"Vertical reading manga" from overseas is popular!What is the strategy of the manga app "Picco" that created a system of “Wait ¥ 0”?

Electronic manga novel service "Piccoma"


Now that everyone has a smartphone or tablet, and the various things are becoming a smartphone specification, "manga" is changing significantly. You can easily buy and read your favorite works with the app, but in fact, not only the reader but also the "drawing side" has also changed. The reason is the development of "vertical reading manga". [Manga] Read vertically about reincarnated things that revenge on the former bully and adult painful love stories! The vertical reading manga is an easy -to -read evolution according to the smartphone screen and usage that the smartphone screens are scrolled vertically and read the manga, and all frames, lines, and story development proceed vertically. Thing. The first manga application "Piccoma" was a familiar manga app with "wait ¥ 0". You can read not only popular works but also popular works in Korea. This time, we asked Ko -Pikkoma Co., Ltd. Overseas Content Content Office Director Kim Ayon about the charm of vertical reading manga, struggling to penetrate Japan, and the future manga industry. ■ Dynamic unique to vertical reading is popular in South Korea, and is called "Smartoon" in the industry. It became popular because dynamic frames that make use of the size of the vertical screen and even those who do not usually read manga can easily read. In recent years, live -action video works have been born from vertical reading manga works, and the attention is high. The vertical reading cartoon, which Picco is currently focusing, is already a common manga format in Korea. For this reason, more than 80%of the vertical reading cartoons distributed are localized for Japan. ■ "Riasuin Class" is a vertical reading manga that has been permeated in Japan, but it is said that it is struggling to establish in Japan to establish it in Japan. Originally, Japan has no habit of reading vertical reading, and even when reading with a smartphone, there are more than one frame discount on the paper -like position screen. In Japan, a manga power, it was extremely difficult to create a new form of comics. When a vertical reading manga is made, it has been devised to be able to enjoy manga, such as sticking to all colors along the smartphone screen or focusing on dynamic scenes. In order for local readers to enjoy works from overseas without discomfort, localization is also performed, such as translation and stage settings according to the distributed countries. The manga title, which is also distributed by Picco Mae, which is also popular in the popular Korean drama "Roppongi -in Class", is also in Tokyo instead of Seoul, the manga title distributed by PicComa. There is. However, "Ideally, it is ideal to convey the charm of the original without localization," Kim says. "I want you to enjoy the setting of the original manga as it is because I want you to enjoy it beyond the border. However, it is the biggest problem that the difference in culture is not accepted by readers. For works that are easy to understand the differences in culture in various countries such as romance, we are considering whether Japanese readers can enjoy it without any discomfort. "In the past, live -action work is a Japanese version of the Japanese version, even in the Japanese version. It is often said that it is an issue how to follow those who have started reading comics from live -action. "From now on, I want to work well with video works and manga," says Kim. ■ Japanese manga artists are also challenging! Differences between vertical and horizontal reading and horizontal reading are gradually becoming popular in Japan, and many Japanese manga artists have tried to produce vertical reading manga. Attention has been attracting attention, such as Akiko Higashimura, a popular author, such as Tokyo Tarareba Musume, has started serializing Japanese manga artists. However, when a Japanese manga artist produced, it was "vertical" that would inevitably become a wall. Vertical reading is not so large, so it may require a different expression from horizontal reading manga, such as focusing on one character so that it fits there. He is struggling to be different from the technique of manga so far. "Many Japanese manga artists think about the frame split once for normal reading, and then replace them vertically from there. It seems that it is difficult to get good, so it seems that it is struggling around that. "In the future, if the vertical reading manga drawn by Japanese manga artists becomes common, it may be possible to reimport the work overseas. "I'm glad if I can interact with different cultural exchanges in vertical reading manga!" ■ Actually, 80 % have not been waiting!? The industry's first system, "Wait ¥ 0", Piccoma exceeded 30 million in 2021. The reason for success is the topic of vertical reading and the mechanism of "waiting for ¥ 0". "Wait ¥ 0" is a system from Picco Moma that you can read more for free if you wait 23 hours. Since there are almost no ads in the app, sales for each episode of each work are the best revenue. "For example, even if you buy a 500 yen manga per book, you can easily buy it because it costs 60-80 yen per episode for each story. You can experience it, so the resistance will be even less. By the way, in the period from 2016 to 2020, some users have read "wait" more than 140,000 times! (Laughs), but March 2020. In the data from September 2021, more than 80%of readers could not wait, and they were worried about the story and purchased more. It is also a vertical reading system that boosted this. Combined with the fun of the work itself and the rhythmic production unique to vertical reading, the fact that those who have not read many comics so far have begun to read them as "easy -to -read manga" have also been a major factor in the growth of the app. rice field. "Many app readers start reading from vertical reading cartoons, but in a few months, about half of them have read publishing manga in the app. I want to go. I would like to continue to coexist with two content, a horizontal reading manga and a vertical reading manga. " Let's enjoy various genres in trial reading Picco Ma Picma, but the works of various genres are distributed, but the popularity of men is an action fantasy in a different world, and the popular among women is a romance fantasy set in a Western -style aristocratic society. That said. For example, the story of a hero who has died once revenge after reincarnation, and a story that includes love elements in a different world is often read. Among them, the most popular is a fantasy action work called "I am only a level -up case". This is a story where the weakest protagonist who died once is "level up" after resuscitation, repeatedly growing and repeated growth, defeating strong enemies one after another. "This work has been popular since the beginning of the distribution in March 2019, and the monthly sales cost exceeded 300 million yen. Please read it by all means! "Piccoma basically did not have an editorial department inside, and focused on the operation of the platform, which is a publisher and distributed works from the publisher. However, in recent years, he has been focusing on collaborative production with publishers, and is a suspense work called "26th murder". A story in which a cruel murder prisoner is lost, and a public opinion is formed that the execution without remorse of sin is the same as murder. Do former death row prisoners regain their memories and commit sins, or do they live a new life with lost memory? This work, which questions the ethics of modern society, is the most popular work in Picco. Now that smartphones are indispensable in people's lives, Smartoon adapts to smartphones and is in a new manga that meets modern needs. Piccoma has grown greatly in 2021 with a vertical reading and "waiting ¥ 0". I look forward to the fact that we value the content of "manga" and put the same effort into both vertical and horizontal reading. Interview / sentence = Fukui request

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