What are the three patterns of "fake videos and images" flooding with Ukraine invasion?

Fake videos and images over the Ukrainian invasion by Russia had three common patterns.What is that pattern?

As Russia's military invasion is becoming more serious, the flooding of "fake videos and images", which is part of the "hybrid war", has not stopped.

In addition, these "fake videos / images" are broadcast without sufficient confirmation even in major media such as the British BBC.

"Fake videos / images" have a common feature for each pattern.

"The body is moving", "The string of the Russian attack aircraft" "The Japanese Ambassador against armor" -What is common to these?

And what do you want to know so that you don't be fooled by these?

● Fake "Fact check video"

There are a large number of corpse storage bags behind the reporter holding the microphone.But if you look closely, one of them is moving your body -a video with such an explanation has been posted on the video sharing service "Ticktock".

At first glance, the video looks like a fact check that reveals a "fake video exaggerated by Ukraine."It is an appeal that the video of the Corona's death Poland's death is a rag, while impersonating Ukraine under the military invasion by Russia.

But Spain's fact check media "Maldita".According to an article on March 2 of ES "" and Syria's fact check media "Verify-SY", this video post is a "fake video."

According to these articles, the original video was taken by local television on February 4 for protests by environmental protests in Austria.

The video has a 49 -bodies bag lined up, stating that 49 people will die every day if the country does not work on the greenhouse gas reduction.

According to Verifi-SY, Abu Dhabi's "Sky News Arabia" was published on the official Facebook page, posting this video as "Ukrainian side propaganda".

Also "Mardita.According to ES, the original video was spread shortly after the release, "fake videos that exaggerate the dead of the new Corona," and others.According to the Peloo's fact checking agency, Verphicador de La Republica, its diffusion was also confirmed in the country.

Fake videos over the Ukrainian military invasion are vigorously verifying each country.This case can be doubtful for the fact check itself by "impersonating" the fact check.

"Mardita.ES, Verifi-SY, and Berphicador de La Republica are all 114 fact check organizations worldwide by the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN).Is a series of.

● "Fake video" to be diverted

In the "fake video / image", the "diverted type" that is easy to see is the case of the "body containment bag".

過去に、別の場所で撮影されたものが、あたかも現在のウクライナの動画であるかのように投稿される。"Mardita.In some cases, the same video and images are repeatedly diverted in various situations, as ES revealed.

The reason why "diverting" is easy to see is that the fake news is the most troublesome for fake news.There is no need to create a new one just by copying and pasting the original video and images.

On the day of February 24, when the Ukrainian invasion of the Ukrainian military began, a video was posted on Twitter that the Russian troops were flying over Kiev as early as possible, and they were watched more than 200,000 times.

だが、英ファクトチェックメディア「フルファクト」やフランスのAFP通信、"Mardita.According to an article in ES, the original video was taken in May 2020 at the rehearsal of a military parade near Moscow."Fullfact" and AFP communication are also IFCN certified organizations.

According to Furfact, the BBC was accidentally broadcast the video on the morning program on February 25, the day after the military invasion began.

"Fake Video" has a wider impact by media such as the BBC and "Sky News Arabia".

On February 24, on February 24, the images of "Ukrainian Ambassador to Ukraine" wore a grandfather's armor and remained in Kiev to protect Ukraine on Twitter and Facebook.

However, according to the article of the AFP communication and the Indian fact checker "News Checker" (IFCN certified organization), this image shows Twitter on February 15, before Russia's invasion of Russia.It was what I posted.

According to the March 1st article of "Fulfact", the comments of "Ukraine's situation will be crushed" and a large explosion video in the city posted on Facebook will be shared more than 10,000 times.It was done.However, the original video was taken a great explosion in Lebanon in August 2020.


● President's uniform

Ukrainian President Walodimir Zelensky said that the key cross mark used as a Nazi symbol and a smiling image with his own name soccer uniforms spread on Twitter and others.

