Two prototypes that aim for "sound that doesn't seem to be about 10,000 yen" from FINAL

The Portable audio Study Group (Pota Lab) 2020 Winter, sponsored by Fujiya Ebic, a specialty store of aV equipment in Nakano, Tokyo, was held on February 8 at Nakano Sun event where each company exhibits new products and prototypes under development.Here we report the booth of FINaL and mixed wave.



Two prototype earphones under development using the B Series housing were exhibited.In both cases, one dynamic driver x 1 with new technology has been introduced.The driver itself is the same, but the tuning is different for two models, and the tendency of the sound is different.after hearing the opinions of the audience from the visitors, he used it as a reference for future commercialization.

It is undecided whether it will be a product belonging to B Series when commercializing it.although the price is undecided, it is imagined about 10,000 yen, and it says, "There is a response that can be a sound that cannot be imagined from the price."

There is also a product from the brand that SNEXT handles the first exhibition.From Meze audio, a new color Copper Black of the high -end headphone "EMPYREaN" the name suggests, the housing Copper is an impressive color variation, and will be commercialized in the future.

「Empyrean」の新色Copper Black

From QUESTYLE, a prototype of the USB Type-C-connected cable-type ultra-small amplifier "Q-Link" has appeared.although it is not a pure a -class amplifier, the company's high -class players such as QPM are tipped into a compact housing.It is said that it aims for high quality in terms of sound.The price is still undecided, but it is expected to cost less than 10,000 yen.


Mixed wave

The focus of the mixed wave booth is the Chinese QDC earphone "Uranus".It was just released on February 7, the price is open price, and the estimated store price is around 31,800 yen.



QDC's first hybrid earphone "FUSION" (universal version of actual sales around 104,880 yen) In the entry that keeps the price down, customized low -frequency dynamic driver x 1, mid -high range balanced armatureEquipped with a type driver x 1.

a dynamic driver is placed using an independent acoustic space and sound conductor.The driver tuning is performed before installation, not after installation in the earphone housing, and the sound quality is adjusted by developing with professionals such as sound engineers and musicians.


"Solaris Special Edition" has appeared from Campfire audio.The release time in Japan is scheduled for March.The expected price in Japan is around 230,000 yen (tax included).The hybrid 4 driver configuration is equipped with a dynamic Low/Mid x 1, Ba MID x 1, and Ba High x 2.

Campfire audio「Solaris Special Edition」

Faudio's "CHORUS UNIVERSaL" is scheduled to be released in March, and the price will be around 59,000 yen (tax included).The Ba × 3 driver configuration, the breakdown is low range x 1, full range x 1, high range x 1.

Faudioの「Chorus Universal」

UNIQUE MELODY displays bone conduction earphones for reference.Domestic release time and price are undecided.With a hybrid -type 8 driver configuration, a dynamic x 1 for mid -low range, a middle -high range unit x 1 for bone conduction, mid -high -high range Ba x 2, high -range Ba x 2, ultra -wide -area EST x 2.

It also appeared in "Potafes" last year, but this time a custom type also appeared.In the case of custom, bone conduction vibration is easier to convey, so the way of regeneration sound is slightly different from universal.

Unique Melodyの骨伝導イヤフォン、カスタムモデル

EST models without bone conduction are also exhibited.The release date and price are undecided.adopt mid -low range dynamic x 1, mid -high range Ba x 2, high -range Ba x 2, and ultra -wide area.

In addition, UNIQUE MELODY is also developing a complete wireless "TWS3020".The price and release date are undecided.

骨伝導の無いESTモデルもUnique Melodyの完全ワイヤレス「TWS3020」

"MaVERICK TI" is scheduled to be released in February, and the price is around 130,000 yen (tax included).a 6 -driver configuration with a hybrid type.Low -range dynamic x 1, mid -low range Ba x 1, mid range Ba x 1, high -range Ba x 2, custom semi -opening Ba (for T.F.a.T) is also installed.

左がMaverick Ti

Copec Japan

Cayin Japanのコーナーでは、据置きプリメインアンプ「CS-55a」を国内初出展した。出力段として、トライオードモードとウルトラリニアモードの切り替えが可能。真空管のKT88、もしくはEL34をユーザーの好みに合わせて楽しめるという。価格は未定だが、30万円後半くらいのイメージだという。


新たに取り扱う、米ausoundsのラインナップも紹介。完全ワイヤレス×3機種と、ネックバンド型のワイヤレスイヤフォン×1を用意。予定価格、約2万2,000円の完全ワイヤレスの上位モデル「aU-Stream Hybrid」には、ハイブリッドのアクティブノイズキャンセリング機能を搭載。下位モデル「aU-Stream aNC」にはハイブリッドではなく、集音用マイクは外向きのみ搭載だがノイズキャンセリング機能を搭載する。

上位モデル「aU-Stream Hybrid」


「aU-Stream aNC」ノイズキャンセリング非搭載の「aU-Stream」

ネックバンド型モデル「aU-Flex aNC」もラインナップ。LDaCをサポートするほか、ドライバーに低域用のダイナミック型と、中高音用に平面駆動形ドライバーを採用したハイブリッド仕様になっているのが特徴だ。

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