What is the investment and future nature of quantum computers?5 Related brands | Zuu Online


If you're looking for a promising investment theme in stock investment, you want to know about "quantum computers."Quantum computers have an overwhelming number of information patterns that can be expressed at one time and can significantly reduce the steps of information processing than conventional computers, so that the calculation speed can be dramatically improved.It is thought that the development of technology will accelerate in various fields, such as the development of new drugs and relieving traffic congestion, as it is put into practical use.Let's explain about the future, investment, and related brands.

table of contents

  1. 1.What is a quantum computer?
  2. 2.Market size and advantages and disadvantages of quantum computers
  3. 3.What is the investment of quantum computers?
  4. 4.5 quantum computer -related stocks
  5. 5.When is full -scale quantum computer practical use?
  6. Summary: Quantum computers with a large impact in society in practical use are investment fields

1.What is a quantum computer?

Quantum computer is a next -generation high -speed computer that can process information in a short time in a new way, such as a conventional supercomputer that can not derive the answer without spending a lot of time on classical computers.First, I will introduce the basic knowledge of quantum computers.

A quantum computer is a computer that uses the phenomenon of quantum mechanics.In the first place, a quantum refers to substances below the atomic level, such as electrons, nuclei, protons, and neutrons, and the quantum computer can make a good use of the properties of these quantums and instantly perform a huge calculation.

So specifically, what kind of properties do quantum computers use?It is the property of "overlapping" that takes two conditions at the same time, and "quantum entanglement".First, let's explain from "layering".

The information unit of the classical computer is "bit", and as generally the image of "computer is a binary method", the bit takes either "0" or "1".If you emphasize the difference from the quantum computer, the bits are characterized by "only either value."

For example, in the case of a 4 -bit, there are four bits that take either 0 or 1 (2 steps), so there are 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16 expression patterns (0 to 15 of the decimal method).However, only one of 16 can be expressed at once.4) When calculating using all patterns that can be expressed in bits, input and calculation are required 16 times.

On the other hand, the information units of the quantum computer "quantum bit" are characterized by "0" and "1", which are characterized by simultaneously taking them, and this is called "overlapping".It is possible to express a lot of information simultaneously using the stacking state.

For example, in the case of a 4 -quantum bit, 0 to 15 of the decimal method can be expressed simultaneously.A classical computer requires 16 times input / calculation, but a quantum computer can be done with one process.In other words, quantum computers have an overwhelmingly large pattern of information that can be expressed at one time, so high -speed calculations can be reduced significantly.

▽ Difference between classical computer "bit" and quantum computer "quantum bit"


Another characteristic nature of quantum is "quantum tangling".This means that when multiple quantum bits have a correlation, when one quantum bit is measured, the state of the other quantum bit is confirmed at the same time.

For example, suppose there are quantum bit A and quantum bit B.Both are in the overlapping state of "" 0 "and" 1 ", and it has not been determined to 0 or 1 as if the coin is spinning.When A is measured and knows that it is 0, B is determined to be 1 at that moment.This phenomenon is said to occur no matter how far away, and it is a super -high -speed information transmission that cannot be explained in conventional theories.

Due to the nature of such "overlapping" and "quantum entanglement", quantum computers can provide more super -speed information processing than classical computers.

What is attracting attention for quantum computers is the speed of the information processing speed.Computers are still active in various industries, and they always do various information processing, that is, calculation.

If these calculations are dramatically increased, the time required for information processing can be significantly shorter.For example, a classical computer will be able to take one year of processing and take several years in one month.

In other words, the benefits of quantum computers to mankind are "saving time", and many experts call the practical use of quantum computers as "the largest technological innovation in the 21st century."

There are several classifications for quantum computers due to differences in calculation methods, but what you want to keep in mind is the "quantum gate" and "quantum annealing method".

The quantum gate method is the longest in the quantum computer method, so to speak, the mainstream.The feature is that it is versatile, like classical computers, and can be calculated.Because it can be applied to various fields, the impact of society is great when it is practical.Google and IBM are developing.

However, the hurdle for practical use is high, and the number of quantum bits must be significantly improved.General -purpose quantum computers require a million quantum bit, but Google's quantum computer as of 2019 is 54 quantum bit.

[Reference] Google AI Blog "Quantum Supremacy Using A Programmable SuperConducting Processor"

On the other hand, the feature of the quantum annealing system is that it specializes in combination optimization issues and is ahead of practical use.However, even though it is specialized, this optimization problem is widely demanded by the industry, so early practical use is required.

