What is the price to check for the moving estimate?(Financial Field) --Yahoo! News



What is the price to check for the moving estimate?

If you take an estimate from a moving company, you may have experienced that the amount is surprisingly expensive and surprised.In fact, there are many points to check, and if you sign a contract without looking at them, you may have to pay an unnecessary amount.

What is the price to check for the moving estimate?(ファイナンシャルフィールド) - Yahoo!ニュース

How many people move in a year?

You can see how many people move in Japan a year by looking at the Basic Resident Register Population Transfer reports disclosed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Statistics Bureau.According to the report, the number of municipalities in 2021 was 5,247,744, and many people have moved.Not all of these people use a moving company, but most of them should ask a company, so the opportunity to see the estimates presented by the moving company is for many people.I can't.

Is the size of the truck and the number of workers appropriate?

When looking at the estimate, it is important to first check the size of the truck and the number of workers that are used to move. The larger the truck, the higher the amount of workers, the higher the estimated amount. Of course, there is no problem if the content is worth the amount of luggage, but sometimes the estimated amount is calculated assuming that trucks that are larger size or large number of workers are used. I have. In such a case, if you sign only the presented quotes, you may pay useless money. Be sure to check the trucks and workers you are assumed. However, for those who are not used to moving, it may be difficult to immediately judge how large trucks are needed. In such a case, it is recommended that you estimate from multiple moving companies and compare the size of the truck presented by each company. In addition, some vendors have a condition of "stacking" in the estimate. This means that if you can't load your luggage on the prepared truck, you will need an extra charge to carry the rest. Usually, the additional charges will be expensive, so if you have such conditions, you should check if the truck is in time.


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