Private accounting front view square,Financial bank account application successful land

Original title: My account front view, successful completion of financial transactions

In the era of numerical calculation, the numerical calculation is the key production factor for the new development of social science and technology, which is the key to the development of the social science and technology industry. Numerical work is one of the core production elements, and it is a tool that helps to develop from the ground up. Under such a large information environment, reasonable, legal land development is applicable, and effective, and land insurance is difficult to solve, which is an unavoidable problem of the times.

Personal accounting, private accounting, general market size or over 1,000,000 yuan. This market, which is waiting for you to meet, comprehensive sales, content, China's Ping'an internal business flow has been equipped with a "private calculation" technology advantage, no existing technology, or perhaps even uneven investment in research and development. Over 30 years of financial experience based on the Ping An Group, financial bank has successfully completed a large number of applications in the private accounting area.

Because of privacy-preserving computation, due to two or more participation methods, joint computational technology system, through numerical processing, joint machine learning and joint analysis, actual numerical processing, dense state or non-transparency (Opaque) Circumstantial calculations, from here on, for private protection purposes. It is not a single type of technology, but it is a multi-disciplinary cross-disciplinary technology system that includes artificial intelligence, occultism, mathematics science, etc. Comparable multi-center collaboration model or private security means, private security calculations can guarantee the accuracy of the actual calculation results, the number calculation process can be retrofitted, and the basic amount has been increased, and the number calculation degree is large. For this reason, we will increase the number of resources as much as possible, increase the resource utilization efficiency of the proposed number, and promote the development of the factorization market.

Similarly, in the financial sector, the long-term financial one-way transaction success medium of the bank's "Private Accounting Platform Mutual Communication" is an example. Independently and evenly, the company and the family business department information technology company jointly built a private accounting platform, jointly searching for a private accounting request under the urgent demand of the financial institution distribution cooperation model. It is a successful item compared to the "private calculation" technology.

In 2017, China's Ping An Air Service Opening Bureau private accounting area, over the years, it has been investigated, and one case has been decided as a "convenience tool", which is why it is a completely self-researched all-round numerical service business solution -- "Honeycomb". ” Nianbang Intellectual Private Computing Platform, which has obtained important awards such as “2020 BAI Global New Management Board Science and Technology New Conference”, “2020 China Computer Society Scientific Advancement Excellence Conference”. Supporting the technology behind the private accounting of financial transactions, coming from China Ping An this "honeycomb" Liaison intelligence private accounting platform.

My calculation front view square,financial bank Applied Successful Site_Number_Desk_Plate_Platform

Following is an example of a cooperation between a financial institution and a commercial bank. , Cooperative generals have developed a mutual communication landscape, and on the basis of breaking through the private calculation platform of "calculation island", moving forward one step to break "calculation island". In the future, 该 该 该 该 该 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 应 查询 查询 查询 黑 查询 查询 查询 隐 协 监 监 隐 隐 隐 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 监 隐 监 监 监 监 监

There are many examples of successful cooperation projects in private accounting areas and financial transactions. For example, assisting Zhongho to establish the actual asset management area management system standardization work, construction, construction, trust, security, preservation, etc. 8 major bases near 1600 items management standards, from the beginning to solve the security management company's small number of management tools, etc. Pain point, move forward insurance asset management number management.

In order to complete the successful closing of the bank security association, there is a need to control the flow of funds, and the financial bank communication is supported by the Shenzhen Bank Security Bureau. Advanced technology such as drawing technology, machine learning, etc., the central building of the external funding exchange and payment pipeline research of the real foreign water management bureau; center.

Financial Banking Information Introduction, "Private Accounting Platform Mutual Communication" items are applied to financial industry, anti-fraud, black name single review, etc. financial scene, future development to medical, medicine, etc. More areas. Through multi-lateral private calculation Pingtai joint cooperation, the number of existing accounts is based on private protection requirements, the potential of jointly active numbers, the increase of customer service. Looking back, see more

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