What should I do with the telephone line and landline at the time of establishment? | Founding notebook for entrepreneurship, founding, and financing

If you are a business phone, we recommend "Visiphone.com", which allows you to handle all the telephone lines at once.

One of the indispensable preparations during the founding period is "Installation of telephone line "there is. With the development and spread of the Internet, the number of exchanges such as e-mail has increased these days, but fixed-line telephones are one of the indicators to build credibility as a company.

However, home phones may not be suitable for business use.ThereforeWe recommend the introduction of business phones (business phones) is. This time, the points of business phones andThe appeal of Visiphone.com, the lowest price in the industry Introducing.

Please read this if you are thinking about preparing to start a business or if you are worried about introducing a business phone.

* In the "Foundation Notebook" that writes this article, even more information is explained in the thick "Foundation Notebook / Printed Edition". You can get it for free, so please order it.

Contents of this article

  • Which is better, PBX or business phone?
  • The charm of Vigiphone.com
  • Various functions of business phones handled by Vigiphone.com
  • No need for telephone line construction!Just plug in a business phone
  • Flow of introducing business phone at Vigiphone.com
  • Business phone is one of the indispensable tools in the founding period
  • What is a business phone?

    A business phone (business phone) is a dedicated telephone for business use that can share an extension with multiple outside lines. A small switch called the "main unit" that controls multiple external and internal lines. The main unit is equipped with not only a CPU but also various units such as a power supply unit, extension unit, and outside line unit to control telephones. In other words, you can use the functions of a business phone not only by purchasing a dedicated telephone, but also by connecting the main unit and the dedicated telephone.

    Many people may have the image that business phones belong to companies with a large number of employees. However, the number of convenient functions and terminals such as automatic call transfer function, call recording, and cordless phone when you are away has increased.Even startups with few employees are increasingly introducing business phones. .. It can be said to be the business infrastructure that supports many companies of all sizes, from SOHO to corporations.

    By using a business phone, you can not only increase the number of calls and connections, but also the answering machine recording function and transfer function.You can use the functions that are indispensable for business to improve business efficiency. .. The number of telephone lines can be increased according to needs, and in the case of business phones, it can accommodate up to 2 to 300 lines.

    For example, you can make a call to a company's landline on all phones, or receive and answer multiple incoming calls at the same time on each phone in the office.

    With a home phone, the telephone line is for up to two calls between the master unit and the slave unit, and cannot be connected by an extension.In order to improve work efficiency, it is recommended to introduce a business phone from the time of establishment. is.

    The disadvantage of business phones is that they are equipped with various functions and it takes time to get used to the operation. The operation itself is easy, but there may be mistakes such as pressing a button incorrectly. It is also recommended to provide handling training and place the instruction manual in a place where you can see it.

    In addition, business phones cost more than purchase costs such as line construction and initial costs. In some cases, the burden of command costs is large and the introduction is given up.HoweverWith Visiphone.com, which is challenging the lowest price in the industry, you can introduce a business phone at a reasonable price. vinegar.

    When choosing a business phone, keep the following three points in mind.

    For business phones, the functions installed, the number of available calls, the number of connected devices, etc. are determined for each manufacturer and model. Before installing, decide the functions you want to use, the number of calls, and the number of units to be installed.

    When introducing a business phone, the cost will vary depending on the usage environment and the main unit price. In addition, construction is required at the time of installation, and the construction price will vary depending on the contractor.

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    When buying a business phone , You can choose a lease purchase as well as a bulk purchase .. Decide which purchasing method to choose after considering the advantages and disadvantages.

    PBX is a telephone line switchboard .. It controls incoming calls from external lines to internal lines and from internal lines to external lines.

    Sometimes the computer acts as a PBX, which is called an "unPBX". unPBX is often installed at call centers and customer support desks.

    By using PBX, you can use the call function between extensions for incoming / outgoing call control and dial-in function, the transfer function for the representative number incoming call function, and the park hold function that enables you to make an outside line call after the call is in progress. I can.

    It works like a business phone, but has different features and prices. PBX is expected to be used at multiple locations, and we pay attention to durability, security, and functions. for that reason,The initial cost is relatively high, ranging from millions of yen to tens of millions of yen, so it is not realistic to introduce it during the founding period. ..

    Cloud PBX is installed in stores and officesInstall a business phone PBX on the Internet To do. By using the Internet environment, you can use not only extension and outside line calls but also transfer and call recording functions. Furthermore, you can use your smartphone or Android device as a business phone by installing a dedicated app.

    However, there are disadvantages such as the number of times is limited, the sound quality is inferior, emergency calls cannot be made when using an IP line, and there are types that cannot take over the area code.

    Especially in the case of a company's fixed line, it is a problem if the sound quality is poor or you cannot make an emergency call. Therefore, we recommend a business phone.

    The charm of Vigiphone.com

    Aiming for the lowest price in the business phone industryVigiphone.com is a popular service that has surpassed 220,000 transactions. is.

    At Vigiphone.com, challenge the lowest price in the industry doing. For small offices for 1 to 3 people, by applying at the same time as the telephone line, the target 3 models will be 0 yen.Vigiphone.com limited used business phone 0 yen Offer a plan.

    Not only new products but also used products are available, so the initial cost can be greatly reduced.

