"What is a CPU in the first place?" Computer course for shogi fans to watch (1) (Hirofumi Matsumoto) --Individual--Yahoo! News

Mr. Kunihito Hoki, the developer of Matsumoto , lived in Canada at that time, so a substitute operator came to the venue. While many participating teams brought in large computers, it was noticeable that the Bonanza team had only one laptop. The CPU at this time is "Core Duo T2600" and it is written as "2.16GHz". Combat power 2160 ...

Sugimura That's two people.

Matsumoto I see. At that time, Mr. Yamashita was already an authority on computer shogi, but since I was only talking about Bonanza, I was laughed at, "I wonder if Bonanza should win?" It's true that I thought it would be interesting if that happened (laughs). Not only me, but many others would have thought so. Does it resemble the feeling that Souta Fujii now has when he appeared in the professional chess world? So, in the end, Bonanza won. At that time, it was Ryuo Watanabe who was in charge of the large-scale commentary.

Watanabe That's right, that's right. Bonanza has already spread, hasn't it?

Matsumoto That's right. In the waiting room of the Shogi Kaikan, I often played against everyone in Bonanza. So, Mr. Yamashita's computer at the Computer Shogi Championship was very big. The CPU is "Opteron 852" and it says "2.6GHz x 4". It was bare and chilled with an ordinary big fan. I remember hearing that this was the best class available at the individual level at the time.

Sugimura Certainly, quad-core seems to be rare at that time.

Matsumoto Is the fighting power 2600 four people?

Sugimura That's right.

Shogi officials use high-performance CPU

The development of Matsumoto computer shogi is both hard and soft. When it comes to hardware, the strength of computer shogi has largely depended on the performance of this CPU.

Sugimura : In the current shogi software, if the reading speed is doubled, the rating will increase by about 150 to 200.

Matsumoto Rating is a relative indicator of strength, isn't it?

Sugimura : In terms of winning percentage, you will win about 70% to 70% and 5 minutes.

Compared to the personal computer of Meijin Matsumoto Watanabe, the older one has about 3 million NPS (how many phases are read per second) without changing the settings. The new one purchased this time was 60 million.

Sugimura : There is a 20-fold difference.

Matsumoto is a rating ...?

Sugimura : Since the number of cores is different, it is not possible to make a simple comparison, but it seems that there is a difference of 500 or more.

「そもそもCPUってなんなの?」観る将棋ファンのためのコンピュータ講座(1)(松本博文) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

Matsumoto is ...

Sugimura If you move the same water master and make 500 differences, you will win 95%.

Matsumoto It's scary. The price of the latest thread ripper is 500,000 yen. It's a surprising price for most people, but is it a good deal for people who have been using computers for a long time?

Sugimura That's right. From the era of Intel Xeon, which is a CPU for servers, it may be said that it is very cheap and bargain.

Watanabe What kind of person buys this? I often call it a gaming PC.

Matsumoto Are you an avid gamer or a developer?

Sugimura : People who handle video often use it. Because the encoding time can be shortened. However, recently, when I went to a computer shop and asked for the Threadripper 3990X, it seems that it has become so famous that I was asked "Do you use it for shogi?" (Laughs). "YaneuraOu" is used as a benchmark for news sites that introduce recent CPUs.

Watanabe Go players are buying up.

Sugimura : I'm sure you're buying a lot.

Matsumoto Shogi officials, customers ...

Watanabe Federation I want you to get a discount (laughs)

Sugimura developers often buy it. About 5 people just know.

Matsumoto CPU makers have always been famous for "Intel is included". It has recently come to hear the name of AMD a lot. Was there any dramatic innovation?

It looks like Sugimura . A genius engineer has joined AMD.

Matsumoto Yeah. It's like a shogi world. Technological innovation occurs when a genius appears. I would like to continue to ask about GPUs.

Watanabe Let's do that next time (laughs)

Matsumoto Yes, that's right (laughs). Next time, I would like to ask you the question, "What is the difference between CPU and GPU?" Thank you very much.

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