Tips to make the iPad battery a little longer -iPad computerization course | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

The lithium -ion battery mounted on the iPad is charged in two stages.

Software update is indispensable

In order to make the iPad battery last longer and extend the service life, it is important to keep the OS that controls the battery, etc. in the latest state.The latest OS often has advanced control and power saving technology, which leads to a shortage of batteries with old OS.

Pay attention to the surrounding temperature of the battery

In order to keep the battery temperature normal, it is necessary to avoid extreme surrounding temperature (for example, left in a high -temperature car or exposed to direct sunlight for a long time).The optimal temperature range of the iPad is 0 ° C to 35 ° C (as with iPhone and Apple Watch, the MacBook series is 10 ° C to 35 ° C), especially at a temperature exceeding 35 ° C.Not only is the charging restricted, but the time that can be driven by one charge may be shorter than usual or damage that cannot be recovered to the battery.

At the same time, do not put it in a case where you can keep your fever during charging so that you do not generate excessive heat.It is not abnormal that the iPad has a little heat while charging or using it, but be careful if you have excessive heat.In some cases, the iPad will automatically adjust the internal temperature, which will stop charging the iPad, darken the screen, close the application, and display the warning screen.

Especially when the temperature warning screen is on, the iPad may be in a deep sleep state and may not be available.In that case, let's quickly move the iPad to the optimal temperature range.

Settings to last longer the battery

If you want to make the battery last longer while using iPad, we recommend that you try the following two settings.This is a method that everyone can easily try without greatly affecting the use of the iPad.

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1) The display requires a lot of power among the hardware mounted on the iPad that reduces the brightness of the screen.Therefore, you can extend the driving time of the battery by reducing the brightness of the screen.

2) Use Wi-Fi to use Wi-Fi when browsing the Internet with an iPad or exchanging data.Wi-Fi has less power consumption than a mobile phone network.

Check the battery usage status

If you want to manage the battery drive time, check out how your iPad uses the battery.If you select "Settings" app → [Battery], you can check the battery usage for each application for the past 24 hours or up to 10 days.

What I want to focus on here is the application that is described as "background processing".This indicates that while using another app, it worked in the background and used the battery.If you allow the background update of the app, there will be a lot of processing behind and you will consume a battery, so if you want to extend the battery drive time, it is recommended to use it only when connecting to Wi-Fi or turn it

Other ways to last long

In addition, if you want to last longer the battery drive of the iPad, shorten the time before the display automatically locks, or turn off Wi-Fi or mobile data communication (in-flight mode).There are also methods such as.

If the display is frequently released by the notification from the app, the power is consumed, so it is also effective to turn off the push notification from the "Settings" app → [Notification].

The iPhone has the "low power mode" installed (the function that the iPhone automatically adjusts the battery driving time when turned on) is expected to be supported from iPados 15, which is scheduled to be released this fall.。

What time is suitable for charging?

Finally, when charging the iPad, a problem that many people tend to worry about is when to charge.From the answer, the lithium -ion battery of the iPad (and Apple products) is "always whenever you like" charging.On the Internet, I sometimes see the theory that "battery should be used up completely and then charged", but that is a mistake.

In the iPad, if you use up 100%battery capacity (when discharged), you have completed a single charging cycle.For example, when 50%of the battery is consumed in a day and fully charged, it is counted as a single charging cycle the next day.Therefore, there is no need to use up everything for each charge, and in the case of iPad, it is designed to maintain up to 80%of the original battery capacity even if this charging cycle is repeated 1,000 times.

It changes with daily habit

The iPad lithium -ion battery is a consumable item, so if you use it, it will have a life.However, if you know the little tips that anyone introduced here, it is possible to extend the driving time and service life for a little longer.

Recent iPads have excellent durability, and the cases of "replacement if it breaks" has become very low.In addition, even if it is old, the number of cases in which the processing performance is replaced due to problems should be decreasing.Rather, there are many cases where "battery life = replacement of iPad", so if you want to keep using it for a long time, you should take care of the iPad battery.

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