Facebook Rewrade Meta founder, Zuckerberg is the condition for becoming the best in the world

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    What are the conditions for Facebook Meta founder, Zuckerberg again, to become the "world's best"?

    Series: Corporate Ritsu Den

    On October 28, 2021, Facebook changed the company name to "Meta".Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that in addition to the SNS business, the business has been expanded to the construction of "Metaverse", which has been focusing on around 2014, so it has been changed to a company name that represents all of the business.I am.Regarding the reasons for changing the company name, there are many years of view that it will escape from criticism of Facebook, which has never been lost, but on the other hand, Facebook, a "SNS champion", aims for a fierce competition for major IT companies to realize.You can also see the willingness to take the initiative even in metabas that develops.From his steps after Facebook, he approaches what kind of future Zuckerberg is looking at now.

    Economic / Management Journalist Akiya Kuwahara

    Economic / Management Journalist Akiya Kuwahara

    Born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1956.Economic and management journalist.He is a graduate of Keio University.He is independent as a free journalist after working as an industry paper reporter.He has a wide range of interviews, from Toyota to Apple and Google, regardless of the industry, and has a reputation for developing sharp arguments, from corporate culture, working style, human resource development to investment.His main book is "The Words of Learn by 100 people who have overcome the difficulties" (KADOKAWA) "7 Laws that Create Warren Buffett Wealth" (Asahi Shimbun Publishing) "The Masterpiece of Manufacturing"PHP Bunko) "Large Corporate Tateenden

    1. What did Zuckerberg do in the company's sale crisis?
    2. Acquiring Instagram and metabas -related companies one after another
    3. 相次ぐデータ流出……成長とプライバシー保護の狭間で
    4. 付きまとってきた不安と懸念、メタの運命やいかに

    What did Zuckerberg do in the company's sale crisis?

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    Acquiring Instagram and metabas -related companies one after another


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    What are the conditions for Facebook Meta founder, Zuckerberg again, to become the

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