What is Sabusk? Thoroughly explain the pros and cons & disadvantages! -STUDY HACKER | Hacker media for thinking about future learning and learning methods

Sabusk generally means "unlimited use of services on a quota system". Now it's time to watch videos, buy food and all services are subscriptions.

Sabusk's existence has completely become the mainstream.

Wait, is there something you don't know? If you read this article, you will know exactly what Sabusk is.

  • 対義語
  • The background of Sabusk's Communication
  • The example of Sabusk
  • Take advantage of Zisk
  • Take advantage of the shortcomings of Dilsk
  • How to use Sabusk to work and study
  • What is Sabusk?

    What on earth is Sabusk? According to the Japanese Encyclopedia, subscription refers to "a business model in which goods and services can be freely used many times within a certain period of time as long as you pay a certain fee."

    In other words, the quota system of unlimited use of services. The things down there are famous.

    (including taxes and basic plans. The same as below)

    Services that meet the two conditions of "quota system" and "unlimited use" are generally called sublibraries. In this sense, the gym and the English conversation classroom are also Sabusk.

    However, the meaning of "subscription" in Japanese deviates from the English word subscription. If you decompose subscription, "sub (below) + scription (write)". From "signature under the document" to the meaning of "magazine subscription" and "membership fee". The service of signing and applying is subscription.

    In Japan, newspaper subscriptions are not called Sabusk, are they? However, considering the meaning of English, the newspaper is also Sabusk. "take a newspaper" is expressed as subscribe to the newspaper.

    On the other hand, there is the same business model as newspaper subscription, but it is called "Zisk" service.

    There is no element of "00 unlimited", just like newspapers are "regular purchases". However, these are called sublibraries (subscription boxes).

    In other words, most of the quota services that have emerged in recent years call themselves "Sabusk". This is because it sounds more like Kachi than the quota system.

    Generally speaking, there are three definitions of "Zisk":

    1. 狭義のサブスク(辞書的):定額かつ使い放題のサービス【例】Netflix
    2. 広義のサブスク(慣用的):定額サービスのうち新しいもの【例】Netflix、食品の定期購入
    3. さらに広義のサブスク(英語):定額サービスすべて【例】Netflix、食品の定期購入、新聞の定期購読

    The status quo is a mixture of three "trisks". "what is Sabusk in the strict sense? "Oh, there's no need to care too much.

    Synonyms and antonyms of Zisk

    When you know what Zisk is, let's check synonyms and antonyms.

    Words similar to Sabusk have the following points:

    "Digital Dictionary Spring" (Primary School), quota system "a certain fee, during which multiple services can be accepted in the form of things." (abbreviation) it is interpreted as "Zisk" and used as a synonym for Zisk. However, because there is no element of "random use" in the quota system, it deviates slightly from the description of the Encyclopedia of Japan.

    Membership is a word close to Sabusk in signing contracts. However, this is not consistent with Abersk on the point that "sometimes you can become a member for free" and "you tend to charge extra after becoming a member". For example, after TSUTAYA becomes a member, it has to pay additional rent, so it is a membership system, but not Dinsk.

    The business model for getting the price of loaned goods is "leasing". Although many Zinsk contain rental elements, such as "free rental clothes", not all of them are in the form of leasing. When renting objects and equipment for a long time, it is not leasing, but is called "leasing".

    Although you may not be familiar with it, there is also a word called "enter". The meaning of "cycle" in English.

    According to "Digital Dictionary Spring", the so-called refurbishment refers to "continuing to get revenue from customers, rather than selling a product and ending a service." For example, electricity and tap water.

    The rebate is not necessarily secondary because it is not a fixed fee form. For example, electricity is charged by quantity. The renovation can be said to be part of Sabusk.

    Words that denote concepts that are roughly the opposite of Sabusk have the following points.

    The antonym of Sabusk is "buy out". Is to buy goods in general.

    Buy CD at the CD store and do your own things at the bookstore. This is "finished". Purchase the right to use the goods in Sabusk and purchase ownership at the time of purchase.

