What is an API? What does API linkage mean? Easy explanation of the mechanism with illustrations | Business + IT

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    What is an API? What does API linkage mean?Easy explanation of the mechanism with illustrations

    If you look at a company's Web services offered on the Internet, you'll almost certainly find the word "API" somewhere. But what exactly does API, or API integration, mean? In this article, I will explain the mechanism of API, advantages and disadvantages, and typical services gently without using difficult words.

    Freelance writer Naoki Mitsumura

    Freelance writer Naoki Mitsumura

    Representative of GK Noteip. Writer. He majored in computer science at a university in the United States, and after graduating, engaged in planning and marketing of IT-related products at some listed companies in Japan. After retiring, he has been involved in writing books and articles and creating web content as a writer. In addition to artificial intelligence, he deals with topics related to science, IT, military, and medical care, and also conducts research support activities at research institutes and universities. His books include "Core Technology in the Near Future (Shoeisha)", "Illustration: An Introduction to AI Business (Narumi-do)", and "Artificial Intelligence in Manga (Ikeda Bookstore)".

    1. What is API? "Interface" that connects programs
    2. Learn more about how the API works.How to connect different things
    3. Advantages & disadvantages of using API
    4. 4 API cases Google, LINE and PayPay
    5. Understanding the API can also create breakthroughs
    API is an abbreviation for "Application Programming Interface". In a nutshell, it's the interface that connects software, programs, and web services. An interface refers to some kind of "boundary surface" or "contact point" and has the meaning of connecting two different things. For example, keyboards, mice, and displays are known as one of the "user interfaces" used on the boundary between humans and computers. Also, connectors that connect machines, such as USB and HDMI, are called "hardware interfaces." And API is mainly an interface that connects software and programs. Users are less aware of the existence of APIs when using services. But behind the scenes, APIs are actually widely used. For example, when logging in to a news site with a Google account, the login information is encrypted and authenticated by Google's API. In addition, when shopping with e-commerce, payment information for e-commerce is exchanged using the API of the payment agency service. Here, let's dig a little deeper into the mechanism of connecting software with each other, that is, "API linkage". The basic process of API consists of "request" and "response". The API user makes the request, and the API provider makes the response. The rules for requests and responses are set by the API provider. In other words, the provider thinks about what kind of response to what request at the design stage of the API, implements it, and makes it available. Since the relationship between API request and response changes greatly depending on this design, there is no rule that "API does ●●". Let's imagine the API usage scene a little more concretely. We type in the card number when shopping online, but if information such as the number, name, expiration date, security code, etc. is stored on the server of an insecure online shop, it may be misused by a third party. I have. Therefore, the API provided by the card company is used in the online shop. The online shop requests through the API, "Because the customer will enter the card information from now on, please confirm." The information entered by the customer does not go through the online shop, but reaches the server of the card company directly, the information is confirmed, and only the message "The card has been confirmed. The payment is completed" is sent to the online shop. Since the online shop can confirm the payment without managing the card information, the customer can shop safely and the server management cost of the shop can be minimized. It's easy to use the API in your service, like the online shop in the example above. Just write the code according to the rules and ask "Give me this information" and "Do this". In some cases, we may send an ID to identify the user, but most of the public APIs are in a state where they can be used by anyone. It can be overused and restricted, but using the API isn't that difficult. The process of using the API is similar to the "window" of a government office or store. Describe "what you want to do" through the API according to the specifications (application form), and send the request to the API provider. If the necessary information is written according to the rules, the service or software that provides the API processes the request and returns the result. With the API, you can even create a "program that performs some sort of advanced information processing and analysis" by simply sending a request to the API without doing anything. However, it is natural, but it cannot be done that is not expected by the specifications defined by the API. This is the same as "things that do not have items in the inquiry form", "things that cannot be filled out in the application form", and "things that do not conform to the form" are not accepted. At the beginning, the API provider decides the scope of use of the service, so you can not do anything else. If you break the rules of the API and use it in an unexpected way, or if you use a bug, it can be abused or hacked. On the other hand, providing an API is not easy. APIs create a mechanism for others to use your services and programs. How far to use it, how to use it, how to limit the use of data and programs, and how to operate it safely. If you make a mistake, data may be leaked due to unauthorized use of the API, unexpected damage may be caused to yourself or others, and trust may be damaged. Providing an API requires careful API design. [Next page] Gently explain the advantages and disadvantages of using APIs and the main APIs

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