“The Strongest and Biggest”

Night view of Hefei Advanced Computing Center "Lake Moon Moon" (July 30, 2021)

Workers in Hefei advanced calculation center internal equipment maintenance (Applause on July 30, 2021)

Science and technology progress, industrial development, equality and undeveloped computing power.

In Hefei High-tech Zone, Hefei Advanced Computing Center “Luhu Mingyue” scheduled operation, serviced by Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center construction, war new industry development, public safety and other areas. Since its introduction in June last year, it has accumulated 350 research institutes and enterprise organizations, and has served 1,000.

Super strong arithmetic power "Luhu Meigetsu" future rise

Under the warm sun in Kasuga, Hefei Hi-tech Zone, Swallow River Road and Dalongshan Road intersection, average price of 16.8 meters, high 13.5 meters, the "glass cube" of the heat, attracts attention, this is the plan to advance to Hefei. The central “Luhu Mingyue”, so-called Hefei “The Strongest Body”.

Inside the “glass cube”, a super-large space of 225 square meters with four floors above and below where one supercomputer is installed. "Lake Lake Mingyu" investment construction unit --- the city's large scale company subordinated the construction of 1500 multi-service equipment construction under this machine, and 120 calculation machines are underway. “Different service devices have different functions, own service devices pass through 100Gb/s high-speed optical fiber connection, high-speed exchange, compositional network.”

What is the name of "Luhu Ming Yue" and why is it called Hefei "the strongest body"? Introduction, this super advanced computing machine includes scientific computing, artificial intelligence computing, computational computing and other various computing technologies, and the system construction model is a bi-precision computing peak of 12PFlops, an integer computing peak of 256Pops, and a mathematical storage capacity of 15PB.

"Double-precision calculation peak is equivalent to scientific calculation, 1PFlops is a calculation machine with a calculation capacity of 10 million billion times per second." 1PFlops of work required to complete the required 36 years of talent. Integer calculation peak is intelligent calculation, "Lake Moon Moon" intelligent calculation can be processed at the same time, 30 million images, 900,000 small time sound translation, 3000 miles automatic driving number, its capacity is equivalent to 120,000 copies, 128G manual capacity, large capacity There are 100 million high-definition pictures.

At the moment, the Hefei Advance Accounting Center is currently in the process of promoting the second phase of the project. “On the basis of supercomputation in the past, the introduction of quantum computing and other frontier technologies can be expanded in three directions after construction.” Major national scientific research items: Two steps forward, one step ahead, the development of industrial industries, promoting the growth of new industries in Hefei and Anhui provinces;

Service development

Arithmetic power is the result of productivity, and there is a lot of performance in the computer itself as a production tool because there is no work in it, and there is also a connection with the application.

“Since the service provided to foreign countries, the scientific research institute in Hefei advanced calculation center has achieved the first results in the industrial and civil areas.” Resources, manipulative equipment average cost rate is more than 50%, has been growing for a while, has reached a peak cost rate of 60%.

Nursing Science Research Area, Hefei Advanced Computing Center is the Original Creation of New He Foundation, providing strong computational power support. Central support for high-end scientific research areas such as the doctor's team of the University of China's Jinlong Academy, the doctor's team of the Li Yaxing Academy of Tsinghua University, and the scientific research team of the Hefei Institute of Materials Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. National Key Research Institute for Fire and Fire Sciences in China, fire prevention and fire materials research, fire dynamics research, etc. After completing the "Luhu Ming Yue" math test, saving time, high efficiency, and very convenient for the staff of the research institute. Currently working on a research project, the Chinese University of Science and Technology's independent research on the principle of first principle is about to be completed in the center, and it is possible to calculate a large-scale system of 10 million atoms.

Support science and technology development, clothing industry development. “Throughout central intelligent computing power, intelligent production, equipment monitoring, product design, etc., in the field of many applications, Hefei Advanced Computing Center provides excellent artificial intelligence production solution solutions for commercial cooperation, through consistent computing power, arithmetic, schemes, etc. resource advantages ,For enterprises to provide solutions.”Treasure trove, Municipal Department of Transportation, Department of Transportation, Developing "Running Xinping Joint" affiliated activities, At present, major competition new enterprises such as large scale flight, coming train and so on. Additionally, we provide artificial intelligence small and medium enterprises with arithmetic support. Not like this, relying on Hefei Advanced Computing Center Computing Resources, the domestic leading "classic-quantum" joint global developer platform --- quantum computing global developer platform, because global quantum computing from industry, developer and A professional duo space for lovers.

In addition to this, the many functions of “Lake Meigetsu” are related to our life and breath. In July 2021, in the process of the "smoke" alarm in Taiwan, the Hefei Advanced Computing Center supported strong computational power and combined sky global area integration number system. , And the road length and strength of the missing typhoon "smoke", the analysis of the typhoon effect and the release of the typhoon real time report, has been completed. At the same time, in the public security area, Hefei Advanced Planning Center multi-unit equipment department in Hefei Municipal Public Security Bureau will be used, and the immediate department will apply for Yunping Platform and Zhuhai Municipal Public Security Bureau feedback, and will actively support the construction of a safe city.

The Hefei Advance Accounting Center has been actively developing foreign cooperation. Multiple calculation resources. In front of the center, Nanjing Arithmetic, Suzhou Chao Arithmetic, Wu Zhiguang, and Kunshan Chao Arithmetic are interconnected.

Since then, Hefei Advanced Computing Center has received the item 《Language Triangular Science and Technology Community Construction Development Plan》,The final development of the item is “Liashi Hefei City, Facing Anhui Province, Radical Long Triangle” Aggregate Computation, Cross-Research Co. The new industrial trinity major science and technology platform establishment and public service platform, together with Anhui and national major area science and technology new, strategic new industrial industry rise and Wisdom City provide powerful direct support. ·The author of this article: Kuzu Kiyomasa

Exhibited at "Combined Power" Fusion Media Workshop

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