Reading from the job data of Linkedin, the most demanding occupational ranking, 3rd place software business, 2nd in -side sales, 1st place?

What is the most demanding job in Japan now?

Linkedin has recently announced the Jobs on the Rise ranking for the first time in Japan.This ranking calculates the top 10 jobs in the past five years, from the LinkedIn recruitment data.

From the "work needs" on Linkedin, in which the top -class companies in each industry are developing, you can get a glimpse of the changes in the industrial structure that is currently being occurring.There are three trends in Japan:

The first is that SaaS, which provides software via the cloud, is expanding in Japan.The spread of SaaS, such as the second -place inside sales, the fourth -largest engagement manager, and the fifth -ranked customer experience manager, has increased the need for related occupations.

Second, the importance of communication with customers in business is increasing.Now that it has become difficult to interact with customers in the new colon virus, it is important to have multifaceted communication skills, including remotes.Third place software sales and 9th -ranked sales officer are also typical examples.

Finally, the needs of the back office division, which is the key to the company, is increasing.The demand for key positions that support management behind the scenes, such as the top customer engineer, the 7th place recruitment specialist, and the 10th place general affairs officer.In recent years, AI (artificial intelligence) -related engineers and data scientists have been in a relatively spotlight, but in fact, it seems that there is a need for the position of the organization as much as those human resources.

Our work style that has changed dramatically due to Corona evil.Digitalization has accelerated, its style is diversifying, and more and more companies are working at home and adopting hybrid types.In the United States, the number of people seeking new careers and work has increased rapidly, and the liquidity of human resources is increasing as much as the "mass retirement era."Although the scale is different, the same tendency is seen in Japan.

All of the 10 occupations that have entered this time have rapidly grown in demand in the last five years.I would like you to refer to the design of your future career while focusing on the major changes in the tide.

LinkedIn data, the top 10 now, the most demanded job

Work content: In charge of introduction of information systems and system maintenance in a position close to customer companies, etc. | Skill requirements: Customer Engineering, technical support, software installation, computer hardware | active main industry: computer software,Internet, Information Technology & Service | Years of experience (median): 7.4 years | Previous Jobs: Technical Support Engineer, Solution Architect, Software Engineer

Work content: Sales of new customer development, which is rapidly expanded with the appearance of SaaS | Skill requirements: SaaS, CRM, Business Development, Marketing Automation | Leading Industries: Computer Software, Information Technology & Service,Internet | years of experience (median): 4.6 years | Previous Works: Sales Specialist, Business Development

Work content: Not only the conventional on -premises type, but also the demand for SaaS sales has increased recently | Skill requirements: Solutionseling, cloud computing, direct sales, business development |Internet, Information Technology & Service | Years of experience (median): 10.8 years | Previous Works: Sales Specialist, Business Development

Work content: Specialist who comprehensively executes customer support in cooperation with other departments in the company | Skill requirements: Consulting, project management, business strategy | Active main industry: Computer software, Internet, information technology& Service | years of experience (median): 9.8 years | Previous work: Project Manager

Work content: Suit integrated support measures to maximize customer experiences | Skill requirements: SaaS, Customer Success, Enterprise Software| Years of experience (median): 8.3 years | Previous Works: Sales Specialist, Business Development, Technical Support Engineer, Customer Service Manager, Product Manager

Work content: Planning a partnership strategy to enhance the competitiveness of the company | Skill requirements: Business development, marketing strategy, digital marketing, sales | active industries: Computer software, Internet & Service |Years of experience (median): 8.8 years | Previous work: Account Manager, Business Development Manager

Work content: Excavation of human resources who impact the growth of the company and greeted friends | Skill requirements: Recruitment, human resource development, talent management, executive search | active industries: Computer software, Internet & Information Technology &Service | years of experience (median): 5.9 years | Previous work: Recruiter, HR specialist, recruitment consultant

Work content: Engineers who support corporate core systems such as servers and databases | Skill requirements: AWS, programming, MySQL | Main industry that is active: Computer software, Internet & service | Four.1 year | Previous Job: Software Engineer, Web Development, Full Stack Engineer, Front End Development

Work content: Insufficient occupation to accumulate corporate sales | Skill requirements: Strategy, solution sending, marketing strategy, business development | active industries: Computer software, Internet, information and services |Years of experience (median): 13.3 years | Previous Job: Sales Specialist

Work content: Specialist who supports companies behind the scenes | Skill requirements: Human resource development, project management, sales, accounting | active industries: Information and services |.4 years

Source: Linkt -in Japan Co., Ltd.

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