This is convenient! How to operate Windows from iPhone

There are many users who use Windows at work while using an iPhone or iPad. Considering the share, it is natural that the iPhone occupies about half of the share of smartphones, but according to StatCounter Global Stats, the desktop OS share in July 2021 will be 15.4% for macOS, which is lower than Windows. ing. It's true that the iPhone/iPad and Mac work seamlessly together, so it's convenient, but the combination of an iPhone for a smartphone and Windows for a PC seems to be closer to reality.

On the other hand, there may be times when you want to access apps that were only on your Windows PC or files that were left on your Windows PC from your iPhone or iPad. In the latter case, it would be nice if the files were completely synchronized with cloud services such as iCloud, but if the files were left locally, there would be nothing to do. For such times, I want to be able to operate Windows directly from my iPhone or iPad.

This is convenient! Windows from iPhone Tricks to operate

There are multiple ways to do this, but the quickest way is to install an application that allows remote access to Windows. In addition, although it is limited to business use such as corporations and sole proprietors, from August 3, a service called "Windows 365" that remotely accesses and uses Windows placed on the cloud has started. With these features and services, you can operate Windows directly on your iPhone or iPad. Here's how.

Easy access to your home PC with Chrome extensions

Remote desktop is a function of Windows that allows you to connect to your PC remotely via a network. Although it is a standard OS function, it is only for "Windows 10 Pro" and not for home use "Windows 10 Home". In some cases, an application called VNC is used to remotely control Windows like Remote Desktop. However, all of them are a little complicated, such as setting the IP address, and there are cases where it is necessary to change the settings of the router. A quicker and free option is Google's Chrome Remote Desktop.

Chrome Remote Desktop is, as the name suggests, a Chrome extension. If you install it in your browser, you can easily operate Windows from a terminal logged in with the same Google account. Although it is labeled as Chrome, it can also be installed on Edge, the browser that comes standard with Windows 10. All you need to do is install the Chrome Remote Desktop app from the App Store on the iPhone or iPad that will access it.

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