What was the aim of the new OS born from the corona wreck? Evolution of Windows 11 to support the new normal era Japan Top News

These two years have completely changed the way we work and live. Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, not only business trips but also commuting have been refrained, and telework has spread at once. Most of the meetings, meetings, and sales activities that have been held face-to-face have been conducted online, and everyone has probably been trying to find ways to overcome this unforeseen situation.

The new OS born from the corona disaster What We Aimed at: The Evolution of Windows 11 to Support the New Normal Era - ZDNet Japan</p><p>In June 2021, Microsoft suddenly announced Windows 11. It's been 6 years since Windows 10 appeared, and we've been upgrading the version of the function update, but at this time, we decided to switch to the numbering OS.</p><p>And it was officially released in October 2021, and many people are already using it, and Windows 11-equipped machines are appearing one after another. So this time, we interviewed Mr. Yoshitaka Kasugai, who is in charge of marketing at Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd., about the role of the new OS in business in the new normal era and Microsoft's efforts.</p></div>
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