What is an IP address?[Solving "Wi -Fi Trouble": The main edition 12th] --NTERNET WATCH

[A] This is an "address" used when communicating on the Internet.

 The "IP address" is used to identify communication partners in most home LANs and corporate networks in addition to the Internet.You can think of it as an address on the network.

IPアドレスって何?【“Wi-Fiの困った”を解決:基本編 第12回】 - INTERNET Watch

 IP addresses are roughly divided into two types: "global IP address" and "private IP address".Global IP addresses are used on the Internet, only one IP address in the world, and is managed by organizations such as "ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)" so that no duplication occurs.

 On the other hand, private IP addresses are IP addresses that can be used freely in home LANs and in -house networks.However, you cannot connect to the Internet with a private IP address.

 Therefore, when using the Internet on a PC where private IP address is assigned, a function called "NAT (Network Address Translation)", which converts private IP addresses and global IP addresses with broadband routers etc.Must be used.

Windows 10の場合、[設定]―[ネットワークとインターネット]―[状態」にある[プロパティ]をクリックすると、そのPCに割り当てられているIPアドレスを確認できる

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