A trick to prepare a "sub-line" for free on the iPhone

Due to Docomo's communication failure that occurred around 17:00 on October 14th, voice calls and data communication were difficult to connect for about 12 hours. The cause was that the migration of the subscriber/location management server for IoT (Internet of Things) failed, and the processing capacity of the server was exceeded when returning to the old equipment, but the failure involved smartphones such as iPhones. Expanded. At this point, the service has been restored, and DoCoMo is taking measures to prevent recurrence, but communication failures can occur for other reasons, such as disasters, so it is difficult to eliminate them. This is the same for carriers other than DoCoMo.

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Communication is an essential infrastructure for work and life. Although the probability is low, it is better for the user to take countermeasures as it will always occur. Fortunately, thanks to the government's support, communication costs are falling year by year, and the number of lines that are easy to maintain for backup use is increasing. Some lines do not require maintenance costs, so if you subscribe to another line separately from the main line, it will be useful in case of emergency. Since the iPhone XS and later iPhones are compatible with eSIM, it is possible to use two lines at the same time as long as the SIM is not locked, so it is a good idea to prepare a backup line.

Free sub line on iPhone Tricks to prepare for

For example, KDDI's newly launched online-only brand povo2.0 is one of them. There is a way to keep Rakuten Mobile at 0 yen. Both carriers support eSIM, so you can keep it separate from your main line. Here, we will introduce carriers and fees that are optimal for backups and do not require maintenance costs. I would like you to consider using it as a cane before you fall.

povo2.0, which allows you to purchase data capacity only when you use it

povo, which was introduced by KDDI in March as an online-only rate plan, had a data capacity of 20GB, which was the same as other companies.

Povo 2.0 is characterized by the ability to easily add toppings with the app (photographed by the author)

In September, this system was completely revised and relaunched as "povo 2.0." Even the monthly payment system, which had become common sense in mobile phone charges, was abolished, and it was reborn in a form close to prepaid. If it's just the basic charge, it doesn't cost even 1 yen, and even in that state, you can use communication at 128Kbps. The line is the same as au, the area is wide, and it supports 5G.

Only when you want to enable high-speed communication, you can purchase options called "toppings", and it is easy to add data capacity by selecting the data capacity with a dedicated app. In addition to toppings by capacity such as 1GB, 3GB, and 20GB, there is also a topping that allows unlimited use of data communication for 24 hours, making it ideal as a backup line.

It is also compatible with eSIM, so it is easy to use as a backup line that you can put in your iPhone for the time being.

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