What is "hints to distinguish black companies" by four people who quit black companies (Limo) --Yahoo! News



Photo: LIMO [Rimo]

It's almost April.Many people will join a new graduate or change jobs.The word "black company" has been used for a long time, but there are still many black companies.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has published a company that violated the Labor Standards -related laws and regulations, and its content, but there are no black companies that have not been able to do this.This time, I will introduce how to distinguish the black company so that I would not be working in a black company without noticing.

ブラック企業を辞めた4人が語る「ブラック企業を見分けるヒント」とは(LIMO) - Yahoo!ニュース

"Inexperienced welcome" even though it should be a highly specialized job

It is Mr. A, who works for a 30 -year -old manufacturer that a company that claims to be "inexperienced welcome" has a trap. "The IT company in my previous job is the black company itself. Even though 9:00 is the start of work, the president holds a morning meeting from 8:30 in the morning. I hear something like the president's daily awareness. Overtime is 60 hours yet. They are good. Many people exceed 80 hours or 100 hours, but overtime pay is only tens of thousands of yen. It is a rule that you should not apply for more than 30 hours. " At the recruitment interview, the company said, "The desired occupation seems to be a business, but if you try a new career as an SE? We are welcome even if you are inexperienced. We are well -accepted and you can gain experience on site. SE in the future. I will show you more in the society. "I thought I was so, but I changed my career, but when I entered the site, I felt a lot of difficulties. I work while being irritated. It took time, so it was not uncommon to exceed 100 hours overtime at first. In order to say that inexperienced work is welcome even in highly specialized work, it is a major company with a considerable training system. I think it's either a black company that doesn't have enough human resources. "

The salary of the job posting is too wide

Mr. B, a 30 -year -old IT company, says that it is necessary to pay attention to the salary of the job posting. "There was a lot of width, such as 380 to 7.2 million yen for the recruitment slip. As I interviewed, I was told that" I wonder if you can go around 600 to 6.5 million yen. " It was strange that the working conditions did not appear properly at that time if you thought carefully. However, it was actually presented for 4 million yen. After the end of the year, you will be able to raise your position right away, so it will be exactly what you were talking about. " Furthermore, there was no story that the position was going up in the second year. "The person in the personnel who interviewed me at that time has already retired, and only the president and executives know the salary at that time. I was told that I wouldn't be able to tell the president myself. I was told a lot of overtime, and overtime work was natural when it was near delivery. I feel lucky if I can return when the date changes. I'm too tired. I thought about changing jobs, but I didn't have time to change jobs in the first place, but I managed to retire with my strength. " Many people decide whether to apply by looking at the contents of the job posting, but it seems that it is necessary to check the working conditions properly before accepting the job offer.


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