What is the background of the "Earth Plaran theory" spreading in the world?

(CNN) "I don't want to be a global plane artist (flat archer)."David Weiss look back on his "wake up" with a tired voice."I don't want to wake up in the morning and be fooled by everyone?"

But now Wises are a clear global planet.He has been eagerly believing that four years ago he tried to check the roundness of the earth, but no evidence was found, and since then the earth has been flat and stationary.

And the world of Weiss has changed completely.

Wises recall to CNN's telephone interview, "I was really upset," and "I feel like my feet suddenly collapse."

Nowadays, the relationship with most people has become boring.Nevertheless, there are some friends who believe that the earth is spherical, "unfortunately.""Some people want to believe that humans live on the sphere. It's their choice. I just can't sympathize with me."

地球平面国際会議に参加した男性/Hyoung Chang/Denver Post via Getty Images

Wises prioritize dating in a community that shares the belief in the global plane theory that has changed their lives.

And the community is expanding a lot.

Wises recently participated in the 3rd Earth Plarap International Conference in a hotel in Dallas, Texas.According to the organizer, the number of participants was about 600.

Before this, meetings were held in Raleley, North Carolina and Denver, Colorado, and meetings have been held in Brazil, Britain and Italy in recent years.

The schedule of the meeting is similar to a corporate meeting, but it has a clear twist.The speakers showed a presentation under the title "The universe is fake".The annual Best Video Award was also awarded for the Earth Plasia.

"We all have exchanged on the Internet, but here we can meet and shake hands and embrace," said We."You can work together and make a new friend, because your old friends have lost many friends."

On a sunny day, the roundness of the earth can be confirmed from the aircraft window.Surprisingly, but hundreds of people gathered in Dallas are only a few of the exercises that advocate Earth plane theories.

People have denied science everywhere in this round star and spread the theory that the earth is flat.

「地球平面説」を支持する女性=2017年、カリフォルニア州オレンジ郡/Joel Forrest/Barcroft Media via Getty Images

At present, there is no clear research result indicating the number of believers.A global planetor like Wises will not show evidence, but will claim that the number of hidden believers will be millions.It also includes Hollywood celebrities and commercial aircraft pilots.

According to a survey conducted last year by the research company Eugab for more than 8,000 adults in the United States, one out of six Americans are not sure that the earth is round.Another survey conducted for more than 2,000 adults in Brazil has denied the idea that the earth is round.

There are celebrities in the Earth Plaretanists, there are theme songs and related products, and there is no shortage of pseudo -scientific theory.In addition to the subject of Netflix documentary programs, the rapper B.O.It is also gaining support from B and others.

世界に広がる「地球平面説」 その背景にあるものは?

"I have never seen such a steep length," said Robbie Davidson, who founded a meeting in Dallas.

However, some experts have questioned whether the movement is really harmless.

Fall from the edge

When I heard that there was a person who really believed in the earth plane theory, Davidson laughed, "Is there anyone who can believe such a ridiculous theory?"

A few years later, Davidson had launched the first Earth flat international conference.As with many of the speakers interviewed by CNN, Davidson was convinced of the plane theory after judging that it was impossible to prove the roundness of the earth.

For Davidson, a Christian of "Bone Again (meaning newly reborn"), the most logical explanation of a thousand -year conspiracy is here."Let's say there are enemies, devils, and Satan. That job is to believe in the world that God does not exist. It has succeeded in things and the earth is random in the infinite universe.It wasn't too much to believe in people. "

「地球平面説」の関連商品。丸い地球は「偽物」とうたっている/Hyoung Chang/Denver Post via Getty Images

According to Davidson's "truth," the flat earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars are stored in a dome like the movie "Truman Show".From this point of view, it will not be easy to get into a pit.For example, photos of the earth taken from space.Earth planners believe this is a processed photo.

Davidson wants to clarify the beginners of the Earth Planar.The most important thing is that nobody believes that the earth is a pancake flying in space.The only thing that flat the teachers believe is that there is no outer space, the world is still, and the scenes of lunar landing are fake.

Second, it does not fall from the end of the earth.Although the world view of the global planner varies, most of them believe that the earth is a disc, and the Antarctic surrounding the surroundings plays the role of ice walls.

Third, modern global planists have little to do with the "Earth Plaray Association".The Earth Plaemia Association has been a group that has been around for decades and has more than 200,000 followers on Facebook.

However, even the Earth planicist does not claim that all the answers can be understood."I don't know what (the earth) is (the earth) is 100 %. We are just questioning the theory."

"It's difficult to get out of this thinking circuit."

Davidson says, "We love science," but most believers have a strong anti -scientific trend.It is extremely difficult to find a global plane who does not believe in other conspiracy theories.At the meeting of the Earth Plaretanist, the members of the vaccine opposition, the people who claim to know the "truth" of the simultaneous terrorist attacks, and members of the secret company Illuminati are gathered.

"The dominant elite from the royal family to the Rockefeller family and the Rothschild family. All of these groups that dominate the world are over" (Wis)

There are also common enemies."Most of our anger is directed at the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA)," said a video writer.According to the Earth Plaretanist, NASA is the mastermind behind the conspiracy.

But why do people believe in such a strange conspiracy theory?


"They are just trying to understand the world," said Daniel Jolie, who teaches the psychology of conspiracy theory at North Sambria University, and said, "They are the world with a biased thinking.I'm watching. "

"They may be distrustful of the powerful and powerful organizations. The distrust is the government, sometimes in the case of NASA.When you look at it, this worldview is justified, "says Jolie."It's difficult to get out of this thinking circuit."

There are also researchers who have social motivation as a reason for people to be invited to conspiracy theories.It is a desire to maintain a positive perspective on yourself and your group.

But the most important driving force is probably the underlying power and control."People are looking for security and trust," said British researchers.And power comes from knowledge.It doesn't matter how suspicious it is.

"When people find that the earth is flat, people gain power."Wises point out so.

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