How about the universe in 2022?(3- June) (Mynavi News) --Yahoo! News



The direction you can see Venus shining in the sky before dawn until the summer.Location every 10 days.Well east

2022年の宇宙どうでしょう?(3-6月編)(マイナビニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

The universe is a mysterious and unknown world. On the other hand, you can predict the solar eclipse for many years in seconds, or estimate the life of the celestial body far beyond human life. [Image] Jupiter and Venus are approaching on May 1st! This is a sight! Even if you look at the binoculars, it is a great approach, so you can make predictions in seconds, so you don't know what to do. Even amateurs can easily observe or participate in the universe, which is related to the universe. For March to June 2022. Venus is the brightest star in the sky before dawn, where the bright Venus, which is bright in March to June, looks bright. Its brightness is the largest, 100 times that of Orihime star, which is also known as a summer triangle Vega. It was 80 times until it came. From 2022 this year, the calculation method for the National Observatory to announce it was 100 times. By the way, the bright Venus shines in the sky before dawn until the summer this year. Especially good is from February to June. Even if the sky is white in one hour of sunrise, it looks easy even if the sky is white, so it will show the visible position in March to June (Tokyo Standard). Well, the bright star in the east sky before dawn = Venus. There is no mistake. All of the figures are based on Astroites' PC Soft Stella Navigator. But in May, it was 5 o'clock in the sun. The figure I mentioned earlier was before 4 o'clock. It's easy to see, but it looks. May 1 (Sun) Approaching Jupiter before dawn is a sight! In late March, other planets were posted on the Venus location, which was fun. Then, you can see that March will be Mars, and Saturn will come at the end of March. If the planet is on the iPhone 11 or later, you can shoot with easy victory, so it is a little fun to get up early in the morning and shoot fixed points. And on May 1st, Jupiter and Venus approach. This is a sight! ! We approach the binoculars in the field of view. If you're an astronomical fan of the Gachi, you'll probably do a lot of telescopic photos with time lapse. As a light, do your best if possible and get up early! The rest is to enjoy photos of Gachi. There are many opportunities to see Mercury, which is very difficult to see around the end of 4th to consecutive holidays! Mercury, the first planet, is near the sun, so you can only see it right after the sun or just before the sunrise. The scientist Copernics has never seen Mercury in his own eyes, as he advocated the appearance of the solar system as a "land motion theory" (with Mercury, of course). However, the Mercury is actually a fairly bright star, and you can see it as long as the timing is good. There are several such opportunities in March to June. First of all, the first chance is now! So, it looks around 30 minutes before dawn. However, the best was around the 10th of February, so excluded. Next is the evening before and after the large holidays. The figure is as follows. It is a condition that the west is open, but there may be places where you can go from the roof of the department store. On the other hand, at dawn is around June 22. Mercury is the point of "I saw it!" Is a sober point at the point, but it is an indispensable checkpoint for comping major stars in the solar system, so please try it if you like. In the past, I happened to see Mercury when the sun went down on a mountain path, and I was surprised at the surprising brightness because the air was clear. You can see it if you see it. Mercury. May 27 (Fri). Venus, Venus and Moon are very close (Venus food south of Kagoshima southern part of Kagoshima). It is a very impressive sight, but this year is on May 27. However, daytime! Around 1:30. You can't tell unless you use a telescope. It seems that some facilities are planning to observe, so if you live around Kagoshima, if you are planning, you will have a good challenge. From April 18 (Mon) to April 24 (Sun), the annual science and technology week! Online is a science and technology week where there are special public openings nationwide, there are events at the Science Museum, and scientific posters are distributed. This year we are looking for a business, but it seems to be implemented as usual. Well, because the corona evil is continuing, it says, "Including initiatives that utilize the Internet according to the situation of the new colonovirus infection and the local situation." Detailed information has not been announced so far, but online lectures are quite interesting. I will concentrate on Saturdays and Sundays on the 23rd and 24th, so you can enjoy it if you make a schedule. May 29 If you think that the astronomical space test deadline is April 14 (organization) and the fall of 21 (individual), it will be conducted twice a year. There are people who have been examined quite a bit, and I guess it's just right for trial trials. The venues are Kushiro, Koriyama, Komatsu, Tokyo, Matsumoto, Nagoya, Kyoto, Okayama, Kochi, Kagoshima, and I think Kushiro, Koriyama, Kochi, etc. hey. In addition, I tried to solve the problem of 1st and 2nd grades as a trial, but it is about 60 points, except for the fluid with 4 choices. It is delicate whether it passes. I have to study! It seems that only the first grade can be received, but there is a great difference from the second grade. I can't solve it without knowing the solid knowledge of astronomy universities and the surrounding trivia. Until the second grade, it is okay if the text is smooth. What is the space development? Let's pick it up from the familiar Spaceflight Now. On March 1st (local time), the US weather satellite GOES-T launched the previous space, but it slipped in the universe, but the schedule has not been changed yet. It seems to be good. After all, it has been postponed several times, but it will be changed to GOES18 in the third unit of the new generation still weather satellite. With two GOES16 and two aircraft, it covers the Indian Ocean from Africa to New Zealand. By the way, the mainland of the United States from the Atlantic Ocean covers GOES17. In the East Pacific Ocean, Japan's meteorological satellite sunflower is covered. Once the sunflower in Japan was not launched, GOES5 moved to the Pacific Ocean and covered it. The weather satellite in the still orbit is a global infrastructure (in Japan, not only traveling abroad, but also a great care on logistics on international routes, such as oil from Arab and trade with Europe). Let's pray for the launch safely. Although the test time of SPACEX's large manned space aircraft starship is undecided, it is expected that his starship will be held in March to April, "Flying Ika Meshi". Maezawa -san is a vehicle for Maezawa's trip, and the one is saying, "I'm going to Mars!" On March 18, three people will take three Russian flights to the International Space Station on the International Space Station in Soyuz. Launched from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Space Base. Russia is getting nervous now, but I can't help but want to relax and go to space development on the back of the peace. March 30 This is the late launch of a chartered mission by AXIOM in February. Please refer to the content before. April 5-6 Soyuz has launched a European GPS, a European GPS satellite (GNSS) launched from the European GPS from the equatorial guinea. Russia and Europe are cooperating in space. I wonder if I did it. It is said that he will test the American Moon spaceship Artemis in April. It's steady. April 15 Crew Dragon launch will be carried to the International Space Station of two American and one European astronaut. May 20. The second unmanned test manned test of the US Boeing CST-100 Star Liner is the test of the US manned spacecraft CST-100 Star Liner this year! It seems to be. So, let's enjoy the universe in the first half of this year. A person in the industry that makes it interesting to attach that topic with this information. He uses astronomy and cosmic as the main field. With astronomical news, he suddenly becomes busy and alive. He is unknown age and goes to an idol concert, but he also knows such a scientist. He loves a new book that he can buy cheaply, and once reads books and materials, his special skill is to remember where and what was written. But I forget the details on the spot.

Akirokuro Higashi


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