, which is introduced in iron ore transport.It is composed of three modules, a cantilever (single beam) type observation deck placed on the bow, a 13 -story black sphere equipped with various research facilities, and a gentle towards the stern from the bow to the stern.The falling hull is a characteristic of the exterior.It also supports the installation of helicopters and submarines required for marine observation.

 Designed by shipbuilding engineer Ivan Saras Jefferson, led by Ides Jotz in Spain and Polish NED projects.

"Earth 300", 20 professionals in various fields, including 160 scientists who lead the world, such as land, ocean, aerona, and space, and entrepreneurs, economists, engineers, explorers, and artists.It is said that 20 students will board each voyage.There is a vision that they cooperate and provide open source platforms, etc., which lead to solving the world's issues.

 There is a space on the ship to accept the four communities of scientists, experts, students, and civilians, and there are 22 research institutes with cutting -edge facilities as a place to support these activities and 20 suites for VIP.It will be prepared.We aim to not only create an environment where we can freely conduct research, such as artificial intelligence (AI), robots, machine learning, and real -time data processing, but also equipped with the latest quantum computers.

 IBM is in charge of these data, AI, and automated platform providers, and the Italian Ship -class Association (RINA) will judge the AIP (basic approval) of "Earth 300".

【次ページ】動力は原子力 米国政府も支援する最新の原子炉か

[What is going on!?] See in the detailed image of the giant "nuclear ship"

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