The future of ESG management and digital Philanthropy -Del Technologies x NTT Data ~ | Data Insight | NTT Data

――The commonary between the two companies is “Digital Philan Solopy” (social contribution activities aiming to create social and corporate value using digital).First, please tell us about the details of the "AI image diagnostic access improvement project" for Tuberculosis, which NTT Data implemented in India, and the solutions and technical strengths that you want to utilize as NTT data.

Digital Philanthropy

Technical Innovation Headquarters Technology Development Division, Director Toshiichi Amemiya

ESG経営とDigital Philanthropyの将来~デル・テクノロジーズ×NTTデータ~ | DATA INSIGHT | NTTデータ

Technology Innovation Headquarters Technology Development Division, Director, Toshiichi Amemiya (hereinafter referred to as Amemiya) In India, is a project in collaboration with DeepTek, a local startup company invested in Microsoft and our company.In Chennai in southeastern India, we use medical image AI technology to screen 100,000 tuberculosis patients.Tuberculosis is not serious in Japan, but is still in the top 10 in India, and is an infectious disease that has died of about 400,000 people a year.The challenge in the country is that there are not enough radiologists who diagnose tuberculosis by looking at the chest X -ray photograph.Medical resources have not caught up to screen tuberculosis patients.Therefore, our ideas are to provide medical accessibility to more people by dispatching X -ray checkups to areas with poor medical access and screening patients to see if they are suspected of tuberculosis in AI.It is the purpose.Technically, in addition to the high accuracy of discovering tuberculosis with AI, it is also possible to support the situation where radiologists are tight, as they automatically write diagnostic findings with AI technology.In fact, the feature is that it does not rely only on the image diagnosis of AI, but to create a workflow that extracts suspected people and performs inspections with local governments.

―― Next, please tell us about DIGITAL LIFECARE's initiatives in India in India.

Matsumoto's "Digital Lifecare" is a project that originally started with female employees and their colleagues in our technical department in the latter half of 2013.There are many rural areas in India, but if information on preventive medicine can be used, it may be possible to judge or not go to the hospital for non -infectious diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer.So, first of all, six people developed the app.Since then, the number of NPOs who want to use this app has increased, and since 2017 has been introduced in multiple states, efforts have expanded, which has increased as a project.Now the Indian Tata Trusts and the Indian government are working as a project to spread throughout the country, and about 40 teams are participating in this project.Our role is the operation of the data center, which is the basis for using the app.

Del Technologies Co., Ltd. NTT Sales Management Headquarters Global Alliance Director Ken Ken Okamoto

Del Technologies Ken Okamoto (hereinafter, Okamoto) has just begun discussions on NTT Data, Deeptek, and DELL INDIA's healthcare team in digital life care.Kick-off meeting on September 17, taking advantage of NTT Data/Deeptek and our strengths, GTM (GO-TO program in the Digital Lifecare program in India in NTT Data's medical image AI technology.-Market), we are discussing whether it can be linked from a CSR perspective.

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