    Used business phones are in the same clean condition as new after cleaning one by one. Furthermore, in the unlikely event of a breakdown,It is possible to respond with the shortest visit on the day is. In addition, although a separate contract is required, we are fully equipped with maintenance services and can receive full support.

    About 7 years after the manufacturing date of the business phone, the manufacturing of parts is basically finished. Therefore, it is often difficult to deal with sudden failures. At Vigiphone.com, we are proposing successors to the discontinued models currently in use and the models that have been discontinued.If you can't find it in second-hand goods, you can get an introduction to the successor. Is also a nice point.

    With Vigiphone.comNot only can you arrange business phones, but you can also arrange telephone lines at once. .. The phone number is issued on the same day, so even if you are in a hurry, you can rest assured.

    When you contact Vigiphone.com, not only will you set up the optimal telephone line plan, but you will also be able to handle the acquisition of the telephone number and the opening work all at once. It is safe because it will give you a thorough hearing of the usage environment.

    The telephone number will be decided on the same day at the earliest, and the telephone can be opened on the third day after application by completing the construction the next day.

    Various functions of business phones handled by Vigiphone.com

    Business phones have a variety of functions.Above allFeatured features to help your business Introducing.

    Remote callback function You can use to make a call with your company phone number while you are away from home. If you set a mobile phone number in the phonebook group in advance, you can call the specified company line and hang up with one call, and the company will automatically receive a callback.After answering the call, enter the phone number you want to talk to and the phone charges will be charged to the company.Reduce mobile charges when going out I can do it.

    You can transfer a call to the company to the mobile phone of the person in charge registered in advance or the phone number of the person in charge of going out. Not only can it be done automatically or manuallyA function to notify you by e-mail when the phone cannot be connected There is also.

    You can monitor the contents of the call on the other phone from another phone. I can't join the call because it's only a monitor. The call on the handset of the telephone on the call monitor side is cut off, and the voice on the call monitor side cannot be heard by the other party.

    This function is useful for new employees when they answer the phone or for customer support.

    This function allows you to search the phonebook of a business phone with a mobile phone and make a call. Since it is not necessary to register the customer's phone number on the mobile phone, there is no risk of information leakage in the unlikely event that the terminal is lost.

    Focus on risk management Recommended for those who want to.

    Safety mode If set to, the phone sensor will keep watch over the unmanned office and activate automatically. When an abnormality is detected, it threatens with a loud alarm and a telephone LED lamp, and immediately notifies the other party of the abnormality. You can register up to 5 report destinations, and the report will continue until one of the parties responds or operates. In addition, the phone automatically goes into a hands-free state, so the person receiving the call can threaten the suspicious person by voice.

    You can also check the images in the office,Network camera linkage function When the sensor is detected, the camera position can be switched to the detection direction. Not only can you record and save the image, but you can also check the image from your mobile phone. Up to 3 network cameras can be connected.

    No need for telephone line construction!Just plug in a business phone

    At Vigiphone.com, depending on the telephone line usage status and line usage schedule,A service that sets the business phone in a state where it can be used and delivers the main body Is being carried out. It is a convenient service that allows you to use the telephone simply by inserting the business phone into the modular jack.

    Since no construction is required, the cost is low,Delivery in a minimum of 3 days Will be done. Telephone lines are compatible with optical lines and metal lines. You can choose between used and new phones, and if they are used, you will receive a phone after checking the operation.

    Initial defects can be replaced, but please note that initial maintenance is not included.

    For example, if you purchased 3 used business phones and did the construction. A construction cost of 55,000 yen will be charged for the equipment fee of 55,000 yen. Moreover, if it is new, the equipment cost will be even higher.

    But at Vigiphone.comJust plug in a business phoneThen, no construction cost is requiredInitial investment is only for equipment .. You can save as much as 55,000 yen.

    Flow of introducing business phone at Vigiphone.com

    Deploying a business phone on Visiphone.com is completed in 5 steps To do. It takes a minimum of 2 days from application to use, so even those who are in a hurry to install it are safe.

    For inquiries regarding new installations and relocations, please contact us by phone or email. We accept inquiries 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on the site, and you can also make inquiries at night or on holidays.

    Also, if it is a visitable areaYou can receive plan proposals by visiting directly .. If you often don't know, or if you want to discuss the installation location, we recommend visiting directly.

    We will hear requests such as "I want to add an answering machine function" and "I want such a function" and check the usage environment. Hearing about the type of telephone line and how many incoming calls are being used, it will propose a plan suitable for the usage environment. After making an inquiry, you can check the usage environment in the shortest possible day.

    You will receive a quotation by email or fax based on the usage environment and needs you have heard. We will internally approve and consider the contents of the quotation.

    Installation work will be done according to the ordered contents. You can rest assured that there will be a reconfirmation before the construction is carried out.

    Once installed, you can use your business phone. It is speedy because it can be completed in a minimum of 2 days from the application.

    Business phone is one of the indispensable tools in the founding period

    As I introduced, business phones areAn indispensable tool for accelerating business in the early days It is one of. By mastering convenient functions, you can reduce man-hours and free up valuable human resources during the founding period.

    If you are thinking of starting a business or have just started a business and have not introduced a business phone, please take this opportunity to consider it.

    Request details

    (Supervision: Vision Inc.) (Edit: Founding notebook editorial department)

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