A new service born from a delivery delivery home delivery, a new experience "SELECTS for Business", a new experience that sends gifts between employees | Bridge (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

Lemo originally announced "Gift Kitchen" and a new gifts EC service called "Postal" two years ago, but launched a new service this month.That's the Catalog Gift's corporate solution "SELECTS for Business".It is mainly targeted for welfare services that focus on communication between corporate employees.

POSTAL is 1 average monthly month.Although it continued to grow at a pace of 5 times, the demand has dropped sharply due to the expansion of the new colon virus infection.His Postal, who aimed for the demand for gifts, is a service that can be completed online even if the wedding is gone, but it still cannot be avoided from the decline in the wedding itself, and sales are 95 %.It is said that it has decreased.

Recently, with the penetration of new colona measures, the frequency of weddings has recovered to about half of the previous year's worst time, but the number of invited people has been reduced to about half due to a small number of people to prevent infection.It is being, and the economy in the gifts market is still depressed.Meanwhile, Lemo has been asked to ask his Postal, who designed for individuals, whether it could be used by corporations.

引き出物宅配から生まれた新サービス、従業員同士でギフトを送り合う新体験「SELECTS for Business」とは | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

Companies have recorded budgets for holding employees travel and events as part of benefits to smoothing employees, but have been forced to cancel or postpone the new Corona.As a substitute project, we came to think that sending gifts would enhance the engagement between companies and employees of employees who were tired of telework.

In such a company, there seems to be an idea to send a book card using a budget before, but although book cards have a high degree of freedom, it is difficult to contribute to enhancing the engagement between companies and employees.If you can use the original catalog gift, employees may be a good idea to make them a good starting point for knowing each other by sending each other's good things, specialty products of their hometown, etc.do not have.

Despite the corona evil, the expectations for the entire industry are still high, with the gifts mall raising 1.5 billion yen from Jafco last year and 1.1 billion yen in GRACIA, which operates the "TANP".As a mechanism to complement the unable to meet freely, demand for gift ECs is expected to increase as a tool to enrich people's connections.

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