A typical company that develops the quantum annealing system is D-Wave Systems in Canada.The company announced in 2020 a quantum computer with more than 5,000 quantum bits.However, the problem that can still be solved is limited.In order for quantum annealing quantum computers to be widely used in business, it is necessary to respond to large and elaborate optimization issues.

[Reference] D-WAVE SYSTEMS "D-WAVE Announces General Availability of First Quantum Computer Built for Business"

In Japan, NEC collaborates with D-Wave Systems and is working on development to put it in practical use in 2023.In addition, the Institute of Industrial Technology is focusing on developing technology that responds to large -scale combination optimization issues with a small number of quantum bits.

[Reference] NEC "NEC and D-WAVE, collaboration in quantum computing areas-joint product development, marketing, and sales activities-"

[Reference] Industrial Technology Research Institute "Realization of superconducting quantum annealing machines using their own architecture"

If quantum computers are put into practical use, research and development can be expected to speed up in various fields.

A typical field is drug discovery.By instantaneous trial of various molecules and ingredients, it is possible to develop groundbreaking new drugs in a short time.Even in the development of cancer treatments, expectations for quantum computers are high.

It is said to bring innovation to traffic congestion.It is also possible to instantly analyze and analyze the flow of a huge number of cars running on the road, and optimize signal control.In the future of quantum computers, the time to arrive at the destination by car should be reduced now.

In addition, the development of electric vehicle batteries, improving the accuracy of prediction in the financial field, and optimizing evacuation guidance in the event of a disaster is also expected to be applied in the practical use of quantum computers.

2.Market size and advantages and disadvantages of quantum computers

Quantum computers are an area where the market size is expected to expand.What kind of elements will be required for this market size expansion?Also, let's understand not only the advantages of the evolution of quantum computers but also what disadvantages are.

Regarding the market size of quantum computers, the report published by the Yano Economic Research Institute, a private research company, will be helpful.

According to this report, the market size in Japan (sales basis for service providers) is estimated to be 13.94 billion yen in FY2021, and this size is 55 billion yen in 2025 and in 2030.It is expected to expand to 294 billion yen.

▽ Domestic quantum computer market size and prediction


The following three points have been raised in the report of the Yano Economic Research Institute, as described above, as a premise that the market size will continue to expand.

・ Evolution of hardware and development of development environment ・ Creation of applications to bring out hardware abilities ・ Excavation of use cases

Hardware refers to parts and parts that make up the machine itself and a machine.If quantum computers' hardware evolution does not progress smoothly, the market size will naturally decrease.Currently, hardware development competition by domestic and foreign businesses is increasing, and it has been revitalizing, with hardware vendors building a developer community and enhancing the development environment.

On the other hand, even if the development of quantum computers has progressed smoothly, if the application is not developed to maximize the calculation capacity of the quantum computer, it will be "rotten treasure".Currently, apps are being born one after another in fields such as material calculation and simulation.

It is also important to find a usage case (how to use it) for quantum computers.Therefore, in the future, literacy (knowledge and abilities) education for private companies should be required.At present, the number of vendors, which are developing education for user companies, are increasing, and the launch of the council to create use cases in multiple fields is accelerating.

[Reference] Example of the Council related to the quantum computer ・ Quantum Innovation Initiative Council (Qii Council) ・ Quantum Technology Council (Q-STAR)

The merits of quantum computers are as described so far.If quantum computers evolve and become practical in the industry, research and development with vast amounts of calculations can be completed early and innovation accelerates.

On the other hand, there are disadvantages to the evolution of quantum computers.For example, it is said that speeding up the calculation speed can instantly decipher the cryptographic technology used for information security.Therefore, prior to the practical use of quantum computers, the development of new security measures is required.

Cryptography that is difficult to decipher even with quantum computers is called "quantum -resistant encryption".Currently, the most prominent in the quantum -resistant encryption technology is the "lattice cipher", which is highly safe and has a wide range of applications.In addition, various new encryption technology has been developed.

▽ Image of lattice cipher


3.What is the investment of quantum computers?

As mentioned above, the merit of the practical use of quantum computers is great.If so, some companies that develop business related to quantum computers will be able to grow rapidly in the future.Quantum computers will explain about investment.

There are many related businesses for quantum computers.In addition to medical care and transportation, various fields such as environment, finance, and agriculture benefit.It is expected that companies in various fields will try to use quantum computers in the future, and the number of related stocks that will be investment candidates will increase.

