"Virus detection" and alert during smartphones and personal computers, how do you deal with them?

If you get a warning message ...?


Is it the purpose of removing personal information?

Q.When using a smartphone or computer, alerts may appear suddenly, such as "virus detected" or "malware detected".Does this really indicate that the virus was detected?Or is it a fake?Mr. Kuhara "It is highly likely that the virus detection alerts that are suddenly displayed on the screen are fake. Basically, think of it as a fake and respond." Q.Why display a fake viral detection alert?Mr. Kuhara "Generally, it is said that there is a purpose to guide to the site to install expensive security apps, enter personal information such as names and credit card numbers, and extract that information."Q.So how do you deal with a virus detection alert?Also, what happens if the virus has been detected, operates according to the screen, and enters personal information?Mr. Kuhara "First, ignore the alert and close the screen. If you operate according to the screen and install an expensive app, you need to pay the fee. Especially the app contract is flat (especially ().In the case of a subscription), you may have to pay a high price every month. If you accidentally install it, basically it is better to check the contract and cancel the cancellation procedure and then uninstall it.Most cases are good. If you can't uninstall, initialize your smartphone or computer. If you enter your credit card number, contact your card company immediately because you may be used unauthorized.It would be better to have the card reissued "q.Please tell me how to distinguish between a real virus detection alert and a fake virus detection alert.Mr. Kuhara: "Because the tricks are becoming more sophisticated year by year, please think that there is no way to identify the real and fake virus detection alerts. First, when the virus detection alert is displayed, save the still image of the screen with a screenshot., Let's check on the net if there is a similar fake alert post. In many cases, it is a fake virus detection alert at this point. "Q.What to do to prevent a fake viral detection alert is not displayed?Is it not possible to prevent virus software?Mr. Kuhara: "If you access the URL of a suspicious site or suspicious message, the probability of displaying a fake virus detection alert will increase. Also, I think there is a news site where advertisements are displayed while browsing the page.However, the fake viral detection alert applies the mechanism of these sites to prevent it with virus software. When collecting information on the net, a fake viral detection alert may be displayed.There are quite a few, so first of all, I want to be aware that the display of the fake virus detection alert is inevitable, and even if the alert is displayed, I want you to calm down, ignore the alert, and acquire the habit of closing the screen.increase"

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