With your own Uber sweets experience in a movie!Real poverty drawn by young directors | Friday digital

The unique documentary film "Tokyo Bicycle Festival" is gaining popularity.Since it was released in Pole Pole Higashi -Nakano (Tokyo) on July 10 this year, it has been released in Osaka and Aichi, and since October, the number of buildings has been further expanded in Kanagawa, Saitama and Hyogo.

The film director Takashi Aoyagi (28), who lost his job due to Corona's evil and became the poor, was drawn.He went to Tokyo from Yamanashi to work in Tokyo and took the time he spent as a Uber sweets driver only with simple equipment mainly taking a mobile phone.Through his films, "the real poverty of young people living in the present age."

"My annual income is less than 1 million yen even in front of Corona. That was zero in Corona. I still have no awareness that I am the poor."

During the Corona's evil, the opportunity for young poverty to be featured in the media has increased.However, Mr. Aoyagi sometimes felt uncomfortable after seeing the superficial news.How to convey structural problems to the world, not as straight news.The reason for taking the megaphone there is also condensed.

"I think there are two types of poverty, one is financial poverty. The other is mental poverty. The two are more likely to overlap, but these two are divided.I think you should think. Fortunately, I'm doing what I want to do, and I'm sure it's mentally rich.

So there is resistance to being considered the poor.Rather, I think that this situation will be a story and catch it positively.Is it okay to apply such a person to the category of poverty?But if the public can see, I chose a method of using the situation to appeal to the world in video. "

Aoyagi, born in Ichikawa Misato -cho, Yamanashi Prefecture, was born as the youngest of three brothers and went to Nippon College.However, his father broke his physical condition and his family's household became painful.He managed to borrow a 5.5 million yen scholarship in college and graduate, but for a year he was overtaken to pay for his tuition and was forced to leave school.

Originally, he majored in fiction movies, but changed the field to a documentary halfway.When she asks the reason, she recalls that she was desperate for her talent while in school.

"Compared to my classmates, I realized how boring my script was. There's a top on the top, and it doesn't compete even if it's upside down.I thought I could cover it. "

"Hiikun no Kouku -cho", which was taken while attending school, was the first theatrical release work for the school's graduation work.At the age of 23, he became a director of a commercial work, but as a result, Aoyagi looked back at the time that his honor might have dropped himself into poverty.

Although he was asked to find a job from a video -related company, he was forced to prepare for the release of the movie and did not have time to find a job.After graduating, she returned to Yamagata's parents' house, and worked on an irregular work on a single -shot video, working part -time on driving and izakaya.However, the effects of the new colon virus have all of these jobs become zero.

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He drew people who suffered from scholarship repayments, and he himself had begun to work on a tuna fishing boat, but the project stopped in the wake of Corona.I had no work locally.As a last resort, he thought that he would work as a Uber sweets driver and earn living expenses.

I saw the news that the Uber Sweets driver could earn, but the reality was strict.Initially, I ran more than 50 kilometers a day for 10 hours a day and could only earn 7600 yen.I was able to earn around 10,000 yen as I got used to it, but it wasn't a good job.From around April last year, part -time workers who lost their jobs and office workers in telework have been working on the job of the delivery staff.Competition intensifies and earnings decrease.Nevertheless, Aoyagi says, "I was very addictive and at least I was addicted."

"In a word, it feels like a" real smartphone game ". There is also a mechanism called" Quest ", which increases income by handling the specified number of delivery, so one more thing cannot be escaped from the swamp.Above all, it is easy to do with a single smartphone, and the money will enter immediately, so I get addicted. However, there is no compensation even if an accident occurs, everything is at my own risk. The Uber side is essentially no riskThe driver is exploited and danced.

But those who are aware of it probably don't have Uber sweets.The business is convenient and suitable for the times, but there was a fear that if such a system was taken root, the distance between the people would go away, the loneliness would create, which would result in poverty.So I wanted to show the video through my own experience, not how to be danced, but how to dance. "

In Tokyo, I walked across my friend's house without the funds to rent a room, but sometimes I stayed on the street and at a Kabukicho internet cafe or private video store.At that time, he felt a microcosm of modern society.

"I thought about getting cooking, but the self -esteem was not able to work at the end. At that time, the private room video was an all -you -can -eat beef bowl and curry at a cost of 100 yen for 30 minutes. This is an effort.It's a pretty lifeline. Young people and uncles line up, silently flattened with beef bowl and curry.I didn't say it. But when I went to a park with cooking, there were no young people. It was interesting that I could see such a line clearly. "

The video was mainly taken on my own iPhone.He said that his self -documentary work was based on how to shoot YouTuber.There is also a message of Aoyagi -san.

"As a Uber sweets driver, I noticed that I noticed that I noticed that no matter where I cut it, the urgency was reflected."Avoid Sanpimi," said Governor Koike, where a crowded train was running in the Aurora Vision, and it was Akakobe.

In such an era, the way young people treat the society, and even young people like me can be expressed with one iPhone.In other words, it is an era where everyone has a chance to express it.YouTube is the best thing.When my job was converted hourly, it was less than 600 yen.Still, I think that there is a human richness, and it is troublesome to say that even if it is said to be poverty (laughs), it is troublesome (laughs).

There is no sign that his debt will be reduced at all.Nevertheless, I feel that the word poverty does not apply to Aoyagi.The up -and -coming video writer moves to Tokyo for the next work and runs around the city to find the subject.

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