The quantum computer is still in the early days, and considering that the market will expand in earnest, it is a long -lasting investment theme.Once a quantum computer is put into practical use, people can continue to benefit from high -speed calculations, and quantum computers should be the driving force for long -term reforms.

In particular, quantum computers are indispensable in acceleration of businesses related to IoT, medical and information security.In these fields, there are many scenes that require enormous calculations.

4.5 quantum computer -related stocks

Let's introduce five related brands of quantum computers (the results of each company that are introduced are the latest full -year financial results, and the market capitalization is as of January 4, 2022).

Ficksters are companies that provide support for quantum computer utilization and system development, and are also known in collaboration with Fujitsu and Hitachi.

February 2021 was provided in FIXSTARS AMPLIFY, a cloud base that could execute quantum annealing.It lowers technical hurdles, provides services that reduce work costs, and contributes to the easing barriers to entry into research and development of applications that solve combination optimization issues.


Nueef Holdings is a company that is expected to contribute to the development of quantum computers, such as a multi -channel low noise amplification system and a precision low -pitched direct voltage source.

In order to use a general -purpose quantum computer, it is essential to increase the number of quantum bits, but at the same time, it is necessary to suppress the variation of measurements.At that time, the multi -channel low noise amplification system developed by the company will be active, contributing to the variation.


Terusky has established QUEMIX in 2019 as a subsidiary and is working on quantum computers -related businesses.Specifically, we are working on research and development of software related to quantum technology.It is also known for working with IBM.QUEMIX raised 300 million yen from government funds in December 2020.


The HPC Systems is working on a science and technology calculation system, and has begun to work on the quantum chemical calculation area in earnest.The attention of the industry that promotes research and development for drug discovery and research on new materials and materials is high.

In July 2020, he signed a business alliance contract with Qunasys, a quantum computer development, and announced that it would collaborate in technology development using quantum computers.


Sigma Hikari has developed an optical part called "beam splitter" necessary for the development of quantum computers, and is attracting attention.A beam splitter can be divided into two beams or two beams, and plays an important role in quantum operations.

The Sigma Hikaro is a company founded in 1977, and is known for its approximately 3,400 optical equipment and about 10,000 optical elements and thin film products.


5.When is full -scale quantum computer practical use?

Finally, I would like to talk about the practical use of the important quantum computer.

In the "quantum gate method" and "quantum annealing method", the quantum annealing method is already in the practical stage, but the practical use of the quantum gate method, which can be said to be the mainstream of quantum computers, is still in the future.

In practical use in the quantum gate method, as described above, a significant increase in the number of quantum bits is required, but in multifunctionation, it is a practical hurdle to establish a quantum error correction technology.。

The quantum bit is likely to cause errors, and it cannot be calculated correctly unless the error is discovered and corrected each time.Therefore, by configuring one "logical quantum bit" using multiple "physical quantum bit", even if an error occurs in individual physical quantum bit, the logical quantum bit can be restored to the front of the error.What we do is quantum error correction.

In addition to that, the realization of quantum computers using the quantum gate system will vary greatly depending on how much quantum bit is increased, but in the case of Google, which is attracting attention in the world, by 2029.We plan to develop a 1 million quantum bit practical quantum computer.

[Reference] Google "Unveiling Our New Quantum AI Campus"

On the other hand, a quantum computer called NISQ is likely to be widely used in the industry as soon as Google has raised 2029.Goldman Sachs in 2021 published research results in the financial field, as early as five years.

[Reference] GOLDMAN SACHS "Investing at Quantum Speed"

In this way, quantum computers are exciting in private companies, but each country is also actively working for practical use.In the case of the Japanese government, the process has been announced since 2039 to achieve quantum computers that can be used for various calculations.

[Reference] Cabinet Office "Quantum Technology Innovation Strategy Final Report (Outline)" (PDF)

Summary: Quantum computers with a large impact in society in practical use are investment fields

A quantum computer is a computer that can instantly calculate an instant calculation using the phenomenon of quantum mechanics.Classic computers can solve problems that could not be derived the answer without spending a huge amount of time.

If quantum computers are put into practical use, applications are expected to be applied to all fields, such as developing new drugs, eliminating traffic congestion, and improving prediction accuracy in the financial field.The domestic market size is expected to grow to 294 billion yen in 2030.Quantum computers can be said to be an investment -like field, as the investment candidates are likely to increase in the future and become the driving force to transform society for a long time.

Google aims to develop a practical quantum computer by 2029.In the 2020s, the practical use of quantum computers is becoming more and more realistic, and this field is thought to flood more investment money.We will continue to focus on this field in stock investment.

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