    If "no matter how much money you spend is a quota", the more you use it, the more you spend, and the more you use it, the more you spend, it can also be said to be an antonym. If it exceeds a certain amount of usage, it will become a quota-based "quota-based" system, and if it exceeds the upper limit of specific charges, it will be switched to a quota-based "blocking system", which is also very different from that of Dinsk.

    The background of Sabusk's Communication

    Sabusk, why is it so popular in Japan? Let's take a look at the background.

    In 2012, Adobe, which developed image editing software such as "Photoshop", changed the way the software was sold from buying to subscribing. Packing is expensive, so it is difficult for consumers to intervene. However, in the case of Sabusk, the threshold for purchase will be lowered because the lump sum is cheap.

    The benefits of Sabusk have attracted people's attention, and the same business model is widely circulated in Japan. Although the concepts of "quota system" and "random use" have existed before, Sabusk is very popular for the following reasons.

    With the success of video distribution and music distribution services, Albersk has spread across a variety of industries. According to a survey conducted by the Yano Economic Research Institute, the Tesco market in 2020 was 875.9 billion 60 million yen, an increase of 28.3 percent over the previous year.

    In 2019, "Albersk (subscription)" was nominated for the U-CAN New words and buzzwords Award. Sabusk is a modern trend.

    The example of Sabusk

    Let's introduce a specific example if you know what Sabusk is. The price includes tax and is the basic plan.

    All goods and services are secondary. Sabusk is a very diversified service.

    Take advantage of Zisk

    The so-called Dinsk is something that brings a lot of benefits to the user. There are six main benefits.

    For Sabusk, I will pay a little bit on a monthly basis. Because the lump sum payment is very small, it is an advantage to be easy to sell. It is easier to pay 1000 yen a month than to pay 30, 000 yen at a time.

    Compared with buying goods one by one, secondary commodities can be exposed to more goods and content.

    If you rent DVD in the store, you have to charge for each time you rent it, so you will strictly select the works you really want to see. Because one side of the vice-Ske is casual, so it can be said that "although not so interested, but let's take a look." There should be a lot of works that would not be watched without Sabusk.

    If it is defective, the purchase procedure is minimal, so it is easy to use.

    If you want to watch a movie in a different way, you have to go to the store or buy data every time. If it is a sublibrary, simply launch the application or browser and press the play button.

    This simplicity is also a unique advantage of Sabusk.

    It is not to "buy things", but to "use", which is the basis of Dinsk. Regular purchases of Zisk are different, but many Zisk do not have the trouble of "owning things". You don't have to worry about storage space, you can enjoy books, clothes and other goods.

    Although there are exceptions, even if the contract is terminated within a short period of time, it will not result in liquidated damages and can only be used when you like it, which is also an advantage of Tesco. Because you can register as "only for a month", you can easily try new goods and services.

    As mentioned above, you can easily cancel Zisk that you don't like. As a result, Chuan Zhuo, chairman of Tably Co., Ltd., which is engaged in technical support and consulting, also said that providers must constantly improve their services in order to prevent customers from leaving.

    Netflix continues to produce original content in order not to bore users. Sabusk is a business model that benefits users.

    Take advantage of the shortcomings of Dilsk

    On the other hand, the sublibrary is also a system that addresses the following shortcomings.

    Whether it is used or not, fees must continue to be paid, which is the difficulty of Sabusk. It would be wasteful to continue to sign the contract without using it.

    Although the opportunity to take advantage of Sabusk has been reduced, it is troublesome to terminate the contract, so that's it. It happens all the time. Random use of Dishu, because "can be used at any time" peace of mind, so the frequency of use is easy to decline, so we should pay attention to it.

    The advantage of Sabusk is that he can cancel the contract easily. Having said that, "I finally signed the contract, so I don't want to break it yet." this is human beings.

    Do you know the "Sanke cost effect"? The time and money spent before that feel wasted and become unstoppable. Obviously lost in gambling, but fell into a quagmire, "it is not easy to inject a large amount of money, so can not give up here."

    In the case of Sabusk, there will also be the mentality of "it is not easy to register" and "it is not easy to stick to it", leading to delays in the termination of the contract.

    The advantages of "not leaving things at hand" can also be bad.

