The fourth wave of the new Corona trend is already "5th month" ... Hurrying concrete measures = Korea

Citizens waiting for tests at a temporary PCR laboratory at Seoul Station Square on the morning of the 13th (image provision: Wowkorea)


In Korea, more than 5,000 new Coronavirus infected at 9:00 pm on the 14th.The fourth wave of the new Corona epidemic in Korea, which began in July, is in the fifth month.According to the Korean epidemic authorities and local governments such as Seoul, from 0:00 am to 9 pm on this day, a total of 5,803 new Coronaviruses were aggregated on the road and roads nationwide.。There are 869 more than the same time (4934 people) the same day.Seven out of 10 new infected people are occupied by the Tokyo metropolitan area.Seoul was the largest of 2469 people, followed by 1152 Kyung -gid (Gyeonggi -do), 462 Incheon (Incheon), and 333 Pusan (Busan).In addition, 193 people in Kyung Sambutt (Gyeongsang -Kitamichi), 179 Tegu (Daegu), 165 Chunchon Namd (Chukinchinan Expressway), 146 Kung Wondo (Ebara Road), Kyon San Namdo (Gyeongsangan -South Expressway).141 people, 137 Taejong (Daejeon), 97 Chong Chung -kuto (Chugen Kitamichi), 95 Chol Labutt (Jula Kitamichi), 60 Chorulanamed (Jula Minamichi), 59 Kwangju (Gwangju), 55 Ulsan (Ulsan), 34 Cheju (Jeju) and 26 Sejong (Sejong) were summarized.With a total of 30 employees and inmates in the Hongsong (Hongjo) prison on the Chugenin -Minami Expressway, infections were also confirmed one after another in the southern soul and eastern soul detention centers.According to the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Justice has recently found that four staff members had been positive for the new Coronavirus.Six infected people in the eastern Seoul detention center so far.In Ulsan, collective infections, mainly in two churches, occurred, causing a total of 63 infections.The government is considering specific measures in response to such a tendency to spread infection.There are plans to reduce the number of private rally in the Tokyo metropolitan area from the current six to four, and shorten the business hours of restaurants that were open without time limit by 0:00 am or 10 pm.It is being considered.In addition, the Korean government will extend the two weeks of overseas inflow management measures for two weeks to block the inflow of the new Coronavirus' new Coronavirus, Omicron shares, to the domestic stock.As a result, all immigrants, including Koreans, including Koreans, will take 10 -day isolation measures regardless of nationality or vaccinations, as the current measures are taken.If you are a Korean and a long -term stay, you will be isolated for 10 days at your home, etc., and you will be examined three times before entry, on the first day after entering the country, and before the isolation is canceled.A short -term stay is isolated for 10 days at temporary isolation facilities and must have three PCR tests.Measures to issue isolation exemptions for funerals and public affairs will be extended.

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