Prison all over France, Landline Installation in the Cabinet 1 Photo International News: AFPBB NEWS

[January 3 AFP] In France, a plan to install a landline in prison is underway.The Ministry of Justice has begun bidding on the new business on Tuesday.

 With the establishment of a landline in the sculpture, the company aims to improve the rehabilitation rate of inmates and reduce the purchase of mobile phones in prison.It has already been experimentally implemented in one place since 2016 and has been successful.

 According to Le Monde, a telecommunications carrier will be bidding in the future, and a total of 50,000 bunches will be set up in 178 prisons throughout France from the end of this year.You will be able to make a phone call to the four permission to be permitted anytime, any day or night.But this new freedom is not cheap for inmates.Inmates have pointed out that telephone charges could be up to 0.8 euros (about 108 yen) per minute.

フランス全土の刑務所、監房内に固定電話設置へ 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News

 France, like other countries, is struggling to bring in a secret mobile phone in prison.The number of confiscated telephones and peripheral devices was only in the previous year of last year, up to more than 19,000, compared to about 70,000 inmates throughout the Buddha.

 According to the Ministry of Justice, there have been public telephones in prisons, but inmates needed to be accompanied by staff.In addition, there was an inconvenience that there was a line on the phone, and even if my turn came, it was out of time and could not be used.

 In the prison of Montmedy, the eastern part of the Buddha, the phone has been called for all the crafts since July 2016.As a result, the seizure of illegal mobile phones in the previous year decreased by 31 % year -on -year.(C) AFP / CAROLINE TAIX / SOFIA BOUDERBALA

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