    If it is Zisk of the video release category, of course, the works you watch will not be left at hand, and if you terminate the contract, you will not be able to read data such as "audio-visual resume" and "favorite list". You will also feel inconvenient and lonely because you don't own things.

    Many Dinsk are free to use about a few thousand yen a month. Because each one is cheap, you may sign up for a lot of services.

    But there are only 24 hours a day. Unlimited use of services can not be enjoyed indefinitely. The more registered sublibraries are added, the more difficult it will be to "get back to the original state".

    The so-called Dinsk has both advantages and disadvantages, so it should be used carefully.

    How to use Sabusk to work and study

    The so-called Dinsk refers to things that are skillfully used and are of great help to work and study. Let me introduce the idea of how to use Sabusk.

    The progress of working and studying at home is not fast. It's uncomfortable to spend a lot of time in a coffee shop. If you have such troubles, can you borrow the homework space in Sabusk? You can change your workplace according to your mood.

    Nippon Keizai Shimbun's service, called OFFICE PASS, can use nine spaces just near Shinjuku Station. "start working in Xikou in the afternoon."change your mood and change your space today." you can change the environment and prevent sameness.

    There are also shared offices that facilitate communication between users. If you want to raise your awareness of work and study, this will be a good stimulus.

    The benefits of renting a workshop in Sabusk

    Checkpoints when renting a workshop in Sabusk

    Examples of workspace system sublibraries

    For business people, first impressions are as important as job strength. Even people who work well will not be trusted if their appearance is out of order.

    What is useful there is a sub-department where fashion items can be rented. Waiklin gives away 20 shirts every month. You can return it without washing the clothes. You can not only save time on laundry and ironing, but also always wear shiny shirts to work.

    If you work in casual wear and office leisure, you can use rental services such as Michakali and leeap. There are also "KASHI KARI" that can rent brand ties, "Karitak" that can rent watches, and so on.

    If you want to enter knowledge, make use of sublibraries such as books that are available for reading. Unlike buying a book, books that care a little can be easily read. Because you can also challenge types that you don't usually get, the scope of knowledge and interest will also be expanded.

    The most mainstream is "Kindle Unlimited", more than 2 million copies can be read at will. If you want to read more magazines, use the sublibrary of magazine specialization such as "d Magazine". It is also recommended to read the Nikkei Electronic version of the Nippon Economic News, the "NewsPicks" for economic-related news, and the "flier" that can be read in 10 minutes.

    There are also many sublibraries that can post information that helps improve skills in videos.

    The most representative is "GLOBIS unlimited learning". This is a video distribution service in which Groves of the business school systematically explains the knowledge needed for business and management. A video only takes about 10 minutes, and it is also important to watch it for a short time at work.

    There are many other video publishing services that can help you learn. Please see the report here for details.

    Learn on the video website! 12 selections of services for the community

    Computer software costs tens of thousands of yen, so it's hard to get involved. These are the old words. Many of the commercial software can be used in sublibraries.

    * Sabusk is good for users. In order to get along well with Sabusk, please be sure to use this report.

    (reference) Commodity Bank | subscription ITmedia NEWS | adverse influence Bank "seck" in Japanese | quota Commodity Bank | member Commodity Bank | Leasing Bank | Repurchase Commodity Bank | specific Commodity Bank | quota Cote Bank | Gate Yano Institute of Economics | Deputy Bank Drastic changes have taken place in the selection of the Yucan New words and buzzwords Award for "basic knowledge of Modern language" in 2021 | the 36th 2019 award words Diamond online | "Associate School Model" New trend to increase the value of products DIAMOND Harvard Business Review | Diamond online | Diamond online, how vulnerable are you to sunshine cost-effectiveness? why new car sales have increased since the introduction of "pricing" on rented motorcycles? Diamond online | expensive but flocking to it! Off-price competition initiated by giraffe fresh "Sabusk" beer

    [brief introduction of the writer] Sato Shun University majored in philosophy and had rich reading experience in the Department of Humanities. He is particularly good at writing in the fields of psychology and brain science, and has more than 200 writing records. Gain the experience of mnemonics and classical Chinese from extensive research experience. With the purpose of "writers who can stimulate readers' intellectual curiosity", strive to expand their education.

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