イタリアのオンラインメディア「オープン・オンライン」(IFCN認証団体)や"Mardita.According to ES, the original image was a new uniform of the soccer Ukrainian team, posted by Zelenceky in June 2021 on Instagram.

In the original image, based on the color of the Ukrainian flag, the yellow fabric had a blue number of "95", but it is seen as altered this number into the key cross using image processing software.。

According to the Open Online, similar tampering was already posted on Twitter the day after Zelenceky's Instagram post.

Russian President Vladimir Putin often calls the Zerensky administration "Neonachi."

This case is a "tampering type" that has another meaning by processing original images and videos.Now, by using processing software, such a falsification can be made relatively easily on a personal computer.

On February 17, before the military invasion, the attack from the parent Russian factions caused a large image of a kindergarten in the Ukrainian government -dominated area in the eastern Lugansk, and a large image of a large hole in the kindergarten wall was reported.

On the night of the bombardment, an image of a drill heavy machine was posted in front of the kindergarten where the bombardment was, and "the hole in the kindergarten wall is intentionally opened by the Ukrainian government with a drill."Disseminated the impression of.

Regarding this image, the posting user immediately reveals that it was created at Photoshop.


According to an article on March 1st of Reuters and USA Today (both IFCN certified organizations), Hitler on Putin's face, 26th, two days later, following the invasion of Ukrainian military military in Russia on February 24.Pay over the face, "History retrograde

But this was created by British graphic designer Patrick Malder as "art."

The actual "time" cover has the same title of "History of History", but uses images of Russian tanks invading Ukraine.

Even if it is produced as "art" or "parody", it may cause confusion if it walks alone as "real" and spread.

In response to the "fake" foundation of the fact check organization, Twitter displays a label with "operated media".

● "BBC informing the crisis of nuclear war"

"Russia and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) are serious near the coast of Latvia," and "Warning of nuclear attacks."From the BBC studio, the caster tells such an emergency news.

武力侵攻の1カ月前、1月25日のロイター通信や"Mardita.According to an article in ES, a less than an hour video imitating the BBC was posted on Facebook on January 20 and spread.

But this video was "fictitious news" created by Irish companies in 2016 for a client's "Psychological Measurement Test".

Regarding this video, the BBC also published a fact check article in 2018.But after that, it seems to be frequent.

Facebook has warned "false information" based on the Fact check of Reuters.

In some cases, such as "BBC Emergency News", a "fictional type" case where completely fictional videos and images are created.

Content creation from zero is costly and requires skills.However, as in this case, the "fictional type" made in the past may be repeatedly diverted.

Prior to Russian military invasion, several "fake videos" that emphasized "Ukraine government attacks" were spreading prior to Russia's military invasion, the Dutch survey media "Bingcat".It is revealed by the fact check.

The account of the "People's Army Public Relations" in the parent Russian -controlled area "Donetsk People's Republic" has occurred on the morning of February 18, a message service "Telegram", a video called "Destroyed by Ukrainian government operatives".I posted it.However, the metadata of the video revealed that the creation date was February 8, 10 days before.

In addition, in the video posted by the "People's Official Channel" in the "Lugansk People's Republic" on the "Lugansk People's Republic" on February 21, the Ukrainian government attacks the Ukrainian government.It was cut. "However, it is revealed that the residents had already installed prostheses on their left legs in the attack site.


● identify 3 patterns

"Diversion type", "tampering type", and "fictional type" are only basic patterns.A variety of "fake videos and images" are posted on the net, including fictitious videos such as movies and games and real videos.

However, if you are aware that there are three basic patterns, it will be a clue to seeing "fake videos and images".

If it is diverted to "diverted type", "tampering type", or "fictional type", it is determined by the case where the same thing is used in the past by applying videos and images to google or the like.The result may be a hit.

The diffusion prevention of "fake videos / images" can be immediately possible by each user to stop sharing.


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