Invention of the century that saved mining workers ... Do you know the Trevisic Steam locomotive?

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Develop a steam locomotive with two parents and children

Today (April 13) in 1771 (April 13) was born, Richard TREVITHICK, 1771-1833, which invented a steam locomotive.


Trevisic, born in the Cornwall region of England, which is rich in mineral resources, spent his childhood looking at a steam engine that highlights groundwater from the tunnel.While working in the mine, he was interested in the casting business under the influence of his wife's parents' home, and wanted to make an efficient steam engine.

Around 1799, he developed a high -pressure steam engine that is more efficient than the conventional one.It features a small -size boiler and removes a "recurrent" that returns high -fever steam to liquid, which saves space and weight.He thought that if the steam engine would be smaller, it could be used as a power of vehicles, so he immediately moved to the development of a four -wheeled vehicle with a steam engine.

In 1804, Trevisic succeeded in developing the Penadaren, the first steam locomotive in 1804, with many failures at the prototype.The Penadaren succeeded in carrying 10 tons of iron, five passenger cars and 70 passengers, and the average speed was about 4 km / h.Although the speed is almost the same as walking, the invention means that the workers no longer have to handle many tonnes of coal and ore by hand.

ペナダレン号のレプリカ Photo by chris55, CC BY-SA 3.0

After the invention of Trevisic, his son, such as his son R. Francis Trevisic and Stevenson, has been improving steam locomotives and literally leading the UK industrialization.


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