ISSUE, a side job platform that boosts development, asked 200 web engineers to create a business outsourcing unit price table.

Easier diffusion of technical knowledge

Resource Co., Ltd.
Resource Co., Ltd. (located in Nerima-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Kyoga Sagae) The engineer acquisition service "ISSUE", which started, asked 200 engineers and created a work unit price list. I would like to help you solve the problem of opaque unit price setting when working as a side job or freelance.

■What is the ISSUE service that allows you to acquire engineers from issues? By working immediately with engineers from issues, you can reduce mismatches and find engineers. ■Things I referred to when creating the unit price table During the interview, I asked the engineers about their current unit prices and their wishes, and compared them with their years and work content. ■Notes [2,000 yen to 3,000 yen] You will be at a level where you can do what you are instructed to do. This line is the entry zone. It is equivalent to the skill level of a person who suddenly became a freelancer from a beginner or an engineer in the first or second year. I think that this line also has student interns with some experience.

Side job platform to boost development

[3,000 yen to 4,000 yen] This is a line of engineers who have begun to understand abstract concepts. I am an engineer starting to understand classes and instances, object orientation, implementation architecture, etc. Also, by this time, I have mastered one language firmly. [4,000 yen to 5,000 yen] You can understand abstract concepts and compare them. I think that the boundary between this and the previous stage is ambiguous, but since I have a solid understanding, I am at a level where I can explain abstract concepts to less-experienced engineers and give instructions. However, there are many in the engineer market up to this line.

[5,000 yen to 6,500 yen] An engineer who has lead experience and can understand business logic and design services. From my experience, the population of the engineer market will start to decrease from here. Also, if there is one engineer at the level of this line, a development culture will begin to form and the development organization will be enriched. In order to exceed the unit price of 5,000 yen or more, I think it is necessary to clearly demonstrate that you have the ability to design careers and create better products. [6,500 yen to 9,000 yen] Specialist class. Some have deep knowledge in specific fields and are writing. I have the impression that many of them have experience working for famous companies or have a career that makes them feel that they can pay this amount. In addition, I think that there are many people who are doing management or doing consulting work based on their years of experience. [9,000 yen ~ 50,000 yen] Legend class. There are many people who have experience in CTO work in the past and are famous in the media. I think they are people who are at the top of a development organization with dozens of people. There were only 1 or 2 out of 200 people. At this level, rather than working at an hourly rate, some people have a contract to pay a fixed amount for spot consulting. I think this is the upper limit that engineers can get from writing code. ■How to use ISSUE 1. One-time use You can recruit engineers with specific knowledge. Example) In order to reduce costs, the search tool will be changed from aloglia to Elasticsearch, so we would like to recruit engineers who have knowledge of Elasticsearch One-off issue recruitment page You can use it when you want to request continuous development with limited time. First of all, let's ask for a simple issue and check if the required standards such as communication and catch-up are met. Example) Style fixes, minor bug fixes ■Features of the ISSUE service Spot import of knowledge Modern technology and highly specialized technology can be imported spot. Reducing mismatch costs by "working together first" Significantly reduces recruitment costs (personnel costs, advertising costs) by judging compatibility with engineers based on a single issue, instead of judging based on a trial period (2 months). You can cut. In contrast to general recruitment media with high matching accuracy, which provide general information such as technology stacks, ISSUE looks at the details of the issue and applies for engineers who have suggested that they can do it, so matching is possible. The accuracy of is getting higher. ■ Pre-registration page for corporations ■ Registration page for engineers ■ Background of ISSUE service creation The management team of ISSUE is an engineer. We always start product development by adopting the latest languages ​​and development systems. However, the progress of technology is dizzying, and it is common for the technology adopted one year ago to become obsolete or not mainstream. It is not easy to correct the course of technology or introduce a new language into the company, but there are cases where it can be achieved by bringing in a side job employee.If we connect with excellent side job engineers, knowledge will flow from outside I personally experienced that the product is also strengthened. I created "ISSUE" because I wanted to create a system to easily incorporate knowledge from excellent engineers. In addition, it is realistically difficult to in-house engineers, and from now on, it will be mainstream to borrow the power of external engineers. ISSUE provides a mechanism for that purpose. ■Company Profile Company Overview: Resource Co., Ltd. Location: 3-23-12 Toyotamanaka, Nerima-ku, Tokyo Representative: Kyoga Sagae, President and CEO Established: December 2018 Business: Sideline platform management Contact: https:/ /
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